Thursday, January 9, 2014


January 5 marked the first Sunday for the year 2014 and for those who gathered at The SCOAN in Lagos Nigeria, there could be no better way for stepping into the year than the praise and worship that filled the auditorium. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, preached with power and gave Words of Wisdom, touching on the topic of faith. He stressed that faith is not an imitation but a spiritual experience that should arise in one’s heart according to the Word of God.
Prophet T.B. Joshua
Said the man of God: “Faith arises in each person’s heart because faith is of man’s heart. Don’t base your faith on your improvement after prayer” He then warned against basing one’s spiritual experience on feelings and emotions saying, “If you continue to base faith on your improvement after prayer, the devil will continue to deceive you. You will begin to count how many times your prayer is answered,” he said.
Wise Man Harry preached on the message: MAKE THE YEAR WORK. The proof text was from the Book of Matthew 15:21-28, a scripture about a woman from Canaan who had an encounter with Jesus Christ and persistently begged for the healing of her daughter who was suffering from demon possession. He described the woman as one with vision and active faith, hence her ability to attract Jesus’ attention and to have her daughter healed.
Wise Man Harry 
He said, as a Christian, when one’s focus is on a dream, whatever happens around the person would not matter. “Today, it’s not that we do not have a dream, we have but we do not believe in our dream. If you have a dream, remember that nobody else would believe that dream. If you don’t believe your dream, your dream will not come to pass. Therefore, you must protect that dream as nobody else can do it for you. To protect your dream, you must stop the language or the vocabulary of the victim; be positive. Let your words become the photograph of the future you desire instead of the future you fear,” he said.


When Corporal Benjamin Gabriel of the Nigerian Police Force left his station at the Lagos State Command on a special assignment last year to an area notorious for armed robbery, he thought it was just going to be ‘business as usual’ – patrolling the street and mounting a road block that would scare away such criminals from operating. But little did the 24 year-old know he was going to have an unusual dangerous encounter with these men of the underworld that, without God’s presence with him, they would have taken his life! Corporal Benjamin’s experience was one that eventually proved to any doubting Thomas of God’s mightiness as Protector and Defender of His people. While at the checking point with three of his other colleagues that fateful night, he suddenly found himself and his colleagues surrounded by no less than 14 men heavily armed with sub-automatic machine guns. Instantly, the robbers uncorked their AK49 weapons and opened fire at the unsuspecting police officers. The AK49 rifle is a later model to the AK47 which Corporal Gabriel and his unit carried. The officer beside him was shot dead instantly, others were severely injured while another escaped into the bush leaving Corporal Gabriel alone staring into 14 muzzles of loaded guns.
“I could see flares of gun-fire all around me and could feel bullets hit me all over,” he said. Thank God, none of the bullets could penetrate his flesh; he was under the protection of Heavenly armour!
Before he left for the assignment, a friend had given him a copy of one of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s sermons, known as an ‘MPG – Mouthpiece of God’ titled, You Must Be Born Again. Although he had never visited The SCOAN before, after reading the message, he was touched and his faith in Christ Jesus increased because he had heard a lot of God’s great work for mankind on earth today through His Prophet, T.B. Joshua. He took his own personal photograph by faith and placed it inside the sermon leaflet as a point of contact for God’s intervention in his life. He had then placed the leaflet inside his bag and believed that the yoke in his life was broken, in Jesus’ name. This was what he went with on this extra-ordinary encounter.
Now, confronted by notorious criminals shooting at him and his fellow officers, he remembered the MPG in his bag. Just as the first bullet rung out, Corporal Gabriel shouted the name, “Jesus!” Even as bullets rained on him, tearing through his combat boots, trousers and underwear, none could go beyond what he wore. They continued firing at him at close range and he continued shouting: “Jesus, God of Prophet T.B. Joshua, save me!” It was a barrage of gun shots tearing everywhere into pieces including the battleground like a volcanic eruption, yet Corporal Benjamin was not hurt despite their firepower and numbers against him even when they had taken his Police Service AK47 gun away as he fell thinking he had been shattered into pieces!
Corporal Benjamin Gabriel
But they failed because the presence of God was with him! The armed robbers were shocked to see the bullets ripping his uniform but not piecing his body. All he was shouting was, ‘Jesus, God of T.B. Joshua!’ The Corporal, now confident that God was at work, charged at his adversaries even without any gun in hand like a lion and eventually collected one of the armed robbers’ guns, an AK49!
He testified, “They collected my AK-47 and I collected their AK-49’s!” Full of fear and confused at this man who refused to die, the armed robbers disappeared into the darkness. Corporal Gabriel, ‘God’s bullet-proof officer’ who joined the police service in 2002, showed the congregation the very uniform and underwear he wore that night with the bullet holes in them. The AK 49 bullets destroyed his combat boots into shreds of leather but his feet were untouched! He said that when he told the Commissioner of Police in his State and his superiors, they could not believe what had happened and questioned him about his unexplainable, unharmed and untouched body. He showed them his photo, inside the sermon of Prophet T.B. Joshua from The SCOAN and they were all amazed at the miraculous escape and were left with no doubt; it was the supreme work of God.
“God made my body bullet-proof!” was his ecstatic reply


Mrs Roseline Onyishi from Enugu State in Nigeria, and her 16 year-old daughter Precious, came to testify to God’s glory of the miraculous healing her daughter received through the medium of the Anointing Water. In September last year, Precious had fallen ill and had all signs of a malaria attack. She was rushed to hospital but after two days of admission, she continued to vomit and had been put on a drip. Although the doctors said they were doing their best, there did not seem to be any improvement. She remained confined to the hospital bed for four days and on the fifth day, the doctors confessed the limitation of human wisdom. They sent her for another test at a different facility; this was after she spent a week in the hospital. They were told that it was a serious case of kidney failure and that Precious should go for dialysis. The doctor explained that her kidney was enlarged and she needed emergency attention. All her daughter could do was vomit and go to the toilet; she was in a terrible state. Actually, the doctors said she would need to be on dialysis for the rest of her life. Each day, her daughter received one pint of blood and they continued with the dialysis. One of Mrs Onyishi’s in-laws visited her at the hospital and gave her the Anointing Water from The SCOAN. After reading the Anointing Water booklet, her faith was lifted. She ministered the Anointing Water on her daughter’s lower abdomen and in her mouth, in Jesus’ name.
Mrs Roseline Onyishi and Family
One day later, the doctor discharged them for no apparent reason. When they inquired why, the doctor told her that her daughter was inexplicably well and should therefore go home and return the following week. Another test a week later, confirmed that she was indeed healed of the kidney problem – no more dialysis, no more needles and blood transfusions. Today she is safe and free with all her eyes to becoming a medical doctor. Glory to God!


Mrs Peggy Kaluba from Zambia was diagnosed with cancer last year. She had been experiencing a blocked nose for three years and felt pain when swallowing. She visited the hospital and the doctors advised her to go for a CT scan which exposed a tumour. After one month having gone through a biopsy, the next thing was for her to go for an operation in order to remove the large cancerous tumour of the neck and nose which in itself could not even be guaranteed. The doctors said she should go to a hospital where she would receive specialist attention. She decided to visit the Great Physician, Jesus Christ and came to The SCOAN where she received the Anointing Water. At this time, the tumour was massive in size. Back home, she prayed and ministered the Anointing Water, in Jesus’ name and went for another scan. She said she believed in the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua. When the results came out, she was free from cancer! Jesus had healed her.
Mrs Peggy Kaluba
“Jesus heals; learn to trust in God,” she said.‘JESUS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION!’ SAYS DELIVERED WITCH DOCTOR
Another testimony came from Miss Olipha Dube from South Africa, a registered nurse and a strong witch doctor who was delivered at The SCOAN prayer line last week. She testified of how futile the devil’s perceived solutions to man’s problems are. After graduating from her nursing school, she went into private business supplying nurses for government and institutions in the health sector. Her business was going well until a few years later when everything slowed down and plunged. Frustrated and with nowhere to run, her friend introduced her to a witch doctor where she received charms to help her business. Instead, her problems became worse. She started moving from one witch doctor to another, searching for a higher power until one of the witch doctors told her that her ancestors wanted her to become a witch doctor.
She accepted and went through the initiation school where charms were stuffed into her body. She was also given power to see what others could not see and the ability to communicate with the spiritual world. She was initiated and started practicing as a witch doctor. Many people came to her shrine but she discovered that she could not solve every problem brought to her. Even those that she ‘helped’ would later come back complaining that the charms only worked for a few days and then brought worse problems. So, she went to another initiator and paid a huge sum of money for him to teach her how to use plants, trees and animal parts to produce different kinds of charms.
In the process, she used many charms on herself in order to be able to communicate with the spiritual world on a daily basis and attain more powers. She had an evil altar in her bedroom, where she would talk to the ancestral spirits – they would appear to her and communicate with her. She had two shrines for the ancestral spirits – one for her father’s side and another one for her mother’s side. She would use parts of animals, like dogs, drying them in the sun and grinding them into powder.  People would receive the powder, not knowing what it was made of. After inserting the powder into the person, the spirit of the animal would enter them, giving the person an uncontrollable spirit of lust. She explained that because this did not provide a lasting solution, it caused people to start moving from one witch doctor to another unaware that it was actually increasing their problems.  As a witch doctor, she said, she was raising spiritual husbands and wives for people by going to the graveyard and raising the spirit of a dead man or woman which she would assign to her client’s victims. That way many families were destroyed. She also explained that she was able to connect with the evil spirits and could tell people about their past, present and future. If she was standing next to a person, the evil spirit would be telling her about that person. Despite all the powers she possessed, she found herself having more and more problems. She lost her business and all her assets. Her situation became pathetic and one day, one of the people she had initiated told her about Emmanuel TV where she saw people manifesting and confessing the very things she was doing. She was surprised and frustrated at how the evil spirits like those she had unleashed on others, were commanded out of people at just one word –  Jesus!
Miss Olipha Dube

She came to The SCOAN and was arranged at the prayer line. As the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua came towards her, she explained, she felt a great force and at the same time, she heard a voice telling her to run but she could not escape, something was holding her feet
The evil spirit inside of her manifested and was cast out, in Jesus’ name. Today, she is delivered from the evil spirit that had destroyed her life.  “I now feel peace inside and outside me. I am a happy person. My past is over and I am ready for a new life in Christ Jesus,” she said, adding, “If you want to be a Christian, be a Christian. The only solution is Jesus Christ; there is no other solution.”


When Mr and Mrs Eze came to The SCOAN last year, they received a prophecy from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. He told her she was too young to have problems in her home and that he saw her carrying ‘Samuel’. In her testimony, she said her marriage was full of quarrels and she was also experiencing miscarriages. She was pregnant at the time of the prophecy. After the prophecy, she went for a scan which showed that she was indeed carrying a baby boy and that he was safe. Her husband’s attitude towards her also changed. He became loving. Now, they have a baby boy named Samuel Okechukwu Eze as fulfillment of the prophecy by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua!
 Mr and Mrs Eze


Mrs Diana Nkwo from Cameroon had the horrible problem of no sense of smell and taste for five years. This severely affected her life. At one point her daughter’s apartment in the USA and the rest of the building could have been burnt by the fire she caused by placing a pot on the cooker and not being able to smell that it was burning, if not for her daughter’s intervention. She could not detect the impending inferno because of her dead sense of smell! The incident would have cost life as her daughter’s child was sleeping in one of the rooms. By the time she realised the tragedy and carried the child out, the whole house was thick with smoke. Also as a result of the problem, she could not enjoy her own food because she could not taste. Her nose was also running ‘like a baby’s’ because of the same nasal problem. She went to many hospitals within and outside her country in search of solution but found none. The only hope given to her was an operation in the United States which could not even be guaranteed.
Mrs Diana Nkwo
She tried traditional medicine but to no avail. After everything humanly had failed, she decided to come to The SCOAN for a divine solution. She was placed at the prayer line where the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, prayed for her, in Jesus’ name and instantly, she regained her sense of taste and smell. For the first time in five years, she could smell the scent of her own perfume. She glorified God for her healing and advised people to believe in God.


Emmanuel Batawa from Ghana came to The SCOAN with the problem of stiff neck due to cervical spondylosis. He also suffered from lumbar spondylosis. He could not turn his neck and walked with difficulty. He was experiencing dizziness and had blurred vision. He had visited many hospitals in search of solution but got none. Wearing a lumbar corset and a neck collar that held his neck and back bones together, the 41-year-old was placed at the prayer line where one of the wise men prayed for him in the name of Jesus Christ and he instantly received his healing.  Today, he came to testify how he now is a free man, having been healed by Jesus Christ. He no longer uses a neck collar or lumbar corset. He demonstrated his healing by walking across the altar, bending and turning his neck.
Emmanuel Bataw


Where are your elderly ones? Care for them and you shall reach old age. Today, Prophet T.B. Joshua gave 3 million naira and a trailer full of rice to the elderly members of The SCOAN. He then announced that this care and support is given monthly to the elderly. The elderly gave thanks to God for the life of Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wonderful gifts they had received.


Glory to God and stay blessed!

The Prophecy of 2014 by TB Joshua


All roads, in the last two weeks, have led to The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria. The Arena of Liberty, as it is fondly referred to, has been a beehive of activities with worshippers pouring in from all walks of life and all corners of the world for one major purpose – to humble themselves before God and seek His face as they bid farewell to 2013 and step into 2014. This made the last Sunday service a memorable one to behold. Among the visitors who graced the service were Malawi’s President, Dr Joyce Banda and her husband, retired Chief Justice Richard Banda. A delegation from the nation of South Sudan was also in attendance from the country’s president, General Salva Kiir Mayardit. They came in appreciation of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophetic message a few months ago concerning the crisis that recently engulfed the new nation, requesting prayers for Divine intervention.
The service was also lit up with stars from many sectors of society. Kimmy Skota, a professional opera singer from South Africa who got delivered at the recent Anointing Water Revival held at the New Bingley Hall in Brimingham, UK, came to share her testimony. The singer, who has in her life time performed before high profile audiences across the globe, did more than just testify – she performed alongside The SCOAN choir, to the glory of God and amazement of the congregation. Also on call, to the surprise of Emmanuel TV viewers worldwide and football followers in particular, was Nigeria’s national football team midfielder Ogenyi Onazi. The player, who plies his professional trade at Lazio in Italy, was an amazement to watch as he masterfully manned the church’s keyboard. Onazi is a product of The SCOAN’s youth football team, My People FC and used to play the instrument for the church choir before he ventured on his illustrious football career.
Again, God’s power manifested in abundance through healings, deliverances and prophecies as Prophet T.B. Joshua moved among the congregation ministering prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit. He spoke about the coming year, describing it as a bridge; a delicate, sensitive year. The man of God said, “It is a bridge that connects one to another. If the year is a bridge, what exactly will you expect? It means you have to live modestly. Cut your coat according to your size. It is not a time to walk arrogantly or a time to be proud. A time to cross a bridge is a time to be very careful.”
He continued, “Destiny will work beautifully next year. Destiny – exactly what God has destined for you. If you are very careful, you will cross the bridge successfully. Please, you have to return back to your destiny. What is the meaning of destiny? It is the way of the Lord. This year, you have to return to the way of the Lord!”
Wise Man Daniel preached on the message: ALLOW GOD TO DECIDE which hinged on man’s vulnerability to making wrong decisions when faced with challenges. Picking as proof text Acts 16:18-25, which talks of Paul and Silas’ incarceration, he said it is obvious that before God Almighty came to their rescue in the prison, the two were confined to the harsh realities of life – ‘a very tensed and difficult situation that offered them the opportunity to grumble, to murmur and rebel against their God.’
“But as genuine Christians, instead of seeing their God in bad light, they chose to praise and worship Him. It is in a tensed and difficult situation like this we know the difference between real Christians and professing Christians. As a Christian, if you were to find yourself in the same situation Paul and Silas found themselves, what decision would you have made? Remember, at that point when everything seemed to suggest that, there was no hope and no future, if they were not members of the household of faith, they would have given in to fear and then begin to rebel against their God,” he said, adding however, “they never did that because they knew that the devil wants us – children of God – to curse God while under pains, difficulties or harsh realities of life.”
He said instead of murmuring and grumbling, Christians should let God decide for them. “As a Christian, what becomes of you today depends on how much you involve God in your matter (Psalm 37:5-6). What you will be tomorrow depends on the choices you make today. Remember, blessed is the man who makes Christ Jesus his source; for he will see the reason for his believing, even in hard times,” he stated


Mrs Florence Ucheanya was brought up accustomed to supernatural experiences. At a tender age of five, a ‘mermaid’ appeared to her in a dream, stating that it was her mother. When Florence questioned her biological mother, she confessed that when she was about to give birth to her, some strange beings came to her in a dream to attest that the baby in her womb belonged to them. Growing up, Mrs Ucheanya began to receive instructions from these demonic forces which were appearing to her physically on a regular basis, especially when she was close to a river. One day she had gone to a nearby river only to see a half-human-half-fish creature leap from the river laugh at her. Her mother had previously warned her from going to the river alone. Upon reaching university, she decided to become a Christian and began preaching to young children. However, the deep spiritual entanglements were still very much intact and her involvement in the dark marine world seemed only to intensify. She would nightly attend spiritual meetings in the ‘red sea’ where devilish assignments were dished out, all for the purpose of destruction. After refusing to carry out their intentions, her disobedience backfired in the form of terrible afflictions. Eventually she got married against the severe warnings from the dark entities that possessed her. The spiritualist she went to in search of a solution said the only way out was for her to be buried alive in a grave. Desperate and pushed to her limits, she acceded and was taken to a graveyard. As the sand was slowly heaped upon her body, Mrs Ucheanya found herself spiritually transported into the ocean in the midst of demons. They said she would return to earth on the condition that love was not a word permitted in her dictionary, she would never have a child and would leave the earth aged by 30.
Florence said that her marriage had been characterized by extreme turmoil and distress. Peace was both elusive and evasive. A giant man would sleep with her on a nightly basis, causing constant fights between her and her husband, to the extent that she even kicked her husband in his male organ so that they would not be able to meet as husband and wife again. The nightmare continued as a voice began instructing her to masturbate and then to steal. Anytime she went to public places, a nauseating urge would overpower her to take items, only regaining her senses after the damage was done. It came to a point in her life that suicide seemed the best option as her whole existence became hellish and miserable!
It was at this lowest ebb of her life that hope came in an extraordinary form. Her spiritual husband appeared to her physically to say that death was nigh as he was assigned to kill her that night. At this moment, her husband brought forth the Anointing Water he had received at The SCOAN and ministered it in the atmosphere, knowing that an intense spiritual combat was ensuing. Suddenly, Mrs Ucheanya saw Prophet T.B. Joshua appear in the room, stretching forth his hand towards her violent spiritual husband who was attempting to strangle her. At that moment, she saw fire descend and consume the demonic being! Thereafter, the family decided they must visit The SCOAN for total deliverance. The kingdom of darkness however had a sinister plan. The satanic forces visited her to say that she was being sent to The SCOAN to fight and destroy Prophet T.B. Joshua; and so she became more reinforced for the battle of light and darkness in The SCOAN.
At The SCOAN Prayer Line, a mighty spiritual battle occurred. As Prophet T.B. Joshua approached her, a bestially demonic anger welled up within Florence and she attempted to attack. However, her effort to move towards the prophet was thwarted by a blinding light that erupted from where he was standing. At this point, Mrs Ucheanya saw Heavenly angels surround The SCOAN environment, alongside a tall man in brilliant light whose name was written on his chest, ‘Son of David – Jesus Christ’. Light conquered darkness and Florence saw the demons that had manipulated and messed up her entire life leaving her body! Ever since her deliverance, Mrs Ucheanya said that she could say for the first time that she loved her husband. She no longer hears voices instructing her toward devilish vices nor is her sleep interrupted by hellish encounters. When she did see the marine forces appear to her in the dream to threaten that they would deal with her for exposing them, she subsequently saw Prophet T.B. Joshua appear to tell them to leave as she is now a daughter of Christ!
Mr Ucheanya, a professional football referee and lecturer of Mass Communication at Nigeria’s Federal Polytechnic, Bida, testified that his wife had completely become a changed person after her deliverance. He exhorted people to know the value of the blessing God had given to this generation in the form of Prophet T.B. Joshua believing that the setbacks in his professional career are now a thing of the past since the forces behind his stagnancy had been removed through the deliverance of his wife. He advised couples encountering marital challenges not separate when such spiritual entanglements manifest but rather they should seek deliverance from Jesus Christ.


Pastor Daniel Dogbe from Ghana was addicted to masturbation for 25 years. This problem had affected his business, marriage, ministry and everything about him. As a minister of God, he had tried on his own to pray against it, but it just was not working. One day, a police officer introduced him to Emmanuel TV and advised him to always touch the screen of Emmanuel TV for prayer. He did and instantly, something came out of him and that was the end of the 25 years of battle with masturbation and lust that had wrecked his life. Since then, his life, business and everything about him has changed to the glory of God. He is now being invited to many countries to preach the gospel. It has been about a year after his deliverance through praying along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. He has not had the urge to masturbate anymore. He advised other pastors who are fighting urges of the flesh not to be deceived by the devil with pride, but to look for other anointed men of God who can set them free. “Many pastors are ashamed to come here and this is what is responsible for their limitation. I am calling all of you to come here and receive your deliverance,” he said, joyfully praising the Lord!


Miss Kimmy Skota, a world renowned opera singer, was extraordinarily gifted yet faced terrible nightmares and career setbacks. She was privileged to travel worldwide with Andre Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra to audiences of millions, yet anytime she was about to sing, a strange tremor would grip her voice and hands, oftentimes affecting the quality of her performance. She would shake and shiver with fear. All this, she kept to herself until, one day, she confided in an old friend. The friend introduced her to Emmanuel TV. She watched evil spirits manifest in people, claiming to be responsible for their setbacks and other strange habits. She was dumbfounded and realised it was deliverance she required to break out of the cycle of limitation in progress that had plagued her life and career. After hearing about the Anointing Water Revival in Birmingham, UK, she decided to fly from her base, the Netherlands, to UK to receive a special touch from Heaven. After being ministered with the Anointing Water, the evil spirit within her manifested and spoke: “We buried her photo, she will never shine again. On stage we make her shake and she becomes afraid!” But darkness shall never prevail over light. The demon was cast out by the superior power in the name of Jesus Christ. Ever since her deliverance, Kimmy testified that all fear, nightmares and the strange tremors that affected her vocal performance completely disappeared.
“I want to thank Jesus for saving my life,” she tearfully concluded. The South African-born opera singer then raised her great voice to God as she sang before The SCOAN congregation: ‘Pie-Jesu – Merciful Jesus’ and later ‘Panis Angelicus – Bread of Angels’.


Dr Towindo Tichaona, a Finance Director from Mozambique, came to The SCOAN to testify to the goodness of God in his and her wife’s life. For the past three years, he had been struggling with his doctoral degree program. Two weeks before his graduation, he received a call from the director of the university where he was studying telling him that one of the subjects must be sat for again without which his graduation along with others would be a mirage! His wife visited The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water and the Anointing Sticker which he dubbed as ‘TBJ machine gun’. He prayed that God should help him to correct each mistake in his thesis. He placed the Anointing Sticker on his thesis and ministered the Anointing Water to each page of his thesis and, to the glory of God, the spirit of setback was cast away and he received favour from above. His thesis was instantly approved. Out of the 30 people who started the doctoral program, 27 dropped and only three remained. He is one of the three people and the graduation was not postponed. The graduation was presided over by president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, who handed over his degree. Two weeks ago, Dr Tichaona was also promoted with a salary twice as much as before.
His wife also testified that during her visit to The SCOAN, her prayer point was that God should open the door of breakthrough for his family. When she went back to Mozambique, she was scheduled for a job interview which she passed without answering any tough question – it was just like chatting. She was then granted a job as an auditor. Indeed, Jesus can make a way, even when there seems to be no way!


Mrs Modupe Akintunde from Kaduna State, Nigeria came to The SCOAN with a problem of breech presentation of her baby. She had been experiencing extraordinary pains with her pregnancy. She went to the hospital for examination where an x-ray, exposed a breeched baby. The doctor advised the only way out for her would be for her to go for an operation in order to save her life and the baby. Her husband, who had seen similar cases reversed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ at The SCOAN, decided otherwise. He rushed her to The SCOAN where she was arranged at the prayer line. Immediately she saw Prophet T.B. Joshua, even before the prayer, her baby started turning to the normal position and the pain disappeared. She delivered her baby safely without any operation. Praise the Lord! What doctors cannot do, Jesus can do it for you!
The Sunday service closed with Mass prayer which the wise men ministered and, glory to God, many evil spirits were exposed and cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. Remain blessed and we look forward to receiving your testimony this New Year, 2014!


DADDYWhat a befitting service of worship to herald Christmas, last Sunday was! From carols and displays by Sunday school children to the amazing preaching that centered on the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, there could probably be no better way to usher in the festivities. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, ministered to the congregation and by the power of the Holy Spirit set people free from all forms of afflictions in the name of Jesus Christ. He ministered at the prayer line where he prophesied to people who came from all over the world.
Wise Man Christopher preached on the topic: “Jesus Christ – The Sinner’s Only Saviour”, a message for the season. Drawing his proof text from: Matthew 1:21 and John 14:6, Wise Man Christopher resonated that Christ whose birth Christians are celebrating “is the Way, the Truth and the Life.”
WISEMAN CHRISTOPHER“As the Way, He is the reality. There is no reality outside Him. As the Truth, He is the source of our lives, strength and the reason of our being. As the Life, He is the end of it. And that life is eternal life – that is, the nature of God,” he vehemently stated adding, “No man can approach God without a Mediator. The sinners cannot reach God except through Him. The unsaved or unbelievers might cry to God for a thousand years, if there is no Mediator, there is no hope for them.”
He said Jesus Christ came because relationship and fellowship were broken through sin and therefore, came to restore the relationship and fellowship between God and man and to re-establish the wholeness or the glory that man had before the fall. He encouraged Christians to show their appreciation to Him by giving every good thing the Lord has given them – strength, time, faith and love.
“Then, we are not only meeting the needs of God’s people, we are at the same time showing appreciation for His provision,” he said.


Faith, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua has always said, is a channel through which the anointing of God flows. The moment one puts a demand with faith, he receives. Such has been the case with Mrs Rebekah Ahorsu from Ghana who came to give glory to God for what He has done in her life. She and her husband (an immigration officer) had been planning to build a primary school for several years but it had not been possible. Her husband also had been expecting a promotion but none came his way. They had become discouraged but decided not to give up and came to The SCOAN where they had seen many people testify of God’s greatness as the Provider. When they came, they received the Anointing Water which they took home and ministered with faith, in the name of Jesus Christ, putting forward a demand for their breakthrough. Within four weeks, her husband who was Assistant Controller was promoted to a higher rank as Regional Assistant Controller! She was also granted finances that enabled her to build the Primary School. The school is now up and running with 30 pupils enrolled. She advised viewers to believe in God and have faith, saying, “You will have your double breakthrough too.” Glory to God!


Another faith-lifting testimony came from Mrs Harriet Mpinganjira, wife to Malawi’s Minister of Information Hon. Brown Mpinganjira. She was having the problem of a rotten tooth and because of this problem; she was visiting the dentist every other day. She survived on injections, painkillers and other medication to reduce the pain and hopefully bring some sort of solution. However, the problem did not go away. In quest of a permanent solution, she came to The SCOAN and had the opportunity to be prayed for by Prophet T.B. Joshua. She also received the Anointing Water.MRS HARRIET MPINGANJIRA When she went back to her country, she ministered and prayed with the Anointing Water and quickly forgot about the problem as the pain had simply disappeared. Her dentist, worried that he had not heard from his client for an unusual length of time, called her out of concern and told her to come in for an appointment. Upon examination, her dentist was shocked because the problem had completely disappeared. He confessed to her that she actually had a rotten jaw but that he could not find the courage to announce the bad news to her as he had no solution. She then told him about the Anointing Water and how God had healed her through this medium.
“Never doubt the Anointing Water; God is using it. Even if you cannot come to Nigeria (The SCOAN), distance is not a barrier to God’s power,” said Mrs Mpinganjira who was accompanied by her daughter to confirm the mother’s testimony.


Mr Mike Kofi, a Chartered Accountant and Tax Consultant in Ghana who is also the President of the West African Union of Tax Institutes, testified how God gave him breakthrough with his visa.MR MIKE KOFI His son, a Harvard Medical School student successfully graduated. Mr and Mrs Kofi were invited to the white coat ceremony for their son in the USA but their visas were denied. They came to The SCOAN and received a bottle of the Anointing Water. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua told them to minister it and pray before going for the next visa appointment. They did exactly as instructed. What had been a great and stubborn problem, faltered and they received a huge miracle. They were given a five-year US visa and a five year multiple entry UK visa. They had tried several times in three years to get these visas for a single visit to no avail but God answered their prayers with a miracle and gave them more than they ever dreamed of. Thank You, Jesus!


Mrs Obla Victoria Ojeka, a Nigerian diplomat working in Botswana told of how the devil had toyed with her life by giving her addiction to alcohol until God freed her from satan’s clutches. Mrs Ojeka’s traced her drinking habit to growing up in a household where drinking alcohol is regarded as normal. As she grew up and went to university, she began drinking every day.
“I would sip even while the lecturer was in class,” she said.MRS VICTORIA
When she graduated and started earning a living, she said she had to drink in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening every day for 35 years. If anyone challenged her, she would tell them, “It’s my money!” She would carry garlic and mints to cover the smell of alcohol. Even her children were embarrassed because people would tease them about their mother’s drinking habits. During meetings, she would write down what she wanted to say for others to say it so that people would not smell the alcohol on her breath. Her drinking had become a burden and she wanted to stop.
“I tried to fast for four days but on the final day, I would break with alcohol,” she said. She came to The SCOAN albeit for a different reason. When she got home, one night, she had a strange dream in which people were pouring drinks into her cup. When she woke up, the 54 year-old became annoyed with her situation and tuned in to Emmanuel TV. She placed her hand on the screen and prayed with the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua for God to set her free from the addiction after which she vomited. The next morning she was called to an emergency meeting and forgot to take her ‘morning wine’. Till the end of the day, she did not take a sip of alcohol and for a whole week, she did not drink any alcohol. She opened a bottle of wine in her house but could not stand the smell.
“I threw it away. And for the first time I discovered that my kitchen stunk like a beer”.
Nine months on, she is alcohol free from an addiction of 35 years. There are really no better words to sum this wonderful testimony but to say: Thank You, Jesus!


Coach James Peter is a prominent personality for followers of Nigerian football. He has managed at various levels under the Nigerian Football Federation. He had been having a successful career and things were going well until 2010 when he led the Nigerian female football team to the world cup in Germany.COACH JAMES PETER They came out second but his name was not among those commended. Then, he was invited to assist taking the under 20 women’s team, the Super Falcons to Trinidad and Tobago which he did. Sometime later, he was fired a day before taking his team to South Africa for no apparent reason. These setbacks in his career continued for a period of three years. Coming to The SCOAN, he received the Anointing Water which he ministered on himself in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Seven days later, he received an appointment letter from the Confederation of African Football (CAF), to go for a course for professional coaches. After completing the course, he was appointed to Technical Director of The Nigerian Football Federation and became a coach approved by the Confederation of African Football.  What the devil stole from him for many years, God has restored!


There is never a sickness Jesus cannot heal! He heals all forms of ailments and Mr Joseph, a retired Army Warrant Officer from Singapore exemplifies it all. He and his wife were at the ‘Singapore For Christ Crusade’ with Prophet T.B. Joshua held seven years ago. At the crusade which was charged with the power of the Holy Spirit, great wonders and miracles were performed in the name of Jesus Christ. Many people were delivered and healed that week. He had imbalance, deafness in one ear and was bedwetting. The imbalance and deafness caused him not to be able to drive or work effectively. He went to see many doctors but it did not help. He also visited spiritualists. As a result of his encounter with spiritualists, evil spirits started to speak to him.MR&MRS JOSEPH
“They would speak to me and I would actually see them physically sitting beside me in my car,” he said.
It was while he was in the midst of such spiritual warfare and sicknesses that his friend told him about the Singapore Crusade with Prophet T.B. Joshua. He decided to attend with his son. At the crusade, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for his son who immediately fell down. At that moment, still tormented by the wicked demons, he heard another voice say, “Get out; this is my son!” The demons left him and he received his deliverance. From that day on, he was healed of deafness. He no longer hears evil spirits directing him and the bedwetting stopped. Praise God!


Mrs Alice Lesole from South Africa had been looking for a promotion as a police officer. Since 2011, she had not been given a promotion. Each time she would ask for a promotion, they would tell her ‘next time.’ Her daughter gave her the Anointing Water she had received from a friend and she prayed and ministered it in the name of Jesus Christ, believing for a breakthrough.MRS ALICE LESOLE When the time came for her promotion, she placed her credentials on the screen of Emmanuel TV and prayed. Shortly, she was called for an interview. Right before the interview, she ministered the Anointing Water and went inside. After the interview, she received a promotion and not just a mere promotion, she was promoted four ranks at once, to Lieutenant Police Officer! Another testimony she shared was that she had ceased menstruation for many years. The problem was so severe, the doctors even wanted to operate and remove her womb but she said no. She ministered the Anointing Water and her menstruation returned miraculously. This is God’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. How great is our God!