Sunday, June 24, 2012

Redemption from the Curse of Poverty.

Redemption from the Curse of Poverty.

by Pastor Kenneth Hagin
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith... And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
—Galatians 3:13,14,29
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law!
What is the curse of the law? The only way to find out is to go back to the law. The expression "the law" as found in the New Testament usually refers to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. As we go back to these books—or the law—we find that the curse, or punishment, for breaking God's law is threefold: poverty, sickness, and spiritual death.
8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.
Some people would have us believe that we don't have any promise in this life of any blessing, material or otherwise, but this Scripture emphatically declares that we do.
According to Deuteronomy 28:15-17,38-40, the curse of poverty was to come upon God's children if they disobeyed Him. It was a curse that would come upon them because they failed to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes.
Paul said, writing to the church at Philippi, ''But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:19). All your needs would include your financial, material, and other needs. In fact, in this chapter, Paul is talking about financial and material things.
Jesus Himself said, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33). These things that shall be added unto you are material things in life—something to eat, something to wear, and so on.
Some people seem to have the idea that if a person is a Christian, a believer in God, it is a mark of humility—a mark of godliness—for him to live in poverty and not have anything. They think you ought to go through life with the top of your hat out, the soles of your shoes out, and the seat of your pants worn out—just barely able to get along.
But that isn't what Jesus said. He said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Not taken from you; He said they shall be added unto you! Praise God!
LUKE 6:38
38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
First, let's ask this question: Is that the truth? Did Christ speak the truth, or was He lying? I believe it is the truth, don't you? Now notice that He said, "shall men."
Of course God is behind it, but He said, "shall men give into your bosom."
I remember a friend asked me some time ago, "Brother Hagin, do you ever preach from Luke 6:38?"
"Well," I answered, "I have used the Scripture. I don't knowif I ever used it for a text, but I have quoted it in my preaching at various times."
This man replied, "Well, recently we had a minister in our church who preached a two-week meeting, and he referred to that Scripture every night. One night he preached a sermon on it. You know, I'd never thought much about that verse until he emphasized it so much. Then, in the last service of the meeting, after our pastor had received the love offering for him, the evangelist said, 'Folks, I am impressed by the Spirit of God to receive an offering for the church here to put in an air-conditioning system.'"
My friend, who taught the Men's Bible Class, a large class of about 100, continued telling me about the last night's service.
"The evangelist said to the congregation of about 1,800, 'I want to get that $10,000 tonight! It sounds big, I know, and you've given during this meeting, but I want to challenge you.' He read us this text again which he'd mentioned every night, 'Give and it shall be given unto you.'
"Then he said, 'I don't want anybody to give anything they can afford to give. Give what you can't afford. If you feel you can afford to give $50 but not $100, give the $100. If you think you can afford to give $500 but not $1,000, give the $1,000. There's where the blessing is—and that's the truth.'
"Then he added, 'I'm going to lay my Bible here on the altar, and I want you to come and lay your money on this verse of Scripture and say, "Dear Lord, I'm acting on your Word." I'll pray especially for you, but I know God is going to repay you. It will work for you. And if it doesn't, I'll see that you get your money back, and nothing will ever be said about it.'"
The Sunday School teacher said, "Brother Hagin, I had a number of businessmen in my class. Two of them had come to me before this asking me to pray because their businesses were going bankrupt. Unless God did something within 30 days, they said they'd have to close their doorsHe went on, "Brother Hagin, I'm a witness to the fact that one of these men gave $500 in that offering and the other gave $250. It was really borrowed money, but in 30 days both businesses were out of the red! God blessed them immeasurably."
The Lord, in Malachi 3:10, spoke these words, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."
Actually, we haven't really given until we've paid our tithes.
One fellow said to me, "Brother Hagin, paying tithes—that's just under the Old Testament. That's just under the Mosaic Law. Didn't you know that?"
I would hate to exhibit my ignorance of the Bible by making such a statement. Abraham paid tithes 500 years before the law was given to Moses. Jacob paid tithes 250 years before then.
"Yes," someone said, "but there isn't any Scripture in the New Testament about paying tithes."
Those folks ought to learn to read. Look at Hebrews 7:8. What about that? That's New Testament, isn't it? "And here men that die receive tithes; but there he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth."
That's talking about Christ.
Abraham's Blessing Is Ours
Almost every time you get something good from the Word of God, or the promise of something good and a Scripture to stand on, someone pops up and says, "That's just for the Jews. That's not for us today."
I want you to know that Abraham's blessing belongs to us. It doesn't belong only to the physical descendants of Abraham; it belongs to us!
Remember how our chapter text said, "That the blessing of
Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ... And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Gal. 3:14,29).
Abraham's blessing is ours! They can't take it away from us anymore. Those doubters, unbelievers, joy killers, and doubt peddlers will not be able to take it away from us. Abraham's blessing is mine—Abraham's blessing is yours—through Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
Abraham's blessing was a threefold blessing. The first thing God promised Abraham was that He was going to make him rich.
"Do you mean God is going to make us all rich?" Yes, that's what I mean.
"Do you mean He's going to make us all millionaires?" No, I didn't say that.
But He is going to make us rich. You may not understand what the word "rich" means. The dictionary says it means "a full supply," or "abundantly provided for." Praise God, there is a full supply in Christ!
I had a new car once, but it didn't get good gas mileage—only about 13 1/2 mpg on the open road. This particular car had a reputation of getting good gas mileage, so they gave it a motor tune-up, replaced the spark plugs and the condenser, and reworked the carburetor.
As I watched, the mechanic said to me, "Preacher, here's one thing that's wrong. I don't know why they did it, but on this model they changed the carburetor. There's a setting on the inside as well as the outside. It can be set on either rich or lean. In this case it's set on rich. It's set so as to get a full supply."
God did not promise we would have a lean supply, but a rich supply. We're abundantly provided for! Praise God forever more!
I preached a meeting several years ago in a small New Jersey town for Pastor A. A. Swift of the Trinity PentecostalChurch. At that time he was 70 years of age. I wasn't preaching along these lines in those days—I would preach up to it and around it. I knew it was true, but nobody else was preaching that God had redeemed us from the curse of poverty, so I didn't know whether I should come out on it or not.
Knowing Brother Swift was a man of God, an old-timer in Pentecost considered to be one of the most outstanding Full Gospel Bible teachers, I talked to him about some of these Scriptures.
"Brother Hagin, you are absolutely right," he said. "You ought to preach that everywhere you go. God has promised to make every one of us rich."
Then he said, "Let me tell you how I found out. I received the Holy Spirit in 1908, and in 1911 my wife and I went to China as missionaries. (That was 'way back before there was a Full Gospel organization or a Pentecostal circle.)
"I was born and grew up in London, came over to Canada, and then to the United States, so I had some connections in England, and a mission there supported us. They gave us $1,236 a year. That's $103 a month support. And we spent the year 1911, or most of it, in China as missionaries.
"But every time I would go to pray—I had a place where I went for my secret prayers—the Spirit of God would deal with my heart and tell me, 'Send in your resignation. If these people knew you believe in speaking with tongues, they wouldn't support you, because they don't believe speaking with tongues is the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You have stayed quiet, which is almost the same as receiving the money under false pretenses. You can't preach what the Bible teaches. On the sly you may get it over to a few people, but if you come right out and preach it, that will be the end. I want you to preach the full truth.'
"Lord, what am I to do?" Brother Swift finally asked the Lord. "If I do that, my wife and I and our children will be cut offwithout any support here in China. It would be rough enough to be in America without support in 1912, much less in China. What am I to do?"
God answered him, "I want you to turn this mission station back to them. It wouldn't be right for you to steal it from them. [And it wouldn't.] You go over to another place and start a new work."
"Lord, start a new work in China in 1912 with no one to support it?"
"That's what I want you to do."
"Lord, we'll never make it."
"Didn't you know I promised to make you rich?"
Brother Swift replied, "If You did, I didn't know it. But I surely would be glad to know it."
Then the Spirit of the Lord asked, "Have you read Galatians 3:13,14 where it says Christ redeemed you from the curse of the law, being made a curse for you, that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles; that is, on you? The first thing I promised Abraham was that I would make him rich."
As Brother Swift related this, he said to me, "Then things began to open up to me. I got my Bible and read it—and sure enough, there it was! I sent in my resignation and went over to another place and began a new work. For the first six months, it was difficult."
Don't think there won't be trials. But just because tasks come, trials mount up, and it looks like it isn't working doesn't mean it isn't true. You see, God doesn't always settle up every Saturday night. God doesn't settle up the first of every month. But I want to tell you—God does settle up sooner or later. Sooner or later there comes a payday!
Many people think they have gotten away with sin because they got away with it for one week and judgment didn't fall. They got by two weeks and judgment didn't fall. They went on a month or more and judgment didn't come. They began to feel alittle easier, a little better. They said, "Well, it looks as if I got by with that." But I want to tell you, sooner or later, it is coming.
"For the first six months of that year," Brother Swift told me, "it looked as if my wife and I and our two small children were going to starve to death in China, cut off from the support in England, with nobody from America to support us. What did we do?
"Well, I stayed calm, sweet, and quiet—I didn't do a lot of praying. I simply reminded God of what His Word said. I knew He was going to do something about it.
"When the year was over and I checked up, God had given me $3,750 in American dollars!"
In 1912, $3,750 was like having $15,000 or more today. He had been getting $1,236 a year. This year he got three times as much. God promised He would make him rich. Praise God forever more!
You know, friends, most of us are not poor because we have honored God—but because we have dishonored Him. (I've given you Scriptures to prove it.)
Someone said, "Oh, yes, but Brother Hagin, I'm afraid of money."
"Why?" I asked.
"The Bible says money is the root of all evil...."
The Bible doesn't say that at all. The Bible says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Tim. 6:10). You could be guilty of that sin and not have a dime. It's not wrong to have money; it's wrong for money to have you.
If money becomes a man's master, it is wrong. A man can love money so much that he'll pick it up anywhere he goes, any way he can. If you cut off his hands, he'll get it with his toes. If you cut off his toes, he'll pick it up with his teeth. If you pull his teeth, he'll gum it. If that's in him, he'll get it. It's his master.
The Bible says that the silver and the gold are God's (Hag. 2:8). The bible says that the cattle on a thousand hills are God's(Ps. 50:10). Why did God put all these things here, anyway? He surely didn't put them here for the devil and his gang! If He did, then He loves the devil's children more than He does His own children.
That would be like some man letting his children go hungry and not paying the rent while he goes across the street and pays some other woman's rent and feeds some other woman's children. God doesn't love the devil more than He loves us. Isn't that right?
Somebody said, "Brother, I guess I'm another Job."
What do you mean you're another Job? Praise God, if you're God's Job, you'll get your healing. Job got healed.
Some people think, "Poor old Job—he went through life sick, suffering, and afflicted."
Why, the whole Book of Job happened in nine months' time. If Job was ever sick again, we don't know it. The Bible didn't say so. And if he'd ever had anything else like that, the Bible would have said so.
God healed his body! God gave him 10 more children. God gave him twice as much as he had to begin with: twice as many camels, twice as many sheep, twice as many oxen, and twice as many donkeys. And Job lived 140 more years. He lived to see his children's children until the fourth generation. Glory to God! That's the way God does things. If it's wrong to be prosperous, then God did wrong by doing all that.
17 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.
There are always those in society who are unfortunate. God has blessed and prospered us, and He doesn't want us to be miserly. He wants us to help others, so God said, "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord." If the Lord were to come to you today and say, "I need $100," would you loan it toHim? Or if one of your brothers were to come to you to borrow $100, would you loan it to him if you could?
"Whoever has pity on the poor lendeth to the Lord" is what the Bible says. And God said, "I'll repay him." I believe He will, don't you? I don't believe He lied about it.
Just how is He going to pay it? I don't know, but I think we can have some idea of it from Luke 5:4-7, where Christ borrowed Simon Peter's boat. He repaid Peter by giving him two shiploads of fish. There's one thing about it: There is nothing stingy about the Lord!
I want people to know that I'm on God's side. I'm on the blessing side. I'm going to take advantage of what belongs to me in Christ. And I want you to take your stand. You know now what the blessing is. Hallelujah



June 22, 2012 When you acknowledge God as your Healer and Deliverer, HE will do it again and again and again! Here is another faith-building testimony from an Emmanuel TV viewer in Germany:
“Emmanuel! I have a wonderful testimony to share to the glory of God. I had nightmares and was threatened by the spirit of death. I would regularly see people who I knew to be dead in my dreams and had this fear that I could die at any moment whenever I was going out, especially when in a vehicle. Secondly, my blood platelet count began dropping during pregnancy. My doctor told me the only solution was to remove the baby ahead of time to avoid excessive bleeding during delivery or after birth. The low platelet count was accompanied by protein and blood in my urine which was also abnormal and concerned the doctors. They said that without this operation, the excessive bleeding could be fatal for me.
“However, having recently discovered Emmanuel TV, I decided to pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua through Emmanuel TV. To my amazement, immediately after the prayer, my platelets bounced back. The number increased back to a normal range and the doctors confirmed there was no more protein or blood in my urine. I was not induced neither was my baby removed by a caesarean section before due time.
“When I had signs of labour, I called one of the Emmanuel TV prayer lines and was prayed for safe delivery. When I was prayed for, an incredible sense of peace settled in my heart and I just kept meditating on the prayer that was offered for me. I delivered a baby boy safely the following morning. Thank You, Lord, Jesus! Also, the fear of death and those terrible nightmares have also disappeared. I give God all the glory.”
Mosoh Confidence, Germany

Bone Growths Dissolved!

Bone Growths Dissolved!

June 15, 2012 Mrs Victoria Banda from Zambia shares with us her wonderful testimony of healing through praying with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV and ministering Anointing Water she received from a friend who had visited The SCOAN. God is good, all the time!
“I am a Zambian woman who has benefited from the use of Anointing Water. I had a severe pain in both of my heels that was steadily getting worse as time progressed. It was so painful that even walking was difficult. Being a teacher by profession, my work was affected as I could not stand for a long time. This went on for a very long time.
“After doing an x-ray, it was discovered that I had bone growth on both heel bones. The doctor told me that it was a permanent condition and therefore I was going to be on pain killers or/and be taken for an operation to scrape off the bone growth temporarily. I continued on the strong pain killers through injecting directly into the heels once every week. The procedure was very painful, and would give relief for a short time only.
“Being a regular viewer of Emmanuel TV, one day while watching I prayed with Prophet T.B. Joshua on the screen and decided to discontinue the medication and trust God for my healing.
“A few days after taking this step of faith, I was privileged to minister the Anointing Water I had received from a friend who had visited The SCOAN, with faith and prayer. Immediately after ministering it, the pain just disappeared. From that moment onwards, the pain is no longer there. I can now work long distances, wear flat shoes, stand for a long time in class – which used to be a very big problem for me. The bone growths have just dissolved! Even people who used to see me with my problem wonder which medicine healed me. I tell them GOD healed me! When I returned to the doctors, they couldn’t explain what had happened. I thank the Almighty God for His unfailing love.”
Mrs Victoria Banda, Zambia

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Historic Crusades by Benny Hinn

Benny Hinn Ministries has seen unprecedented doors opened for ministry around the globe for more than 30 years. During the past four years, especially, the pace has quickened and spread significantly:
We saw 2004 as a breakthrough year, with capacity crowds filling arenas throughout the United States and places such as Costa Rica, India, Japan, Australia, England, Switzerland, Canada, Israel, and Guatemala. Multiplied millions heard the clear-cut message of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
In 2005, Benny Hinn preached face to face to over 21 million souls in faraway places such as the Philippines, Nigeria, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Ireland, Brazil, and South Africa, including 7.3 million in India alone—history’s largest healing service.
During 2006, in addition to crusades and conferences held in North American cities, Benny Hinn flew to massive oversees meetings in Fiji, South Korea, Indonesia, Denmark, Trinidad and Tabago, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, England, Italy, Greece, and Argentina. In all, well over 10 million people heard the preaching of the Gospel.
During 2007, because of the unprecedented move of God throughout the whole earth, we have traveled to the furthest corners of the world and seen hundreds and hundreds of thousands accept our wonderful Jesus as their personal Savior through Holy Spirit Miracle Crusades in such places as the Dominican Republic to Cyprus, South Africa, Singapore, the UK, Uganda, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, and most recently in Paris, France. Countless lives have been saved, healed, and delivered during this year, to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ!
During the past two years, according to our flight logs, I have spent over 1240 hours in the air, exclusively for ministry-related travel. By comparison, according to the National Business Aviation Association, the average major corporation’s plane spends 408 hours in the air each year—for all of their executives combined! And the upcoming months point to an even greater pace as we seek to fulfill Matthew 24:14, to take this end-time witness to the nations!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Reconciliation Is Rapidly Taking Place between Benny and Suzanne Hinn

This is from Pastor Benny Hinn himself.As God continues to work in our midst, Suzanne and I thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for praying for us and our family. The Lord has surely answered your prayers! Suzanne and I are more in love with each other than ever before.

The covenant we made with God more than 30 years ago was never broken in His sight. Both of us believe our greatest days are ahead and the best is yet to come!

Sue and I have submitted to godly counsel and oversight to ensure our past mistakes will not be repeated, and we will continue to do so.

The last three years have been very painful for Suzanne and me and for the children—more painful than we can ever describe.

Our marriage died for two reasons. First of all, when my precious Lord Jesus called me into ministry I promised Him I would give my all to Him...and I have. But what I did not realize was that in the process of ministering around the world, it was taking a far greater toll on my marriage than I realized. I once believed that my ministry came before my family, and I now realize that I was wrong. God comes first, then my family, and then my ministry.

At the same time, my wife, Suzanne started taking certain prescription medications to help her cope with some of her personal struggles. She became dependent on those for nearly 15 years, and those medications made her behave erratically at times. As her husband, I did not know the extent of her reliance on these medications, nor did I fully understand just how much harm they were causing to her, physically and emotionally.

After our marriage ended, Suzanne decided that she needed professional help to gain freedom from her chemical dependence and checked herself into the Betty Ford Center in early 2010. And for three and a half months she underwent exhaustive treatment. Today she is totally set free from the need for these medications—she is completely whole—and for that I give the Lord Jesus the praise.

The truth of the matter is that Suzanne filed for divorce because she was in a deep emotional and physical crisis that affected her in such a way that caused her to make a decision she now regrets. And although it was, without question, the most agonizing two and a half years of my life, the end of our marriage most certainly woke me up, and the Lord used it to show me—as a man of God and as a man—that I cannot function properly without my wife and family.

Today I'm ready to tell you that our Lord Jesus has healed my family in a most remarkable and miraculous way. He has healed Suzanne completely as well as our relationship. In fact, my relationship with her now is stronger and closer than ever. She has become my closest and sweetest friend. We're having more fun together than I can ever remember. We are very excited about the future, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and she with me.

Again, I want to thank you for praying and loving us as you have!

Suzanne and I believe that the ministry God gave us will be greater than ever in the future. She will be by my side for the rest of my life. And most certainly we will let you know of upcoming plans as we plan to be reunited in marriage.

Dear partner, in so many ways tragic loss in my marriage and family was the greatest thing that could have happened to Sue and me. Even though it was painful and harmful to both our family and the ministry, God Almighty, in His amazing wisdom, has used it to bring us back together, closer than ever.

And through this season both of us have learned painful and heavy lessons that have made us better people and have certainly caused me to be a more compassionate and effective minister for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The last three and a half years were painful, not only for our family but also for this ministry. The ministry suffered greatly as many partners walked away, not knowing the truth about our situation. Sue and I are praying that many of those who left will come back and stand with us.

We believe, as we move forward, that God will not only save souls and heal bodies but will heal families. In fact, Sue and I want to open a home for couples who are struggling in their marriages. (We'll tell you more about that in the future!) We do not want to see any other couple go through what we have.

We want to preach the Gospel with all our hearts, we want to see the power of God descend with power and might, and we want to see families become whole, for the glory of God. Our course is increasingly clear!

But we must have your help. The ministry has suffered financially greatly because of the struggles in our marriage. We are beginning to see an upsurge now, but we truly need a miracle to be able to do what God has called us to do.

I can say now that the ministry was on the way to total collapse, but now we are seeing a beautiful turnaround—in fact, members of my team have rejoined the ministry, including my beloved friend Jim Cernero, who is back with me leading the praise and worship in my meetings. I want you to be part of the breakthrough we are experiencing together, and that's why Suzanne and I need you, now more than ever, to stand with us prayerfully and financially.

Do all you can do and send the very best gift you can today to strengthen the ministry God has given us! The restoration will be complete as you stand with me with your strength, your love, your forgiveness, and your prayers.

I can tell you that this healing ministry is going to be a greater healing ministry now, and I truly believe that we are entering an unprecedented season where we will see God healing lives, bodies, hearts, and homes in a way we've never experienced before!

As I ask you to prayerfully consider planting your most generous seed this month, I am believing with you for three very specific miracles:

  1. All losses will stop in your life.
  2. You will have total restoration and recovery in your finances, your life, and your family. God will restore the years the locust has eaten (Joel 2:25).
  3. Total abundance will come your way.
About two years ago the Lord spoke to me to give a monthly gift to a man of God, which I continue to do to this day. As I obeyed the Lord, I remember the Lord saying to me, “Because you obeyed Me, there will be no more losses in your life. Because you obeyed Me, there will be total restoration in your life. Because you obeyed Me, there will be total abundance.”

I thought at the time that the Lord meant in the area of finances. What I am seeing now is that He meant a whole lot more. Not long after that, a couple paid for the legal fees for Sue and me. Now, God has gone so much beyond that, and today our marriage is restored, our family is restored, and I believe abundance is truly on the way!

And I'm believing the same for you. It all begins with obedience. It's not a matter of luck or chance. It's pure obedience.

Prosperity is not an accident. Prosperity is the promise of God. And only when we obey will He bless us and reward us and prosper us: “If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures” (Job 36:11).

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke in Uganda Day-5

We recently received this message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda direct from Kampala, Uganda.
Uganda is a nation that has been in the news a lot lately. The Kony 2012 initiative put the international spotlight on this country that has been plagued by violence, bloodshed and mass murder. We have seen a lot of concern for the people of Uganda – even to the point of putting up posters and petitioning government officials. But perhaps the most significant thing that has happened this year is the Gospel crusade that has just come to a close here in Kampala. It is likely that more people were born again here this week then in any other single place on the face of the earth. We have seen cripples walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the mute speak, tumors disappear, mass outpourings of the Holy Spirit, witchcraft abandoned, repentance and restitution, forgiveness granted, curses broken, demoniacs delivered and the blessing of God descend in a huge, public, national and prophetic expression of the Kingdom of God! This is what we came here for; this is God's initiative – HARVEST 2012!
Although the Devil did everything he could to stop this crusade from happening; financial difficulties and logistical challenges, many dangers, toils and snares, the Lord has been faithful, you have prayed for us and helped us financially and now the work has been done. Local congregations are bursting at the seems with new converts and the Church has been elevated; not only in a spiritual way, but also having received the public recognition of the President himself and the First Lady who personally attended the crusade.

I mentioned before that, this year, Uganda is celebrating 50 years of independence and it is being called a "Jubilee" year. It just so happens that, even though we weren't aware of any of these things, the Lord directed us to be in Uganda this year, not once, but twice (it is the only nation we will be in more than once this year). 

innocent, I can't help but feel that there is an extraordinary spiritual significance that is far deeper than we even realize. HARVEST 2012 continues next month as we return to Uganda, this time to the city of Gulu (which happens to be very close to where Joseph Kony was born and is now home to thousands of refugees, displaced during the hostilities between the government and Kony's army, the LRA). God has a plan for this nation and we (you and us) have a strategic part to play. Thank you for interceding and also for standing with us financially.
In case you missed any of my daily reports from Kampala or any of the amazing images, you can read and see them all here.
Yours in the Harvest,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN team

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke in Uganda day-3

We just received this message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda direct from Kampala, Uganda.

This is a very special year for the nation of Uganda. They are celebrating 50 years of independence and everyone is using the word “Jubilee.” But the greatest jubilee of all is the Good news of the Gospel; proclaiming liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind and setting free those who are oppressed. I believe this Gospel campaign is a prophetic sign to this nation and what we are seeing this week is not only a sign, but also a wonder.

After preaching the Gospel and breaking the curses tonight in the name of Jesus the power of God began to roll across that field.

A young man, totally blind in both eyes for five years received his sight tonight!

Another young man with AIDS was hit by the power of God on Wednesday. He said he felt electricity going through his body. He was so sure he had been healed that he came forward to give his testimony. But the ushers told him to go see his doctor and have a check-up. Tonight he brought the diagnosis straight from the hospital – I read it with my own eyes – HIV NEGATIVE!

A crippled girl walked for the first time tonight as well as a lame woman who was carried to the meeting!

innocent, these are but a small sampling of the many wonderful things that Jesus is doing. But the greatest miracle of all was the many thousands who surrendered their hearts to Christ tonight, making him Lord and Savior. This is the Jubilee that Uganda needs and this is the acceptable year of the Lord’s favor!

Please have a look at all of the amazing photos from Kampala here!
Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN team

Famous Indosian philosopher Prof Dr HM Quraish Shihab Speaks On TB Joshua

Famous Indonesian philosopher Prof Dr HM Quraish Shihab Speaks On TB Joshua

Prof Dr HM Quraish Shihab: "God still sends a Man of God, like T.B. Joshua with his miracles as those that Prophet Jesus performed"
The bible in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 talks about how God uses the foolish things of this world to shame the wise, Jesus authoritatively taught that if men refuse to praise Him, God would in His power raise stones to praise Him, this parable could be taken on a literal level to mean “physical stones” but on a deeper level refers most likely to praises of God’s supremacy from the most unlikely sources. In perfect harmony with Jesus Words surprising  acknowledgement of TB Joshua's  genuiness have come from the lips of World renowned Muslim, Prof Dr HM Quraish Shihab, an Indonesian famous philosopher. This acknowledgement comes at a time when TB Joshua remains most controversial amongst some acclaimed Christians and some professed pastors, he taught in a lecture whilst Quoting from the Holy Scriptures and Qur'an, in testifying of Jesus and TB Joshua as God Holy servants, he said thus;
“If an apostle always gives a lesson, which is contrary to your pride any time he comes, therefore, will you accuse some of them and kill the others?” QS 2:87.
This is human being, when a prophet comes with miracles, they will still reject him. Would you still have no faith in the teachings of Prophet Jesus?
Rasulullah explains the miracles of Prophet Jesus as:
QS 3:49 \ "Surely, I have come to you bringing a sign of wonder from God,
- I made you from the earth in the form of a bird, then I breathed, then it became a bird as God would;
- And I healed those born blind and a person with skin disease and I raised the dead with God’s permission;
- And I gave you what you eat and store in your houses. Verily, this is an apostolic sign of truth for you, if you truly believe".
Miracles of Jesus in the BIBLE:
The Healing of the Demon Possessed Boy (Matthew 17:14-20)
17 “You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment.
Jesus Heals the Sick (Matthew 14:34-36)
34 When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret. 35 And when the men of that place recognized Jesus, they sent word to all the surrounding country. People brought all their sick to him 36 and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.
God still sends a man of God, like T.B. Joshua with his miracles as those that Prophet Jesus performed. He heals various sicknesses just by touching the sick or by using the medium of the Anointing Water.

Emmanuel TV.-
After reading the Words of God above and seeing Emmanuel TV and the Man of God T.B. Joshua, what is your reaction?
Will you reject it as you rejected any prophet who came with miracles from Allah?
If an apostle always gives a lesson which is contrary to your pride anytime he comes, therefore, will you accuse some of them and kill the others? QS 2:87
He, who has faith and follows the teachings of Prophet Jesus (Prophet Isa), then God will put in his heart love, respect and a peaceful life.
Rasulullah SAW explains:
Therefore, our apostles follow behind them and Isa, the son of Mary and we gave to Him the Gospel and we put in His heart respect and love. QS.57: 27.
Those who reject God’s commandment above are those who follow some part and ignore the rest – QS 2:85 – their lives will be disgraced on earth and in the hell.
May God open our heart. Amen. Pray that God open our heart. Amen.
ABOUT Muhammad Quraish Shihab : His full name is Muhammad Quraish Shihab. He was born on February 16, 1944 at Rapang, South Sulawesi.  He came from an educated family of Arab descent. His father, Prof.. KH. Abdurrahman Shihab is a scholar and professor in the field of interpretation. Abdurrahman Shihab regarded as one of the leading educators who have a good reputation among the people of South Sulawesi. Its contribution in the field of education is evident from his efforts to build two colleges in Ujung Pandang, Indonesia is Muslim University (UMI), the largest private university in the eastern part of Indonesia, and IAIN Alauddin no longer significant. Read complete bio

Kenyan minister George Saitoti's death in helicopter accident-TB Joshua Exclusive!

Kenyan minister George Saitoti’s death in helicopter accident- TB Joshua Exclusive!

by watchtbjoshua
On June 4, 2012, during a Monday Live Service, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied regarding the leader of a country. He said he saw an accident and asked whether it was on the air or on the ground. These were his words.
"Ninety percent of what we're doing here is all about other nations all over the world. Like today, around 3am and what happened. I saw the leader of a country. Whether he is the Vice President of a country or the present--- I saw all of them having an accident. Is it on the air or on the ground? Sometimes, when I want to know what is happening, how does it happen, what is this, I keep asking."
Six days after this prophetic vision was given, on Sunday, June 10, 2012, a helicopter in Kenya had an accident in the air. It carried Minister George Saitoti, Kenya's Internal Security Minister, former Vice President and current presidential candidate.
Just as Prophet T.B. Joshua had stated in the prophetic message, the leader of the country whom he saw involved in an accident in the air was George Saitoti, born August 3, 1945, a Kenyan politician, businessman, economist, mathematician and development policy thinker.
He served as Kenya's longest serving Vice-President, serving for 13 years as the 6th Vice President of Kenya. He served as Minister for Internal Security and Provincial Administration, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs and key member of the National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC), Minister for Finance and Minister for education.
Saitoti's Tragic End; "Could have been averted" as a TB Joshua  saw it Six days earlier
He also served as President of the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States in 1999-2000.
As a mathematician, Saitoti served as Head of the Mathematics Department at the University of Nairobi. He pioneered the founding of the African Mathematical Union(AMU) and served as its Vice President from 1976-1979. This was one of his landmark contributions, institutionalizing Mathematics as a discipline in Africa.
As an economist, Saitoti served as the Executive Chairman of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
He had been billed as a front-runner in the race to succeed President Mwai Kibaki as President of Kenya in the upcoming 2013 elections.
May the souls of the departed rest in peace and may we continue to listen to the voice of God, spoken through His servants. When God speaks, the wise listen. Whatever situation we may find ourselves in, God is still saying something.

T.B Joshua:The man who saw tomorrow?

T.B. Joshua: The man who saw tomorrow?

by TB Joshua Fans UK Blog
He has a smile for everyone, yet many regard him as one of the most controversial prophets that ever walked the nation and beyond. Many have not stopped reminiscing on the Dana air crash which was reported to have been foretold, among many other prophecies, by Prophet T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations. KEHINDE OYETIMIwrites on the man and his prophetic declarations.
IT was a usually religiously imbued Sunday—June 3. Major roads led to religious centers with obliviousness written in the air. The hours travelled, morning gave birth to noon before catastrophe struck. The Dana Air passenger aircraft crashed around 3p.m. in Lagos, killing all that travelled in it including a few on ground at the spot of its crash. It was one of the bleakest Sundays in the history of the nation.
While the nerve-shattering news rent the air, plucking tears from the eyes of many, people began to recollect that precisely on February 2, this year, Prophet T.B. Joshua, the highly revered pastor of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, located in Lagos, called upon all that cared to listen to pray and fast, especially for those flying within Nigeria. Joshua was reported however to have said the crash would be due to a security challenge.
The prophet, in his admonition, had prophesied that a plane crash would occur and it would claim many lives including that of top government officials. This was eventually so on the Dana crash. His prophecy was published on February 2, this year by the Nigerian Tribune.
It would be recalled that it had become quite characteristic of this man in the synagogue of chipping in precise prophetic utterances during his sermons. Some, he would speak out rightly, others, he would speak in shrouded parables. Many of his counterparts in pastoral work have usually found his methods quite controversial. He was equally reputed to have predicted the death of the music legend—Michael Jackson, including the death of the President Mutharika of Malawi which equally happened.
With the death of so many lives in the Dana air disaster and following the exactitude with which his previous prophecies had come to fruition, many Nigerians, irrespective of religious leanings have been forced to raise some questions concerning the predictions of this man in the Synagogue. Could listening and acting on the prophetic utterances of Joshua be the reduction of sudden deaths? Would the over 150 lives lost at the Dana crash being saved if close attention had been paid to the predictions of Joshua? Could the prayer and fasting recommended by the prophet have saved the day if the proffered spiritual exercise has been observed across the length and breadth of the nation?
Many football fans would also recall the prophet’s prediction in the final round of the last UEFA Championship. Despite being viewed as puerile, many who felt directly concerned took the prediction serious, just as others took it with a pinch of salt. There are also reports that Joshua had predicted World War III should Iran and Israel go to war. Joshua claimed that if the war started, it would be the longest and worst in human history.
Just as Joshua commands so many followers who believe strongly that his ministry is of God, many others both within and outside the country also cast aspersion on his spiritual methods. For instance, it was reported that the Cameroonian government blacklisted Prophet T.B. Joshua from its country on charges of anti-Christian practices.
Many  people have wondered about the power with which he performed miracles and gave prophetic utterances. But the prophet has repeatedly insisted that he is just an instrument in God’s hands. In interaction with some select foreign observers who had come on a pilgrimage to the church, the prophet spoke of how the church started.
According to him, “People would call me and ask me to pray for them. If they want to play football, I would pray for them. They began to come to me individually for prayers. It was pray for me, pray for me, pray for me all the way. You see, God Almighty is awesome. He can use any medium to express Himself. He can use sand, water, stone, rod, he can use anything.
“When Moses was asking God, what should he do, God asked him: “What is in your hand?” He said rod. Then God said: “Use it to divide the sea.” Or are you talking about Paul and Silas in the prison yard? They were there and they never said: Hey, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. They just sang praises to God. The used the medium of sound. Or are you talking of Joshua. He said to his people to just shout Alleluia and the walls of Jericho fell. God uses any medium to express Himself.
“The ministry started from St. Stevens Primary School where I collected the cutlass from the madman and where I started leading the Scriptures Union, teaching the Bible and everything. This is where the awareness of God’s presence in me started. It continued. Everything big starts little. If everything big starts big, it calls for concern.”
While the nation is still unable to overcome the devastation of the Dana air crash, many would perhaps begin to take serious the prophetic utterances of Joshua.

Friday, June 8, 2012


A Biography of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke is principally known for his Great Gospel Crusades throughout the Continent of Africa. The son of a pastor, Reinhard gave his life to the Lord at age nine, and heard the call to the African mission field before he was even a teenager. After attending Bible College in Wales, and his ordination in Germany he pastored a church and then went on to start missionary work in Africa. It was there, in the small mountain kingdom of Lesotho, that God placed upon his heart the vision of 'the continent of Africa, being washed in the precious Blood of Jesus' — an entire continent, from Cape Town to Cairo and from Dakar to Djibouti that needed to be reached and to hear the proclamation of the signs-following Gospel.
He began holding meetings in a tent that accommodated just 800 people, but, as attendance steadily increased, larger and larger tents had to be purchased, until finally, in 1984, he commissioned the construction of the world's largest mobile structure — a tent capable of seating 34,000 people! Soon, attendance at his meetings even exceeded the capacity of this huge structure, and he began open-air Gospel Campaigns with an initial gathering of over 150,000 people per service! Since then, he has conducted city-wide meetings across the continent with as many as 1,600,000 people attending a single meeting using towering sound systems that can be heard for miles.
It has now been some thirty-five years since Reinhard Bonnke founded the international ministry of Christ for all Nations (CfaN), which currently has offices in the United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Nigeria, South Africa, Singapore, Australia, and Hong Kong.
Since the start of the new millennium, through a host of major events in Africa and other parts of the world, the ministry has recorded 55 million documented decisions for Jesus Christ.
As part of the discipleship-training program, 185 million copies of CfaN follow-up literature have been published in 103 languages and printed in 55 countries. Millions of books have been printed and freely 'seeded' in nations around the world. All this is in addition to the 'Reinhard Bonnke School of Fire,' an online, self-study course, aimed at inspiring others to Holy Spirit Evangelism and leading to either a certificate or university credits.
Reinhard Bonnke is also recognized for hosting 'Fire Conferences' in many different countries of the world, events that are aimed at equipping church leaders and workers for evangelism; for distributing over 95,500,000 copies of Minus to Plus, a profound salvation message, to homes around the world;
and for seeking every opportunity to reach and to save the lost.
More recently, Bonnke has spent several years developing the 'Full Flame Film Series,' a series of eight inspirational films aimed at inspiring and challenging the church to Holy Spirit evangelism.
He is known as one with a burning passion for the Gospel, a vision for Africa and a message for the world.
Evangelist Bonnke is married to Anni, father to Kai-Uwe, Gabrielle, and Susie, and grandfather to eight grandchildren.

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke Crusade in Uganda Day 1

This is a message from Ev.Daniel Kolenda .We are rejoicing tonight after the first meeting of our Gospel Campaign here in Kampala, Uganda has just come to an end.

The very fact that we are here is a sign and a wonder in itself.  We experienced a miracle of provision a couple of days ago that has made this event possible and already we can see that this is going to be a historic event.  Here are just a few things that have happened since we arrived:

Reinhard |Bonnke with President Museveni of Uganda and his wife

  • Many of you may be familiar with the remarkable story of what happened in Jinja, which is located just about an hours drive from where we are now.  (If you’re not familiar with this story, you can read all about it in Chapter 30 of evangelist Bonnke’s autobiography – Living a Life of Fire).  Today, for the first time in two decades, evangelist Bonnke set foot on Jinja soil again to pray for this city that has suffered so much since those events transpired some twenty-three years ago.  Hundreds of pastors came out to meet him and the presence of God moved in a very special way.  I wish I had more time to tell you the whole story, but suffice it to say that what Satan meant for evil, God has turned around for good.  The peace of God has returned to Jinja and a new day has dawned!

  • Last night we were received by the president of Uganda, his wife and his whole family at the state house, where we had dinner and wonderful fellowship.  Afterword evangelist Bonnke preached the Gospel and we prayed over the first family.

  • Tonight evangelist Bonnke preached a powerful evangelistic message and thousands responded.  Then we prayed for the sick and wonderful miracles of healing began to take place

  • An old lady who was totally blind in both eyes received her sight tonight see picture here

  • A father carried his daughter from the hospital with the intravenous catheter (from an i.v. drip) still attached to her arm.  She was inflicted with both typhoid fever and malaria. Tonight she was totally healed and she walked, unaided, up onto the platform to testify.

  • A man who had a severe back injury in a motorcycle accident was confined to a back brace.  Tonight, after the power of God came on him, he ripped that brace off and began to dance and jump! see picture here
innocent , there is much more – too much to tell.  We are so grateful to be here and so excited about what Jesus will do here in Kampala this week. Please bombard heaven for us this week.  Pray that every chain will be broken and every captive set free.
You can view more photos from Kampala and read all of my daily reports here!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


This  is a historic land Israel.These are pictures from mountain Olive in Jerusaleum.Enjoy will looking them.


Another faith-filled testimony of a Tanzanian lady whose mother received her miracle without even realising it!
“Emmanuel! I have two testimonies to share to the glory of God. Firstly, when I was pregnant and the time of my delivery was due, I prayed with Prophet T.B. Joshua through Emmanuel TV, asking God to grant me a safe delivery. Because it was my first pregnancy, I was worried about the whole process. To the glory of God, just a few days later, I gave birth safely and soundly! It was exactly 38 weeks of my pregnancy. I knew God was involved because the pain was very minimal. It was 4am in the morning when the labour started and I was taken to the hospital instantly. The doctor took me to the labour room and within just 30 minutes, I gave birth to a beautiful girl called Malaika (a Swahili word meaning ‘Angel’)! Just a few hours later, I was discharged from the hospital because I was doing very well with the baby. Now my baby is three months old and she is doing very well. Thank You, Jesus!
“Secondly, my mother had a severe sinus infection which she was operated on in Tanzania in her nose. Because the problem was still persisting, the doctor recommended that another operation needed to be done. We arranged to go to India for the operation. Before we left, my aunt’s friend came to see my mother and we prayed together. She then sprayed the Anointing Water on my mother and in her nose.
“The following day when we arrived in India, they had to do another CT scan for my mother. When the doctor read the scan, he looked at us surprised. He said that this woman is not suffering any sinus infection and needs no operation! We thought that maybe they had made a mistake and we went to another hospital where the doctor observed my mother’s sinus in a machine which we can all see like a TV. I saw with my own eyes that the sinus was pure, clean and normal. The doctors in India said that maybe there was a mistake from the doctor who operated her in Tanzania who was a professor. They said that there is no need to operate her because she has no sinus infection. Until today, my mother is doing great and has had no problems in her sinus. Glory be to God! I know God healed her through the Anointing Water!”
Elizabeth Karua, Tanzania