Friday, February 13, 2015


Prophet T.B. JoshuaOn Sunday February 9, 2015, the mighty presence of God was felt at the church service of The SCOAN. Apart from the edifying ministrations of the Emmanuel Singers, the passion and excitement of the congregation to connect with Heaven through prayer added spiritual substance to the day.
The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua engaged the congregation in an enlightening yet instructive message about MEDITATION. According to the man of God, “Meditation brings revelation… Meditation in the Word is a visit with God. The Word becomes a part of us by meditation. If meditation in the Word is a visit with God, this means, meditation makes the Word a part of us. The Word becomes a part of us by meditation. Today, we talk of prayer and fasting but I have never heard where they lay emphasis on meditation”. In other words, the essence of meditation in the life of a Christian is phenomenal. Unfortunately, most Christians prefer to jump into fasting and prayer rather than meditate on the Word which in actual fact hastens the communion between man and God. It is when we constantly meditate on the Word of God that we receive heavenly insights for the future.
Speaking further, Prophet T.B. Joshua bemoaned the attitude of Christians to meditation, stressing that it is the foundation of every good plan or vision that sets out to prosper: “It is an issue Christians play down but it is fundamental; it is a foundation. People play down the word, ‘meditation’. For your plan towards a business to work smoothly, you must sit down and meditate where you are going, how much you need to spend, etc. It may be when you are lying on your bed in the night privately. You may be crying alone or smiling alone. Meditation means think more. Faith comes when the Word prevails over the thinking processes.” Describing meditation further as “more than thinking”, the man of God posited that it can take a Christian to the level when he or she becomes absorbed. According to him, that is the level where most Christians begin to speak in tongues: “When you engage in more than thinking, you may start crying or smiling, talking alone. You are talking to God and you have forgotten yourself. This is the level you need to go. This is the realm you can enjoy your life, not the realm you are. When you are thinking, you are aware of what is happening around you but when you are more than thinking, you are not aware of what is happening. This is the realm that can offer you speaking in tongues”.
Prophet T.B. Joshua concluded that we cannot reach God when our hearts are heavy with burdens: “You need a free spirit to interact, relate with God, to get on with God but your spirit is not free. The moment you discover that burden that put you in bondage, you can remove it by prayer. A free spirit is sensitive to the Spirit of God. The first thing you need to do is remove the burden. Faith makes the Word prevail”.
During Mass Prayer, the man of God took authority in the mighty name of Jesus to release those in whatever kind of bondage, ranging from career to health issues: “Whatever area of your life that is troubled, begin to command calmness. My career, business, spiritual life, destiny – I command calmness!”
EVANGELIST ANNEIn an earlier exhortation, Evangelist Anne, speaking on a message titled, ‘TRUST IN THE LORD BEFORE THE LIONS ARRIVE’ enjoined Christians to always be of good cheer in times of trials. She discouraged the attitude of asking God questions when things go awry, observing that what our Creator requires at all times is total trust in Him as exemplified by many biblical heroes. She also frowned at the faithless outbursts of unbelievers who would quickly blame God for all their failings: If you ask someone who doesn’t believe in God why he doesn’t believe. The answer you will likely get is this – “If a loving God exists, why does He stand by and do nothing when others are hurting? Where was he when my innocent brother was jailed for a crime he never committed? Where was he when as a graduate, I was denied my right in society and had to join the men of the underworld? Where was he when everyone in my family became so poor that I now cater for them through prostitution?”
Encouraging Christians not to make hasty conclusions about God when they are faced with temporary challenges, she also reminded them that the present should not be used to judge the future because, the present might be gloomy but with God, there will always be a future full of hope: “Today, many act more like God’s enemies than his friends because of an inability to see beyond their immediate situation. They become rebellious in nature and often misinterpret God’s silence as rejection; they surrender to their fears while their hearts dream of a miracle and are quick to conclude that there is no future/hope/God!”
Evangelist Anne made reference to biblical characters like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as well as Job and explained in detail how their trust in God turned their situations around even in the face of grave dangers: “Many biblical heroes had their faith challenged in a new way but they never cut off their dependence upon God. They knew that personal fulfilment and achievement came from learning from both positive and negative experiences; that there were no short cuts to spiritual maturity and that in their spiritual walk with God, there would be good and hard times”.
Concluding, Evangelist Anne admonished Christians about the antics of satan who would always want them to dwell on things God has not given them rather than those He has given them, stating that they are all ploys by the devil to place the world in their hearts so that Christ would be displaced: “Because satan knows he cannot stop those with spiritual insight into Christ Jesus, his main aim is to get you to forget all God has given and focus on what you don’t have.  But a Christian cannot afford to forget God than the Israelites could in their daily life. You can deny, ridicule, slander, and ignore God but His love remains constant and unchanging”.
At The SCOAN, testimonies are a daily affair – a confirmation of the wondrous presence of God! With every testimony, His name is exalted on high and His mercies shall continue to endure and abide with us all in Jesus’ name. The following testimonies are proof that you too can be a partaker of His divine grace. Emmanuel!
MISS LUCY AGADAOne day Lucy Agada from Benue was taking a stroll in a field; she would never have imagined that this seemingly harmless act would be a turning point for the worse in her life. As she was walking, she smelt the scent of anthill soil and it appealed to her. Taking some from the ground, she began to eat it. That was the beginning of her addiction. Before long, she was totally addicted to the anthill soil, preferring it to ordinary food. To her, it tasted like chocolate and she would eat it four to five times a day. Her friends and family members thought she was mentally ill and she was very embarrassed but the craving continued all the more. Each time she tried to stop it, the desire would increase. The addiction went on for four years. She became desperate and in faith decided to come to The SCOAN for deliverance. At the Prayer Line, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for her and ministered the Morning Water on her. She received her deliverance and the desire for the anthill soil vanished as quickly as it came. Free and full of joy, she testified to the great change in her life. She can now eat normally to the glory of God!

MISS DUME UCHE RITAMiss Dume Rita’s life was brought to a standstill when she was diagnosed with asthma two years ago. This sickness was not just ordinary asthma. It was an affliction that affected every area of her life. She would have attacks three times a week and would be rushed to hospital at times in a critical condition. She did not look for work with any enthusiasm knowing that no company would accept her with such an affliction. She would have to dress warmly all the time in an attempt to guard against the frequent attacks. She was also allergic to perfume and immediately she smelt the scent of strong perfume, an attack would start. Watching Emmanuel TV, she believed that her sickness would be wiped away if she could just get hold of the Morning Water.
A friend came to The SCOAN and received the Morning Water. She gave it to Rita and after ministering it, the asthma vanished completely. She began to breathe normally and strength and life returned to her; she is healed! Now, she can use perfume and is no longer taking regular trips to the hospital. Not only was she healed physically; her career also turned around. After two years of unemployment, despite being a Business Management Graduate, she was blessed with a new job as a Retail Manager in a bank.
To cap it all, she was also healed of severe menstrual pain after Ministering the Morning Water. Her setback and sickness has truly been wiped away, in the name of Jesus Christ!

MRS PATRICIAImagine having to sleep in a seated position every night. How would it feel not to be able MRS PATRICIA 2to look back, to the right or to the left? This was the unfortunate position Mrs. Patricia Onwubiko found herself in. Diagnosed with cervical spondylosis, she was given a neck collar which was to be worn at all times. This neck collar did little to ease the severe pain she was passing through. Not able to move around or even eat, she was truly in a sorry state. That was before she was brought to The SCOAN and received prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua with the Morning Water. With just one spray, the muscles in her neck became loose and her bones were shifted back to their original position. She began turning her neck freely to the glory of God! Now free from pain, she threw away her neck collar, rejoicing at the healing power of Jesus Christ!

Prophet T.B. Joshua The SCOAN Sunday service of February 1, 2015 was power-packed with inspiring messages, teachings and divine visitation. The SCOAN choir, with their passionate and energetic renditions, lit up the entire atmosphere and created the spirit-filled environment for God’s power to work at its peak.
With his message titled

WHAT YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER IN PRAYER, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua x-rayed the workings of the heart of man in relation to the spiritual act of praying. He put the message in perspective using a scriptural reference

(Psalm 34:12-14): “Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”  The man of God enumerated the basic things we need to consider in prayer as follows: “The thoughts that are in the mind, the desires that are in the heart and the feelings that are in the spirit”. It means that Christians must understand the right concepts of praying before their prayers can attract the attention of Heaven. No wonder many people pray and yet things remain the same. The major import of the message is that we must understand how to pray aright as true Christians.
Because prayer is a serious communion between man and his Creator, the man of God observed that it requires careful thinking before we jump into it. In other words, we need to think deeply about what we want to pray for before embarking on the act: “The heart should be strong, alert and active to know the feelings that are in the spirit; that is emotions. To come to this, one has to think more before praying. Meditate until God gives you a clear light to pray. When an airplane comes to a country before it can land at any airport it must be given clearance. In the same way, you must meditate until God gives you a clear light. Can you see that we are wasting our time? What we call prayer is not prayer – we are saying words”.
Prophet T.B. Joshua expatiated on the importance of meditation, its relevance to the act of prayer and the power it carries to bring about true communion with God. He counselled Christians on how and when to use this great medium: “When you get up in the morning, meditate, “Take more of me, give me more of You”. These are words that have been anointed for you. This will help you to think more before you start prayer because it will make your heart active, alert and strong. With this, you are meditating to the level where God will give you a clear light and say, “Go ahead and pray”.
During Mass Prayer, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed along with the congregation consisting of visitors from many countries of the world. He took authority in the name of Jesus to bind demons and all spirits that are holding the people of God captive. He prayed for the nations of the world and asked God to intervene and stop the bloodshed that has become a global affair. He prayed against the spirits from the past and ministered healing and deliverance in Jesus’ name.
Earlier on, Evangelist Cindy had engaged the minds of the congregation with a message titled YOU CAN STILL TURN IT AROUND.
The message which revolved around the impermanence of circumstances urged Christians never to give up in the face of disappointing circumstances stressing that with God, every bad and ugly situation can be turned around for good.
She admonished Christians to learn from the experiences of great biblical figures whose situations later proved to be stepping stones to their eventual glory and triumph in life. According to her, only God knows what the future holds. Hence, our realization of this fact should endear us more to Him: “Have you ever wondered how someone who passed through the valley of the shadow of death, I mean, moved from hatred to a dry pit, from a dry pit to slavery, from slavery to false accusation and from false accusation to imprisonment could become a man of honour? Have you ever wondered how this young man Joseph, who was not even an Egyptian, could become the Prime Minister of Egypt? No man knows by the present signs or situation what the future holds. What does the future hold? In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, “For I know the plans I have for you … to give you hope and a future”. What a beautiful picture He has given us but know one thing that if gold must be gold, it has to pass through fire”. Evangelist Cindy enumerated certain steps that we as Christians must take to enable us overcome the world and all the negative situations it brings about. She talked about Mind Management and encouraged Christians to mature mentally by handing everything to the Holy Spirit. This is a level where situations around them would not be able to break them down. She talked about Dreams and advised Christians to realise that there are times when our expectations fail, yet we can turn such situations around when we allow the Holy Spirit to take total control and possession of our hearts. She spoke about Readiness insisting that unless we as Christians are ready to fight the good fight of faith, it will be difficult for us to achieve God’s plan for our lives. The fight of faith involves a lot of pain and sacrifice and only those who really desire God passionately can withstand the pains it brings. She also encouraged Christians to TALK FAITH and ACT FAITH by exercising the immense power at their disposal; the power which their son-ship automatically bestows upon them. Concluding, evangelist Cindy admonished Christians to understand that things will always turn around when we make God the centre of our existence: “No condition is permanent because there is nothing that God created that He cannot change. With Jesus, all things are possible. With Jesus, you can still turn it around”.
God has continued to prove Himself at The SCOAN. Every day comes with a harvest of soul-lifting testimonies. Like a tree planted by the river side and watered by the Lord, Prophet T.B. Joshua is being used by God to bring salvation and redemption to the people of God. The following testimonies are a proof of the great signs and wonders that He has wrought with His mighty hand at The SCOAN for the conviction that the whole world might be saved through Christ Jesus.
In 2012, Pastor Magyari Laszlo from Hungary was afflicted by a skin disease and before long, his neck was covered with spots. His concern increased as the skin disease was spreading rapidly to every area of his body. The doctor diagnosed him with psoriases, an incurable skin disease. He was experiencing severe itching all the time and could not sleep. His skin would peel off and sometimes it would be bleeding. As a pastor, this embarrassing condition impeded his duties as he was not able to go out and evangelise the Word of God. He could only communicate through the internet or on phone because he had to stay indoors as a result of this problem.
One day, while searching for solution on the internet, he discovered the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua through videos on YouTube. When he saw the miracles and how people were cured of all kinds of sicknesses and diseases, he believed that God could also work wonders in his own situation. Soon after that, one night, while he was sleeping, he had a dream in which he saw Prophet T.B. Joshua praying for him at The SCOAN. During the prayer, he saw four snakes appear and Prophet T.B. Joshua hit the snakes’ heads; smoke appeared and the snakes disappeared.
Convinced that his case would not escape the anointing of God, he decided to come to The SCOAN so that Prophet T.B. Joshua could pray for him at the Prayer Line. Immediately after the prayer of Prophet T.B. Joshua, the itching disappeared. The following day, he noticed that the skin disease started to clear up. After the healing, he can now go out and evangelise the Word of God and do all the things he was unable to do before. He is also sleeping very peacefully at night. Joyfully testifying before the congregation and viewers worldwide, he showed his now perfect skin, restored for the glory of God.
Mr Lekan Mustapha together with his wife and mother-in-law came to The SCOAN to share their testimony with the children of God. One day, when his mother-law woke up, she experienced terrible joint pains. She was taken to hospital and diagnosed with arthritis. The condition deteriorated over time and the treatment was also a constant drain on her finances. She was moved to Canada in search of greener pastures and at that point, the second knee was also affected. She was diagnosed with severe arthritis on both knees. The last resort was to book her for an operation for knee cap replacements. She returned back to Nigeria and the diagnosis was still the same. She began to get discouraged as this pain had been her constant companion for ten years and she could no longer run her catering business. During this time, Mr Lekan Mustapha discovered Emmanuel TV and everything began to turn around! When his mother-in-law returned to Nigeria, Emmanuel TV was installed in her house and she began to watch testimonies of so many others.
When they learned about the Morning Water, they decided to bring their mother to The SCOAN. At the Prayer Line, Prophet T.B. Joshua gave Mr Mustapha a bottle of Morning Water and to his greatest surprise, told him to minister the Morning Water on his mother-in-law in the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus. Immediately that was done, she rose from the seat and was able to walk freely to the glory of God!  Full of joy, her son-in-law proclaimed in awe at the miracle. Overflowing with gratitude to God for rescuing her health, Madam Fatoyinbo Ashati had nothing to say but “Thank You, Jesus!”
Bishop Smart Olusegun and family came to The SCOAN to testify to the goodness of God in their lives through the medium of the Anointing Water. One fateful day, they were travelling in a car with some of their church members when suddenly an oncoming car took the wrong side of the road. Mysteriously, his wife did not see the car but Bishop Smart, in order to avoid the oncoming car which only he saw, drove into a ditch and it became a very serious accident scene. The vehicle was a complete write-off.
By the divine grace of God, the Emmanuel TV crew were passing at that time and stopped when they saw the accident scene and rushed to assist. The bishop’s daughter was lifeless. She was removed from the vehicle and taken to an open area where the Faith Bracelet was put on her wrist and drops of the Anointing Water were ministered into her mouth. Shortly after that, the little girl was restored back to life and to the joy and amazement of the onlookers, opened her eyes. The Emmanuel TV team took the family to the nearest hospital and continued showing love to the family.
Mr Jonas from Zambia started his testimony by challenging the world that they should know that satanism is real as he was fully into it before his deliverance at The SCOAN the previous week.
It started when he was in boarding school where he was surrounded by rich friends who were a popular group in the school. Curious and eager to join their ranks, he joined one of their meetings where they took blood from his left hand, dripped it into a cup and made him drink half of the contents in the cup while the other people shared the remaining half. After this physical initiation, that night, he saw himself leave his body to appear in a graveyard, where people were singing and dancing. In the graveyard, he was given a black gown and red scarf to wear like the rest of the group. After that he went back to his body. When he woke up the next morning, he saw the black gown and red scarf in his wardrobe. In his suitcase he found a brown envelope with a lot of money together with a letter which told him that he was not allowed to use all the money but had to distribute a larger fraction of it to people. Later he learned that anyone who received the gift of that money could be used in the kingdom of darkness at anytime – they would be able to use that person’s body or face.
After completing his secondary school, he was promoted to another rank in the satanic kingdom. He started to appear under the sea and saw many people there. There were many departments but he was taken to the destruction section. They gave him two marks – 666 on his chest and hand. He was given assignments to destroy many people and cause confusion. He and his three friends were instructed to initiate women through sexual intercourse. They were given luxury cars which they used to target hotels and nightclubs to pick up women. Because of the money at their disposal, they could buy drinks for the women in order to accomplish their assignments with them by planting in them demons that would destroy their lives and marriages.
He explained that those from the satanic kingdom used to know each other because of the third eye on the forehead. They would greet each other and pass. They would know true Christians by Someone at their back, guiding and protecting them. Mr Jonas said that in the satanic kingdom, nothing you would do would ever be appreciated. He was asked to sacrifice his own parents but it was too difficult for him. The ‘master’ told him that he was very stubborn and they wanted to discipline him. He and two of his friends decided to quit and he was told that they would suffer for that.
Soon after that, he was suspended from the university, for no reason. One of his friends died while the other one ended up in a wheelchair.  At that point, he started looking for deliverance. When pastors would pray for him, he would be the one to deliver them; the pastors would be beaten by something they could not see. He thought all hope was lost. He then remembered when he was still part of the satanic kingdom that there was a time when a presentation was made under the sea and one woman stood up to complain about a certain man, “T.B. Joshua” and at the mention of that name, everything under the sea shook. They told her not to mention that name there because he was very problematic to their satanic kingdom. He also heard people in Zambia talking about how God was using T.B. Joshua. That made him to decide to come to The SCOAN to receive his deliverance. At the prayer line, when Prophet T.B. Joshua looked at him, he saw a very bright light like the sun and fell down. From there, he did not know what happened. When he regained consciousness, he was feeling very light and the wickedness from his heart was removed. Before his deliverance, he used to hear voices and see strange things but since his deliverance, he is free and enjoying peace of mind. He brought the picture of his friend in the wheelchair. His friend touched the screen when Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for the viewers and rose up from the wheelchair and is now walking freely!  He advised people to believe and trust in God and be prayerful.
In March 2014, Mr Sampson Nwokoro, (aka Sanui Godman) a Gospel artist was afflicted by the spirit of suicide. He looked for the highest bridge in Abuja to jump down from. When he jumped down, he broke his leg. He was hospitalised, treated and later discharged. Then, the spirit of madness came upon him and he was admitted in a psychiatric hospital. There, he broke his leg again and ended up with crutches. His sister had to take care of him. She kept telling him about The SCOAN but he was reluctant to come until he finally decided to listen to her. When they eventually came, it was a Saturday and there was no healing service but rather than going home empty handed, they received the Morning Water. Back home, his sister ministered it to him in Jesus’ name. He slept and woke up and felt strength returning to his leg. The following day, he came back to The SCOAN and at the overflow congregation, he heard the evangelist saying, “You that are sick, rise up and walk!” He felt that she was talking to him and rose up and walked freely! He advised everyone to apply their faith in Jesus’ name and they will receive.
On Sunday 25th January 2015, the atmosphere in The SCOAN reverberated with echoes of edifying anthems from the Emmanuel Singers who encouraged the congregation with soul-lifting songs. As indicated by the attentive yet participatory inclination of the entire congregation, the songs from the Emmanuel Singers served as forerunner to the moment of exhortation when the mind must be fed with spiritual food for thought.
Prophet T.B. JoshuaEvangelist Catherine delivered a thought-provoking message titled DIG DEEP; FIGHT IT THROUGH. She captured the dynamics of the Christian race in uncertain and perilous times and put it in perspective from collective and individual angles. Citing the life of Apostle Paul as a typical example, she encouraged Christians to remain of good cheer in the face of all the trials and challenges that are part of life.
“In Romans 7:15, Apostle Paul said, ‘I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.’ But despite the predicament he found himself in, he did not stop, he did not give up, he did not allow his weakness to pull him down or tear him apart; he continued to run the race, to fight the good fight and he kept his faith. Our God – powerful and faithful to His faithful ones – raised him to such an extent that we still look to and learn from Paul as one of the greatest apostles that ever lived”.
Explaining the concept DIG DEEP, Evangelist Catherine uncovered hidden facts about appearance, packaging and deception. Just like the popular advertising lingo “appearance is not reality”, she urged Christians not to judge things based on their face value or appearance because appearance could be deceptive. Sometimes, blessings are disguised as troubles and vice-versa. There are generous biblical exemplifications of this fact. The fig tree that Jesus cursed in the Bible appeared fruitful from face value but was actually full of leaves and fruitless.
Evangelist Catherine - SCOANHence, according to Evangelist Catherine, the true Christian must be meticulous in his or her judgement by being thorough in analysing scenarios. When times are hard, our tears and complaints are not the solution. Instead, our ability to dig deep and discern the lessons inherent in such experiences is most important. Using the experience of Moses and the Israelites in Egypt, she encouraged Christians to dig deep for the voice of God in all circumstances rather than allow themselves to be distracted by the extraneous voices of their circumstances.
“Moses dug deep within him and heard the One who had sent him instructing him what to do. It is not difficult to act when you know God is speaking to you. Because Moses’ heart was deeply engaged with God, he was familiar with His voice, so when God spoke, Moses listened and obeyed what God told him to do. That voice on the inside was greater than the noise on the outside and following God’s instruction, the sea was parted in two and the Israelites with Moses safely walked through”.
Bemoaning the panicky and defeatist attitudes of most Christians in the face of trouble, Evangelist Catherine counselled the congregation to seek direction from the throne of grace rather than cling to the promptings of the human thinking and flesh. “When trouble comes, many run to the strong arm of institutions, medicine or flesh but according to God’s Word, we are to run to the throne of grace as a chosen people, a royal priesthood, God’s special possession called out of darkness into God’s glorious light to praise His holy name”.
According to Evangelist Catherine, every human being is shaped by the predominant thoughts he or she continually harbours. In other words, we are what we think. It is on this basis that she counselled Christians to think like champions and conquerors which they really are and look up to God in times of trouble believing strongly that He is able to see them through whatever life throws at them.
“I want you to think differently, talk differently, look differently, behave differently – knowing that Someone stronger, smarter, more powerful than you is for you, not against you, is fighting just for you and is more powerful than the combined forces of earth and hell. He wants to see you through whatever life brings. Whether the goings are good or tough and unpredictable, He wants to see you through – if only you give God a chance to prove it”.
God’s Word will never return to Him void without accomplishing that which it is sent to accomplish and the songs of praise and thanksgiving will never depart from His house. The following testimonies proclaim the wonderful works God is doing at The SCOAN through His anointed servant Prophet T.B. Joshua. Just believe and you too shall a partaker of His glory!
During the Saturday Prayer Line service, Prophet T.B. Joshua introduced the eagerly awaited, ‘Morning Water’, ministering it to several people in the prayer line who came with severe afflictions. The results were extraordinary as with just a spray, sickness bowed the knee to the name of Jesus Christ and evil spirits behind infirmities were forced to get out. The following day, several of those who were ministered to with the Morning Water returned to share their triumphant testimonies!
MR KALU KALU Mr Kalu Kalu was in agony. Literally, each movement was accompanied by searing and shooting pain that made even a mere attempt to walk hellish. An accident in April 2014 left a fracture in his vertebrae compounded by a disc compression. His job in the civil service was threatened as he could no longer perform any of his duties due to the debilitating condition. A surgical operation was recommended by doctors but Mr. Kalu’s faith rested on God’s power.
Sitting down watching Emmanuel TV last week, he was amazed to discover The SCOAN Saturday Prayer Line service would hold the following week. By God’s grace, he made the difficult, painful journey to Lagos and was arranged at the Prayer Line. Prophet T.B. Joshua ministered the Morning Water upon Mr. Kalu’s hands, telling him to place them on any part of his body which was in pain. He rubbed the Morning Water upon his back and suddenly rose to his feet! “It was as if something came out of me and the pain just disappeared,” Mr. Kalu told the congregation. For the first time in eight long months, he was able to walk by himself. Returning home that night, he slept peacefully without pain for the very first time since his accident! Indeed, Mr. Kalu was able to genuinely greet his health ‘Good Morning!’
Mr Victor AgbedoThe dawn had awoken. Mr. Victor Aghedo stirred from his sleep. He tried to get out of bed but his legs remained immobile. Attempting to sit up, a wave of pain hit him. It was agonizing. Unable to get up from the bed, Victor desperately beckoned on his wife. That was the beginning of two long months characterized by constant pain. He literally relied on his wife for everything – even to go to the toilet! Several medical tests could not ascertain exactly what had happened to Mr. Aghedo but the facts remained the same – he could not walk.
Painfully struggling to make his way to The SCOAN accompanied by his wife, Victor sat at the Prayer Line and pleaded with God for mercy as Prophet T.B. Joshua approached. Moved upon seeing his plight, Prophet T.B. Joshua gave the Morning Water to Mr Victor’s wife and told her to minister it to him. ‘But I am not a pastor,’ she internally questioned. She poured the Morning Water into her husband’s mouth twice. Suddenly, the man who had been practically bed-bound for the last two months jumped to his feet with the athleticism of a young man! “The pain just disappeared,” Mr. Aghedo joyfully testified to The SCOAN congregation. He advised them to believe nothing is impossible with God’s power, stating that he personally drove to the church the following morning and walked by himself into the auditorium to authenticate the mightiness of the miracle he received! Thank You, Jesus Christ!

MR PRELATI LUCIANO (1)For eight years, Mr. Prelati Luciano had an unusual nocturnal companion – a machine. After being diagnosed with a rare form of sleep apnea which was extremely dangerous, doctors prescribed a breathing machine, informing the Italian that he would have to use this machine every night for the rest of his life. Despite the use of the machine, Mr. Luciano would awake with irritability and restlessness. His breathing was both heavy and painful due to the condition.
Despite his skepticism, he accompanied his Nigerian wife to The SCOAN in Lagos to attend the Prayer Line together. By God’s grace, the very week they arrived in Nigeria was the time God spoke to Prophet T.B. Joshua to release the Morning Water. As he ministered the Morning Water to Mr. Luciano, he began to stagger, clearly under the influence of God’s power. Immediately afterwards, he testified that he could breathe freely without any hindrance. However, the full extent of the miracle was only to be revealed later that night. Taking a bold step of faith, Mr. Luciano decided to sleep without using the breathing machine. To the glory of God, he slept peacefully and awoke the following morning without the usual tiredness and tetchiness. “The Morning Water is very powerful,” were the Italian’s final words to viewers

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