Thursday, July 23, 2015


Mrs. Tebogo Nfana from Botswana suffered severe pains in her lower abdomen for eight long years. In her quest for medical solution, she was diagnosed by her doctors with an ovarian cyst. The pain that accompanied her health condition rendered her redundant at home as her husband took up her domestic duties such as preparing food and catering for the other needs of their children. The doctors would only administer painkillers to her, telling her that there was no other solution within their reach.
Ovarian Cyst
Moved by a faith that knew no bounds, all she needed to do was to touch the screen while her husband was being prayed for at the Prayer Line. Her husband had come down to The SCOAN in 2013 to stand as a connection point to his wife who was in far away Botswana. They had agreed in faith that as soon as he is being prayed for at the Prayer Line, she should just touch the screen for her healing. Just as her husband was about to receive prayer, he had sent her an SMS asking her to touch the Emmanuel TV screen to receive her healing. As her husband, who had already placed hands on his abdomen (to represent his wife), was being ministered to, Mrs. Nfana touched the TV screen to claim her healing in faith.
Minutes later after her historic display of faith, she felt pressed and rushed to the restroom to relieve herself. To her surprise, a large lump came out! After a while, she returned to her doctors to ascertain her state of health. As usual, a fresh scan was carried out. The result was a miracle. The ovarian cyst that had been earlier detected was nowhere to be found! Filled with indescribable joy and laughter, Mrs. Nfana told the congregation that there is nothing God cannot do and advised them to continue to use the Morning Water as a point of contact between them and their miracles in Jesus’ name.

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