Thursday, July 23, 2015


MR DAVID WEST (1)For two years, Mr. David West, from Rivers state suffered from an incapacitating leg ulcer that kept spreading and producing puss. He could not put on his shoes and kept away from people because of the offensive and irritating odour and sight of the ulcer. Some people even insinuated that he would have his leg amputated as a result of the ailment. All attempts to get help from different hospitals proved abortive. All the over one hundred injections that pierced through his veins had no answer to his condition.MR DAVID WEST(3)
MR DAVID WEST (2)But a visit to The SCOAN brought his sad story to a glorious end. Having received and ministered the Morning Water in Jesus’ name, Mr. West discovered that the smelly and irritating leg ulcer got healed with the wound dried up totally According to him, for the very first time in two years, he was able to wear his shoes. Thanking God for the miraculous healing of his ailing leg, he advised people to have faith in God no matter the circumstance.
The Mexico Crusade was a huge success. The mighty hand of God pulled down strongholds and set captives free, bringing salvation and redemption to the lost sheep through the precious name of Jesus Christ. While clips the Mass Prayer of Day 2 of the Mexico crusade were being relayed during The SCOAN Sunday service, the power of God manifested within the congregation as many worshippers felt the touch of the Holy Spirit. The Mass Prayer which was led by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua had ripple effects within the church auditorium as the worshippers were delivered from different afflictions in confirmation of the fact that distance is indeed not a barrier for the move of the Holy Spirit.

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