Thursday, July 23, 2015


Mr Tedus, a Nigerian businessman residing in Cameroon was doing his normal business and leading a normal life until he embarked on an excursion trip to Asia. Done in Asia, the airline conveying him back made a long transit that saw him and other passengers accommodated in an African country for the period of that transit. While in his hotel, he had made new male friends and had decided to enjoy the moment to the brim. He had gone swimming to ease off some stress but that singular act was to become his greatest undoing. That night, he had seen himself swimming in his dream in that very swimming pool where he had swum earlier that day. Waking in a cold sweat, he felt a strange presence. An unusual affection for men began developing within him. Inexplicably deciding to break up with his fiancĂ©, he soon nursed his lust for men by downloading gay pornography on the internet. This eventually rippled into several strange relationships as affection for his fellow men took over his faculties. His work as a translator in a popular church merely a disguise for his nocturnal misadventures, Tedus considered being gay as ‘normal’, not realising a spirit was behind his sudden change in affection.
His pastor in Cameroon beckoned on him one day and insisted that he travel to The SCOAN in Nigeria for deliverance. Arriving at The SCOAN in January 2014, the young man received a powerful deliverance. The demonic spirit confessed it was behind his problem, giving him ‘passion’ for his fellow men. Today, the story of Tedus has radically changed as the affection for men disappeared as quickly as it came. Tedus explained he now has a zeal to pray and read the Bible, choosing to no longer engage in the carefree, partying lifestyle that led him to trouble in the first place. To cap off the remarkable transformation, Tedus did not come to The SCOAN alone! Accompanied by a young lady he introduced as Jessy, the beaming young man told the congregation that this was the lady he planned to marry, adding that he had come to seek God’s opinion before going ahead with nuptials. His advice was simple. “If you are living such a life, you must understand that it’s not normal. There is a spirit behind such acts. Deliverance is the answer!”
Let us remind you what Prophet T.B. Joshua said concerning this issue in response to a question on Facebook: “Judge not, so that you will not be judged (Matthew 7:1). We should talk to people to be saved and not to die. I mean, we should talk salvation, not condemnation. God hates sin, not sinners. When I say, ‘Do not judge so that you will not be judged’, I mean we should hate sin, not the sinner because sinners can change. If you have killed a sinner by judging him, there will be no opportunity for change. Sinners can be delivered. We should hate the act, not the people because our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the ‘spirit beings’ that cause all these acts.
The Bible is my standard. If my parents were one, I would not have been given birth to. Those that are asking this question – if your parents were one, you would not have been given birth to. You that are reading me – if your parents were one, you would not be reading this today. God bless the reader and the hearer.”

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