Thursday, July 23, 2015


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
Sunday April 19, 2015 witnessed an outpouring of the Spirit of God during The SCOAN Live Sunday Service. With songs of praise and worship radiating throughout the entire auditorium and putting the congregants on their dancing feet in celebration of God’s benevolence, the Emmanuel Singers prepared the way for the man of God to impart the Word on the minds of God’s people.
Citing the admonition of Jesus to His faithful in John 16:33 (“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows but take heart because I have overcome the world.”), the man of God reminded Christians of the inevitability of trials in the Heavenly race, stressing the fact and cardinal truth that only in Jesus would the world find peace, redemption and triumph. But before these are attained, there must always be a season of trials and sorrows even as our Lord was put through from Golgotha to Calvary.
TB Joshua
“Your trials could be limitation in progress, setback, isolation or any foolish thing. Jesus is saying in this Scripture, ‘Even though the world is a danger place, in Me, you will be saved – I will keep you safe. Even though the world is a danger zone, a danger place, in me, I will keep you safe’. It means Jesus is closer to you than you, yourself”.
For those who are without Jesus and who have become more engrossed in their problems and challenges, the man of God said they are missing the privilege of enjoying the benefits which being under the cover of Jesus offers. As we cast our minds upon Jesus, He has promised to carry our burdens.
“If you are without Jesus, you will always be conscious of problems, fear instead of being conscious of Jesus. People are conscious of fear and problems but not of Jesus today. People are no longer conscious of God. If the way you are conscious of your situation was the way you were conscious of God, your life would not be like this.”
Commenting on the recent xenophobic attacks in South Africa, Prophet T.B. Joshua observed that every country of the world has its peculiar challenges. This assertion brings us to the fact that even countries pass through trials in order to mature spiritually. It also shows that all human hassles are vanity because those who have fled their countries to South Africa have now realized that the real greener pasture lies in running unto God.
The man of God therefore urged all Africans to come together as one to fight the common enemy, satan. “The wound of one should be the wound of all. Whatever happens in any African country, we should be concerned and come together. We should see it as ours. Every continent is like a human being. One country may be leg, mouth, head etc. If anything happens to a part of the body, the whole body will feel it. That is the way it should be. Today, if anything happens, we evacuate our people. Why can’t we come together to redeem our continent? Africa, unite”.
Concluding, the man of God urged the congregation to use their faith to put a demand on the anointing as he took authority in Jesus’ name to lead a Mass Prayer against satan and all his evil antics manifested through generational curses and other means of disrupting the good works of God.

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