Friday, February 13, 2015


MISS MILLA VVONE (1)The numbing paralysis continued creeping slowly across her entire body. What began with heaviness and weakness in her lower limbs soon deteriorated into full-blown paralysis for Miss Milla Yvonne, a young Cameroonian. Her educational aspirations were blighted by the onset of the ailment which doctors concluded was due to spinal degeneration. As her condition worsened, Milla’s faith strengthened as she courageously decided to make Emmanuel TV a constant companion and believe God for healing.
When it was announced that The SCOAN Saturday Service had returned, Milla, joined by her brother and mother, decided to make the difficult journey from Cameroon. Braving all the odds against them, including language barrier, they made it to The SCOAN for the Prayer Line service. Milla was seated in a vehicle when Prophet T.B. Joshua approached. He called for Milla’s brother to come forward and ministered the Morning Water on his hands before telling him to minister it to his sick sister. As he followed the instruction in righteousness and Milla received the Morning Water, her limbs which had been numb and lifeless suddenly began to shake! The resurrection power of God pulsated through her entire body and suddenly, Milla rose up and began to walk! Her mother and brother fell to the floor in an emotional display of appreciation to God as Milla began walking and even started to run!

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