Monday, December 15, 2014


DR RICHARD URAMADr Richard Urama was frustrated. His favourite foods had literally been banned by medical health professionals, who warned him he would have to watch his diet for the rest of his life due to a sudden onset of high cholesterol.

However, even after five years of regular tablet-taking to regulate his cholesterol, alongside a strict and challenging diet regime, the cholesterol level was still surprisingly high, making doctors to warn that this could result in a heart attack if he wasn’t careful.

The ailment further affected his government work, which was already strenuous enough. However, after being introduced to Emmanuel TV by a work colleague, Dr Urama was shocked to behold how God’s power was eradicating even far more serious ailments than his own in the instant. He decided to visit The SCOAN and was among those privileged that day to receive the Anointing Water.

The moment he ministered the Anointing Water, Dr Urama described a light sensation that rapidly encompassed his entire body. Convinced beyond all doubt that a miracle had taken place, he immediately returned to his choice culinary dishes and resumed his normal diet. Several months later, after witnessing no side effects whatsoever, he decided to revisit the hospital that had diagnosed him. The levels of his cholesterol had completely normalized, reducing from 244 to 183!

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