Thursday, July 23, 2015


The choristers enlivened the atmosphere with praise and worship songs that got congregants on their feet in expression of their unflinching faith in the almighty God Who has continued to shower them with blessings unspeakable at The SCOAN. Epic clips of the Pastors Conference held by Prophet T.B. Joshua in Mexico were relayed and served as a motivating tonic to worshippers who have been united in faith to trust God and to honour Him for His goodness and compassion towards them.
daddyAs Prophet T.B. Joshua led prayers and ministration at the Pastors Conference, the power of God manifested as the sick people, especially those confined to wheelchairs and those who had lost all hope of ever living a normal life, were healed and redeemed from the captivity of the devil.conference
Even visiting pastors from Mexico and other countries around the world were imparted with the anointing of God. some of them also partook of the healing session. To God be the Glory!

Sunday, May 24, 2015 witnessed a church service that remains memorable in different fronts. Wise Man Christopher anchored the day’s sermon on THE PATH OF GREATNESS.
The Path of Greatness is one that requires a lot of courage and sacrifice. Many people, desire to be great but they lack the courage, patience and staying power to sustain that desire. WISEMAN CHRISTOPHER (1)Wise Man Christopher observed that great and successful people become subjects of admiration in the eyes of the world, whereas the sacrifices they made to attain the positions they occupy are not brought into the picture: When you look at the successful people who have genuinely made a difference in their own world today, please don’t just look at their achievements in life but also consider deeply the path they followed, the seemingly impossible situations they maturely handled, how they handled and captured them for God’s glory before they came to a new level in their lives”. Continuing, he stated that the ability to endure delay and humiliation is a virtue that is rare among men. Citing the example of the Canaanite woman, Wise Man Christopher depicted the nobility in patience and humble perseverance: “The humiliation the Canaanite woman received and the delay in her requests, rather than discouraging her, strengthened her desire for Christ. She did not limit Jesus in her request, she asked for mercy and Christ Jesus said to her, “Be it unto you even as you will (Matthew 15:28).” Originally, she was a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel, being a Canaanite; but Jesus saw her faith and gave her the right of sonship. He redeemed her from the limitation of racial discrimination so that she might receive adoption as a son (Galatians 4:5)”.
In line with the universal reality of trials as part of the grooming process for success and greatness, Wise Man Christopher further said, “Mention any great Biblical character and you would see how much pain or humiliation he had to endure in order to come to a new level in life. The way to your future greatness is not a bed of roses”. He added that enduring trials for what you believe comes with its own inestimable reward which is incomparable to all the riches of this world: “If you endure trials for what you believe, God deals with you as a son (Hebrews 12:7-10). If nothing is able to cut off your dependence upon God or your duty to God and your communion with God, God deals with you as a son. When God deals with you as a son, you are one with Him”. Or what else can be better than being one with God?
However, Wise Man Christopher points out the fact that there is only one condition that can guarantee a Christian’s capacity to survive in the face of trials and all sorts of hardship. And that condition is the presence of the Holy Spirit: “No man can stand the challenges of remaining in faith in the face of the vicissitudes of life, unless he is strengthened by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13”.
Finally, Wise Man Christopher urged Christians to see greatness as an asset from God. He declared that greatness is a quality that must start from within. In other words, our hearts must think greatly if we desire to see great realities unfold around us: “As Christians, our greatness comes from God. Greatness does not start on the outside but within you. Great thoughts produce great decisions (Romans 12:2). If you do what God puts into your heart you will make a difference in your world, you will be best among equals. The way of obedience is the way of blessing”.

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