Monday, December 15, 2014


The elderly Indian lady limped forward towards her television. She was thousands of kilometres away from Nigeria and couldn’t even speak English but faith saw beyond these barriers. Touching the tiny screen as Prophet T.B. Joshua was offering prayer, the supernatural power of God literally pulsated through her body!MRS KOVVADA JESSICA

Mrs Kovvada Jessica, a senior nurse by profession, was in India when she discovered Emmanuel TV on the internet. Her mother, who had fractured her hip in a horrific accident, was on the sickbed at the time for over one year. Strengthened in faith by the miraculous clips she watched on Emmanuel TV, she introduced her mother to the channel and encouraged her to pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. As the prayer point, ‘Dry bones – rise again’ was being offered, she touched the screen and received instant healing, able to walk freely for the first time in one year.

As Jessica’s love for Emmanuel TV grew, so did the blessings of God. Seeing the Anointing Sticker and the testimonies people shared through it, she decided to take a picture of the Sticker from Emmanuel TV and print it as a point of contact. Placing the photocopied Anointing Sticker on her motorbike, she prayed to God for Divine protection. Previously, Mrs Kovvada had frequent accidents and injuries through using the motorbike. However, after placing the Anointing Sticker on it, she testified that she has had no more accidents and her health has been miraculously rejuvenated.

The testimonies through her interaction with Emmanuel TV are far too numerous to mention. Where previously there were hatred and jealousy in her workplace, love and promotion have taken their place. Scores of people have prayed with the Anointing Sticker she keeps as a constant companion in her pocket, including a work colleague who reconciled with her estranged husband and children after the prayer.

Just imagine – if a lady in faraway India could demonstrate such faith and receive so many blessings merely through watching Emmanuel TV, what is stopping you from stepping out in faith as you are watching right now and receiving your own testimony, in Jesus’ name!

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