Friday, April 25, 2014


ImageFor eight years, Mrs. Enobong Utin’s daughter, Miss Edidiong Utin, suffered from a chronic paranoid schizophrenic condition and had to live on cocktails of medications. The extent of the dosage she had to ingest compromised the state of her heart and consequentially reduced her mental alertness. Over the years that followed, Miss Edidiong Utin would also have learning difficulties. As if her condition did not wear her parents down enough in the United States, one day Miss Edidiong Utin took a knife and was about to stab herself in the kitchen when her brother walked into the scene to abort the attempt.
While she shuttled her daughter between medical facilities, Mrs Enobong Utin, a professional nurse, shared her plight with her Nigeria-based brother Dr. Essien, who recommended the Anointing Water as the only solution. Although skeptical about the brother’s recommendation, Mrs. Enobong Utin travelled to Nigeria and returned to the United States with the Anointing Water.
When Mrs Enobong Utin arrived at the ward, her daughter did not know her. Disheartened by this, Mrs. Enobong Utin seized a window of opportunity at her disposal and started to minister the Anointing Water on her daughter. To her utmost surprise, demonic spirits residing inside her daughter began to manifest and confess. The first voice said, “She will not graduate.”
“Who are you?” Mrs. Enobong Utin asked.
“I am an ancestral spirit,” said the demonic spirit.
“Who else is there?” Mrs. Enobong Utin continued to confront the demonic spirits, picking courage from what Emmanuel TV had taught her.
“I am queen of the coast,” said the spirit.
In the end a total of five demons manifested and were cast out as Mrs. Enobong Utin continued to minister the Anointing Water on her daughter’s body in the blood of Jesus. Miss Edidiong Utin rolled her eyes back and forth and her body returned to calmness. As she remained still and stared at her mother, Mrs. Enobong Utin heard her daughter say, “Mum, how are you?” To God be the glory, Miss Edidiong Utin was totally restored and freed from the agents of chronic schizophrenic condition.
Showing the related BEFORE and AFTER medical reports, a beaming Mrs. Enobong Utin said that “the Anointing Water” works.

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