Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Reconciliation Is Rapidly Taking Place between Benny and Suzanne Hinn

This is from Pastor Benny Hinn himself.As God continues to work in our midst, Suzanne and I thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for praying for us and our family. The Lord has surely answered your prayers! Suzanne and I are more in love with each other than ever before.

The covenant we made with God more than 30 years ago was never broken in His sight. Both of us believe our greatest days are ahead and the best is yet to come!

Sue and I have submitted to godly counsel and oversight to ensure our past mistakes will not be repeated, and we will continue to do so.

The last three years have been very painful for Suzanne and me and for the children—more painful than we can ever describe.

Our marriage died for two reasons. First of all, when my precious Lord Jesus called me into ministry I promised Him I would give my all to Him...and I have. But what I did not realize was that in the process of ministering around the world, it was taking a far greater toll on my marriage than I realized. I once believed that my ministry came before my family, and I now realize that I was wrong. God comes first, then my family, and then my ministry.

At the same time, my wife, Suzanne started taking certain prescription medications to help her cope with some of her personal struggles. She became dependent on those for nearly 15 years, and those medications made her behave erratically at times. As her husband, I did not know the extent of her reliance on these medications, nor did I fully understand just how much harm they were causing to her, physically and emotionally.

After our marriage ended, Suzanne decided that she needed professional help to gain freedom from her chemical dependence and checked herself into the Betty Ford Center in early 2010. And for three and a half months she underwent exhaustive treatment. Today she is totally set free from the need for these medications—she is completely whole—and for that I give the Lord Jesus the praise.

The truth of the matter is that Suzanne filed for divorce because she was in a deep emotional and physical crisis that affected her in such a way that caused her to make a decision she now regrets. And although it was, without question, the most agonizing two and a half years of my life, the end of our marriage most certainly woke me up, and the Lord used it to show me—as a man of God and as a man—that I cannot function properly without my wife and family.

Today I'm ready to tell you that our Lord Jesus has healed my family in a most remarkable and miraculous way. He has healed Suzanne completely as well as our relationship. In fact, my relationship with her now is stronger and closer than ever. She has become my closest and sweetest friend. We're having more fun together than I can ever remember. We are very excited about the future, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and she with me.

Again, I want to thank you for praying and loving us as you have!

Suzanne and I believe that the ministry God gave us will be greater than ever in the future. She will be by my side for the rest of my life. And most certainly we will let you know of upcoming plans as we plan to be reunited in marriage.

Dear partner, in so many ways tragic loss in my marriage and family was the greatest thing that could have happened to Sue and me. Even though it was painful and harmful to both our family and the ministry, God Almighty, in His amazing wisdom, has used it to bring us back together, closer than ever.

And through this season both of us have learned painful and heavy lessons that have made us better people and have certainly caused me to be a more compassionate and effective minister for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The last three and a half years were painful, not only for our family but also for this ministry. The ministry suffered greatly as many partners walked away, not knowing the truth about our situation. Sue and I are praying that many of those who left will come back and stand with us.

We believe, as we move forward, that God will not only save souls and heal bodies but will heal families. In fact, Sue and I want to open a home for couples who are struggling in their marriages. (We'll tell you more about that in the future!) We do not want to see any other couple go through what we have.

We want to preach the Gospel with all our hearts, we want to see the power of God descend with power and might, and we want to see families become whole, for the glory of God. Our course is increasingly clear!

But we must have your help. The ministry has suffered financially greatly because of the struggles in our marriage. We are beginning to see an upsurge now, but we truly need a miracle to be able to do what God has called us to do.

I can say now that the ministry was on the way to total collapse, but now we are seeing a beautiful turnaround—in fact, members of my team have rejoined the ministry, including my beloved friend Jim Cernero, who is back with me leading the praise and worship in my meetings. I want you to be part of the breakthrough we are experiencing together, and that's why Suzanne and I need you, now more than ever, to stand with us prayerfully and financially.

Do all you can do and send the very best gift you can today to strengthen the ministry God has given us! The restoration will be complete as you stand with me with your strength, your love, your forgiveness, and your prayers.

I can tell you that this healing ministry is going to be a greater healing ministry now, and I truly believe that we are entering an unprecedented season where we will see God healing lives, bodies, hearts, and homes in a way we've never experienced before!

As I ask you to prayerfully consider planting your most generous seed this month, I am believing with you for three very specific miracles:

  1. All losses will stop in your life.
  2. You will have total restoration and recovery in your finances, your life, and your family. God will restore the years the locust has eaten (Joel 2:25).
  3. Total abundance will come your way.
About two years ago the Lord spoke to me to give a monthly gift to a man of God, which I continue to do to this day. As I obeyed the Lord, I remember the Lord saying to me, “Because you obeyed Me, there will be no more losses in your life. Because you obeyed Me, there will be total restoration in your life. Because you obeyed Me, there will be total abundance.”

I thought at the time that the Lord meant in the area of finances. What I am seeing now is that He meant a whole lot more. Not long after that, a couple paid for the legal fees for Sue and me. Now, God has gone so much beyond that, and today our marriage is restored, our family is restored, and I believe abundance is truly on the way!

And I'm believing the same for you. It all begins with obedience. It's not a matter of luck or chance. It's pure obedience.

Prosperity is not an accident. Prosperity is the promise of God. And only when we obey will He bless us and reward us and prosper us: “If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures” (Job 36:11).

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