Wednesday, August 7, 2013


The ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua will leave no stone unturned towards mending broken homes to the glory of God. Many families have stepped into The SCOAN divided and gone home smiling and holding hands for a new chapter under the light of the Holy Spirit.
The family of Mr and Mrs Emmanuel Nwoye Okonkwo was the centre of attention on Sunday as they appeared before the court of God to seek His face. For 34 years, Mr Okonkwo had separated from his wife and lived a lonely life in England with nothing to show for it. No one, including his children, ever imagined such a reunion was possible. But God had His way for a miracle and the whole home, met for the first time since the separation in The SCOAN.
Mr Okonkwo had, during the previous Sunday received prophecy from Prophet T.B. Joshua about his four marriages that had never transpired into anything solid. Every woman he married would eventually run away. This recurrent dejection made him feel as if he was the ugliest man in the world. He admitted that he never truly loved his first wife as she was imposed on him through a hush-hush arrangement by his mother. He had consented to marrying her just to make his mother happy.
Given the chance to address the church, he told a story of a marriage that had gone wrong and one that could only be salvaged by the grace of God alone. Mr Okonkwo said the marriage was doing well until he started making money in his transport business. Then trouble started. As money came, his wife began to go to the hairdressing salon, a luxury in those days. Before he knew it, she started demanding for blank cheques so she could withdraw any amount she wanted. From that time, peace departed from the once peaceful home.
He said his wife would bar him from leaving the house to go to work unless and until he met her demands. Misunderstandings became commonplace and after one particular fight which resulted in the car windscreen being smashed, they decided enough was enough and they separated. Immediately thereafter, any business he started would not succeed and he had to consult every known spiritualist to find out what was wrong. All of them pointed accusing fingers at his ex-wife as the cause of his career failures.

Each family member went their separate ways. Some of his children were not talking to him and took sides with their mother but his second son took a neutral stance.
It was in the midst of his problems that he discovered The SCOAN Branch in London and began to fellowship there. From there, he saw the work of God through Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wise men at The SCOAN Headquarters in Lagos. He decided to return to Nigeria and to visit The SCOAN. Although his son was not keen about The SCOAN idea, he still helped him to buy an air ticket and fly to Lagos.

Right on his first visit, the man of God hit the nail on the head by prophesying to him concerning his marital problem and his health, the prostate problem he had been battling with. He was amazed at the exactness of the prophecy. When Mr Okonkwo returned home that day and shared his deliverance experience, his son decided to join him and come to the church to meet with Prophet T.B. Joshua in this rare opportunity.
The son invited other family members, including his mother, brothers and sisters who were not seeing eye-to-eye with their father. Everything worked out like a jigsaw puzzle. A family that could not speak with one voice was suddenly coming together.

For the first time, Mr Okonkwo saw his estranged wife. She walked up to him and greeted him. This was the woman many ‘men of God’ and ‘prophets’ had told him was a witch. His grandchild took the cue and greeted him, another climbed into his arms and slept soundly. He wept with joy he had not felt in a long time.
“I was told my wife was a witch. Look at my grand children, I never knew them,” he lamented.
Ifeanyi Kenneth Okonkwo the second son, who bought the air tickets, could not believe his family was finally together. He himself had never been a churchgoer. According to him, he only believed in the law of nature – do evil and evil will come to you; do good and good will come to you. But this reunion amazed him and for the first time he acknowledged the power of God.
“This whole thing amazes me. My father had always refused to come to Nigeria and yet, this time he called me and sounded very enthusiastic of wanting to come and his destination was this church, to meet Prophet T.B. Joshua. When my father came back rejoicing and told me about this place, I called the whole family. I was so surprised when my mother readily agreed to come because she had always refused to come to Lagos,” explained Mr Okonkwo’s son blaming himself for not believing in any man of God.
The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, revealing the mind of God said that the woman was not a witch; rather she was afflicted and had a stubborn spirit. The family is now reunited and reconciled after 34 years of separation.

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