Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Famous Indosian philosopher Prof Dr HM Quraish Shihab Speaks On TB Joshua

Famous Indonesian philosopher Prof Dr HM Quraish Shihab Speaks On TB Joshua

Prof Dr HM Quraish Shihab: "God still sends a Man of God, like T.B. Joshua with his miracles as those that Prophet Jesus performed"
The bible in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 talks about how God uses the foolish things of this world to shame the wise, Jesus authoritatively taught that if men refuse to praise Him, God would in His power raise stones to praise Him, this parable could be taken on a literal level to mean “physical stones” but on a deeper level refers most likely to praises of God’s supremacy from the most unlikely sources. In perfect harmony with Jesus Words surprising  acknowledgement of TB Joshua's  genuiness have come from the lips of World renowned Muslim, Prof Dr HM Quraish Shihab, an Indonesian famous philosopher. This acknowledgement comes at a time when TB Joshua remains most controversial amongst some acclaimed Christians and some professed pastors, he taught in a lecture whilst Quoting from the Holy Scriptures and Qur'an, in testifying of Jesus and TB Joshua as God Holy servants, he said thus;
“If an apostle always gives a lesson, which is contrary to your pride any time he comes, therefore, will you accuse some of them and kill the others?” QS 2:87.
This is human being, when a prophet comes with miracles, they will still reject him. Would you still have no faith in the teachings of Prophet Jesus?
Rasulullah explains the miracles of Prophet Jesus as:
QS 3:49 \ "Surely, I have come to you bringing a sign of wonder from God,
- I made you from the earth in the form of a bird, then I breathed, then it became a bird as God would;
- And I healed those born blind and a person with skin disease and I raised the dead with God’s permission;
- And I gave you what you eat and store in your houses. Verily, this is an apostolic sign of truth for you, if you truly believe".
Miracles of Jesus in the BIBLE:
The Healing of the Demon Possessed Boy (Matthew 17:14-20)
17 “You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment.
Jesus Heals the Sick (Matthew 14:34-36)
34 When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret. 35 And when the men of that place recognized Jesus, they sent word to all the surrounding country. People brought all their sick to him 36 and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.
God still sends a man of God, like T.B. Joshua with his miracles as those that Prophet Jesus performed. He heals various sicknesses just by touching the sick or by using the medium of the Anointing Water.


Emmanuel TV.-  http://www.emmanuel.tv/
After reading the Words of God above and seeing Emmanuel TV and the Man of God T.B. Joshua, what is your reaction?
Will you reject it as you rejected any prophet who came with miracles from Allah?
If an apostle always gives a lesson which is contrary to your pride anytime he comes, therefore, will you accuse some of them and kill the others? QS 2:87
He, who has faith and follows the teachings of Prophet Jesus (Prophet Isa), then God will put in his heart love, respect and a peaceful life.
Rasulullah SAW explains:
Therefore, our apostles follow behind them and Isa, the son of Mary and we gave to Him the Gospel and we put in His heart respect and love. QS.57: 27.
Those who reject God’s commandment above are those who follow some part and ignore the rest – QS 2:85 – their lives will be disgraced on earth and in the hell.
May God open our heart. Amen. Pray that God open our heart. Amen.
ABOUT Muhammad Quraish Shihab : His full name is Muhammad Quraish Shihab. He was born on February 16, 1944 at Rapang, South Sulawesi.  He came from an educated family of Arab descent. His father, Prof.. KH. Abdurrahman Shihab is a scholar and professor in the field of interpretation. Abdurrahman Shihab regarded as one of the leading educators who have a good reputation among the people of South Sulawesi. Its contribution in the field of education is evident from his efforts to build two colleges in Ujung Pandang, Indonesia is Muslim University (UMI), the largest private university in the eastern part of Indonesia, and IAIN Alauddin no longer significant. Read complete bio

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