Thursday, July 23, 2015


by thetbjoshuafanclub
Ever rich in the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Sunday service of May 10, 2015 at The SCOAN provided another great platform for the impartation of the Word on a congregation of God’s people who have never allowed their faith to waver in spite of the many challenges facing Christians all over the world. The global realities of economic depression, war and natural disasters notwithstanding, the children of God gathered at The SCOAN to give thanks and praise (inspired by the melodic tunes of the choristers) to the Creator  who has continued to strengthen them from grace to grace with blessings unspeakable.
In furtherance of the incisive tradition of sermons at The SCOAN, Wise Man Christopher touched on an important aspect of the Christian race bordering specifically on our walk with God and the understanding of His ways. Even though His ways are not our ways, Wise Man Christopher observed that with a little understanding, we can have more insight into the ways of our Creator: To learn to hear from God after prayer, is a much greater blessing than the blessing itself”. 
Hearing from God is a more significant blessing than the material or physical blessings that we are seeking. This is so because, whoever hears from God has a direct access to His throne of grace and will never be taken unaware by any sudden event. God will always direct such a person. Above all, according to Wise Man Christopher, the salvation of our souls is the main essence of miracles, blessings and the rest of God’s manifestations of His glory: “Miracle is not an end in itself but a means to an end which is the salvation of our souls. Healing, deliverance, blessing, breakthrough, victory, protection or the like is not an end in itself but a means to an end which is the salvation of our souls”.
Commenting on the nature of God’s gift to mankind and how to maintain such gifts, he stated that using God’s gifts to His own glory is the best way to sustain the constant downpour of His blessings to the receiver. This is even more instructive knowing that many would prefer to be proud when they are blessed forgetting that is was God who blessed them so that they may be blessings to their communities: “Character is everything. When you have God’s kind of character, you will see the need to use the gift of God in your life for God’s glory”.
Concluding Wise man Christopher said that we as Christians need God more when we are blessed because of the many challenges that come with receiving blessings. It takes a godly heart to be blessed, especially in wealth and still remember God. That is the reason Christ said “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”. More so, we need God more in times of blessings because, without Him, we may not be able to stand the level of antagonism the wicked world would throw at us knowing that we are enjoying God’s grace. Wise Man Christopher captured the scenario thus: “Why do you need God more? You need God more in blessings than in poverty because the blessings of God always attract uncommon challenges, persecution, hatred, envy or jealousy from the people of the world in such an extent that it is only God that can see you through. If God is not involved in your life then, nobody will see you through them”

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