Friday, April 25, 2014


Mr Vincent Achinuke, living in the US, explained how he had worked in a company as supervisor for a number of years. One day, the upper management met him that two employees needed to go, so he should find something, anything against them. He told them that he did not want to have a hand in it. Immediately, they fired him and relieved him of his duties. Shortly after that, his two house tenants were relocated to different states due to their job demands, resulting in a sudden financial break down. He sat depressed on his couch and slept for a whole day when he awoke to Prophet T.B. Joshua praying on Emmanuel TV for viewers to claim their career. He quickly joined in and believed within him that his trouble had come to an end. Three days later, he received a call from the area manager of an oil company, saying that they had seen his profile online and asked if they could meet. Mr Vincent happily agreed and was given the position of operations manager. His salary now is double what he used to receive and he will spend half of his work time this year in Saudi Arabia and the rest in the US.Image
He said, “When you make Jesus Christ Lord and Saviour of your life and situation – He will see you through.”

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