Thursday, June 7, 2012


Another faith-filled testimony of a Tanzanian lady whose mother received her miracle without even realising it!
“Emmanuel! I have two testimonies to share to the glory of God. Firstly, when I was pregnant and the time of my delivery was due, I prayed with Prophet T.B. Joshua through Emmanuel TV, asking God to grant me a safe delivery. Because it was my first pregnancy, I was worried about the whole process. To the glory of God, just a few days later, I gave birth safely and soundly! It was exactly 38 weeks of my pregnancy. I knew God was involved because the pain was very minimal. It was 4am in the morning when the labour started and I was taken to the hospital instantly. The doctor took me to the labour room and within just 30 minutes, I gave birth to a beautiful girl called Malaika (a Swahili word meaning ‘Angel’)! Just a few hours later, I was discharged from the hospital because I was doing very well with the baby. Now my baby is three months old and she is doing very well. Thank You, Jesus!
“Secondly, my mother had a severe sinus infection which she was operated on in Tanzania in her nose. Because the problem was still persisting, the doctor recommended that another operation needed to be done. We arranged to go to India for the operation. Before we left, my aunt’s friend came to see my mother and we prayed together. She then sprayed the Anointing Water on my mother and in her nose.
“The following day when we arrived in India, they had to do another CT scan for my mother. When the doctor read the scan, he looked at us surprised. He said that this woman is not suffering any sinus infection and needs no operation! We thought that maybe they had made a mistake and we went to another hospital where the doctor observed my mother’s sinus in a machine which we can all see like a TV. I saw with my own eyes that the sinus was pure, clean and normal. The doctors in India said that maybe there was a mistake from the doctor who operated her in Tanzania who was a professor. They said that there is no need to operate her because she has no sinus infection. Until today, my mother is doing great and has had no problems in her sinus. Glory be to God! I know God healed her through the Anointing Water!”
Elizabeth Karua, Tanzania

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