Thursday, July 23, 2015


Mr. Jonathan Onyenekwe, a Nigerian residing in the United States had been trying to process his citizenship for seven years without success. It became more frustrating for him when he was told that his file with which he was to process his documents was missing from the Immigrations Office there in the United States. He employed the services of one of the best lawyers in the USA and even took his matter to the Congress Office, all in a bid to resolve this problem but all proved abortive. Not knowing what to do, he decided to run to God for a way out. MR & MRS JONATHAN ONYENEKWE (1)He visited The SCOAN and got the Morning Water which he ministered in Jesus’ name. Getting back to the USA, he went back to the Immigrations office to once again present his case and to his surprise, that same day, his file was brought out and he was granted an interview which he passed. This was the same office that could not locate his file for many years. Today, he is a citizen of The United States of America. His wife, Mrs Chinwe Onyenekwe also testified of how God saved the life of her baby who was delivered prematurely as a result of a terrible respiratory problem it suffered while in the womb. The doctors had even advised her to carry the baby through as there was no point delivering it prematurely because there was no chance of survival. MR & MRS JONATHAN ONYENEKWE (2)But she stood her ground and asked that the baby be taken out prematurely. After delivery, the baby who was very tiny, was put in an incubator and placed on life support. It was during this period the husband came down to The SCOAN to get the Morning Water which he ministered in Jesus’ name for the procurement of his USA citizenship. He also gave the wife to minister on their baby. Miraculously, the baby that was so tiny and whom doctors had said would not be able to walk or talk, survived and has grown to a healthy three year-old child walking and talking freely to the glory of God! She advised all to always trust in God no matter the situation they are facing for the Lord is able to see them through.

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