Thursday, January 9, 2014


Mrs Florence Ucheanya was brought up accustomed to supernatural experiences. At a tender age of five, a ‘mermaid’ appeared to her in a dream, stating that it was her mother. When Florence questioned her biological mother, she confessed that when she was about to give birth to her, some strange beings came to her in a dream to attest that the baby in her womb belonged to them. Growing up, Mrs Ucheanya began to receive instructions from these demonic forces which were appearing to her physically on a regular basis, especially when she was close to a river. One day she had gone to a nearby river only to see a half-human-half-fish creature leap from the river laugh at her. Her mother had previously warned her from going to the river alone. Upon reaching university, she decided to become a Christian and began preaching to young children. However, the deep spiritual entanglements were still very much intact and her involvement in the dark marine world seemed only to intensify. She would nightly attend spiritual meetings in the ‘red sea’ where devilish assignments were dished out, all for the purpose of destruction. After refusing to carry out their intentions, her disobedience backfired in the form of terrible afflictions. Eventually she got married against the severe warnings from the dark entities that possessed her. The spiritualist she went to in search of a solution said the only way out was for her to be buried alive in a grave. Desperate and pushed to her limits, she acceded and was taken to a graveyard. As the sand was slowly heaped upon her body, Mrs Ucheanya found herself spiritually transported into the ocean in the midst of demons. They said she would return to earth on the condition that love was not a word permitted in her dictionary, she would never have a child and would leave the earth aged by 30.
Florence said that her marriage had been characterized by extreme turmoil and distress. Peace was both elusive and evasive. A giant man would sleep with her on a nightly basis, causing constant fights between her and her husband, to the extent that she even kicked her husband in his male organ so that they would not be able to meet as husband and wife again. The nightmare continued as a voice began instructing her to masturbate and then to steal. Anytime she went to public places, a nauseating urge would overpower her to take items, only regaining her senses after the damage was done. It came to a point in her life that suicide seemed the best option as her whole existence became hellish and miserable!
It was at this lowest ebb of her life that hope came in an extraordinary form. Her spiritual husband appeared to her physically to say that death was nigh as he was assigned to kill her that night. At this moment, her husband brought forth the Anointing Water he had received at The SCOAN and ministered it in the atmosphere, knowing that an intense spiritual combat was ensuing. Suddenly, Mrs Ucheanya saw Prophet T.B. Joshua appear in the room, stretching forth his hand towards her violent spiritual husband who was attempting to strangle her. At that moment, she saw fire descend and consume the demonic being! Thereafter, the family decided they must visit The SCOAN for total deliverance. The kingdom of darkness however had a sinister plan. The satanic forces visited her to say that she was being sent to The SCOAN to fight and destroy Prophet T.B. Joshua; and so she became more reinforced for the battle of light and darkness in The SCOAN.
At The SCOAN Prayer Line, a mighty spiritual battle occurred. As Prophet T.B. Joshua approached her, a bestially demonic anger welled up within Florence and she attempted to attack. However, her effort to move towards the prophet was thwarted by a blinding light that erupted from where he was standing. At this point, Mrs Ucheanya saw Heavenly angels surround The SCOAN environment, alongside a tall man in brilliant light whose name was written on his chest, ‘Son of David – Jesus Christ’. Light conquered darkness and Florence saw the demons that had manipulated and messed up her entire life leaving her body! Ever since her deliverance, Mrs Ucheanya said that she could say for the first time that she loved her husband. She no longer hears voices instructing her toward devilish vices nor is her sleep interrupted by hellish encounters. When she did see the marine forces appear to her in the dream to threaten that they would deal with her for exposing them, she subsequently saw Prophet T.B. Joshua appear to tell them to leave as she is now a daughter of Christ!
Mr Ucheanya, a professional football referee and lecturer of Mass Communication at Nigeria’s Federal Polytechnic, Bida, testified that his wife had completely become a changed person after her deliverance. He exhorted people to know the value of the blessing God had given to this generation in the form of Prophet T.B. Joshua believing that the setbacks in his professional career are now a thing of the past since the forces behind his stagnancy had been removed through the deliverance of his wife. He advised couples encountering marital challenges not separate when such spiritual entanglements manifest but rather they should seek deliverance from Jesus Christ.

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