Thursday, July 23, 2015


HON. SALOME AUDU JAKANDE (1)Having served Nigeria as a federal Minister on two occasions, Hon. Salome Audu Jankada (OON) from Taraba State was made to realise that spiritual attacks are no respecters of status and opulence.
Seated in her house one fateful day, she had felt a sensation like a pin prick at the back of her foot only to discover that the foot had swollen the next day.
She felt great pain as her entire body burned like fire. She could no longer walk and had to be lifted by her husband who is a medical doctor. Rather than depend on the medical training of her husband, she asked him to take her to The SCOAN. She declared she was not going to die even though she had witnessed two deaths from similar circumstances.
Inspired by a strong faith that she would be healed at The SCOAN, her husband made the necessary arrangements for their journey to Lagos even though there was no service at The SCOAN on that day. HON. SALOME AUDU JAKANDE (2)At the airport, she was wheeled into the aircraft as the journey to Lagos began. On arriving at The SCOAN, she could not see the man of God but received the Anointing Water and the Anointing Sticker with which she and her husband gladly returned home. They ministered the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name and today, she is completely healed.
Demonstrating her fitness and ability to do those things she could not do before, she thanked God for her healing and advised the people all over the world to stick with the will of God in whatever they did.

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