Thursday, January 9, 2014


Mrs Peggy Kaluba from Zambia was diagnosed with cancer last year. She had been experiencing a blocked nose for three years and felt pain when swallowing. She visited the hospital and the doctors advised her to go for a CT scan which exposed a tumour. After one month having gone through a biopsy, the next thing was for her to go for an operation in order to remove the large cancerous tumour of the neck and nose which in itself could not even be guaranteed. The doctors said she should go to a hospital where she would receive specialist attention. She decided to visit the Great Physician, Jesus Christ and came to The SCOAN where she received the Anointing Water. At this time, the tumour was massive in size. Back home, she prayed and ministered the Anointing Water, in Jesus’ name and went for another scan. She said she believed in the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua. When the results came out, she was free from cancer! Jesus had healed her.
Mrs Peggy Kaluba
“Jesus heals; learn to trust in God,” she said.‘JESUS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION!’ SAYS DELIVERED WITCH DOCTOR
Another testimony came from Miss Olipha Dube from South Africa, a registered nurse and a strong witch doctor who was delivered at The SCOAN prayer line last week. She testified of how futile the devil’s perceived solutions to man’s problems are. After graduating from her nursing school, she went into private business supplying nurses for government and institutions in the health sector. Her business was going well until a few years later when everything slowed down and plunged. Frustrated and with nowhere to run, her friend introduced her to a witch doctor where she received charms to help her business. Instead, her problems became worse. She started moving from one witch doctor to another, searching for a higher power until one of the witch doctors told her that her ancestors wanted her to become a witch doctor.
She accepted and went through the initiation school where charms were stuffed into her body. She was also given power to see what others could not see and the ability to communicate with the spiritual world. She was initiated and started practicing as a witch doctor. Many people came to her shrine but she discovered that she could not solve every problem brought to her. Even those that she ‘helped’ would later come back complaining that the charms only worked for a few days and then brought worse problems. So, she went to another initiator and paid a huge sum of money for him to teach her how to use plants, trees and animal parts to produce different kinds of charms.
In the process, she used many charms on herself in order to be able to communicate with the spiritual world on a daily basis and attain more powers. She had an evil altar in her bedroom, where she would talk to the ancestral spirits – they would appear to her and communicate with her. She had two shrines for the ancestral spirits – one for her father’s side and another one for her mother’s side. She would use parts of animals, like dogs, drying them in the sun and grinding them into powder.  People would receive the powder, not knowing what it was made of. After inserting the powder into the person, the spirit of the animal would enter them, giving the person an uncontrollable spirit of lust. She explained that because this did not provide a lasting solution, it caused people to start moving from one witch doctor to another unaware that it was actually increasing their problems.  As a witch doctor, she said, she was raising spiritual husbands and wives for people by going to the graveyard and raising the spirit of a dead man or woman which she would assign to her client’s victims. That way many families were destroyed. She also explained that she was able to connect with the evil spirits and could tell people about their past, present and future. If she was standing next to a person, the evil spirit would be telling her about that person. Despite all the powers she possessed, she found herself having more and more problems. She lost her business and all her assets. Her situation became pathetic and one day, one of the people she had initiated told her about Emmanuel TV where she saw people manifesting and confessing the very things she was doing. She was surprised and frustrated at how the evil spirits like those she had unleashed on others, were commanded out of people at just one word –  Jesus!
Miss Olipha Dube

She came to The SCOAN and was arranged at the prayer line. As the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua came towards her, she explained, she felt a great force and at the same time, she heard a voice telling her to run but she could not escape, something was holding her feet
The evil spirit inside of her manifested and was cast out, in Jesus’ name. Today, she is delivered from the evil spirit that had destroyed her life.  “I now feel peace inside and outside me. I am a happy person. My past is over and I am ready for a new life in Christ Jesus,” she said, adding, “If you want to be a Christian, be a Christian. The only solution is Jesus Christ; there is no other solution.”

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