Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Technology has become such an important aspect of life that it is almost impossible to identify anybody that is not using  it in one form or the other. However, such devices have become tools in the hands of satan, leading to man’s destruction.
Mr Benedict, a 27-year-old Cameroonian, who was possessed with an evil spirit which used him to destroy many people particularly the youth and women, told the congregation that as important as it is, technology can do more harm than good if not carefully and responsibly used.
Narrating to a stunned congregation, Mr Benedict traced his story line to the time he had joined the Catholic Seminary in his country when he was 12 years old. One day, while in the school’s library, one book caught his attention. It was a book on Ancient Egyptian Mysticism. He curiously grabbed it and started to study. He found it intriguing. Deeper into the book, he discovered it was all about how one can leave his body at home and wander about to distant places [in spirit].
He followed the instructions and, to his amazement, he was able to leave his body behind and visit places. During his astral-sojourns he would find himself in a strange world where everything seemed perfect; people driving strange cars, using advanced gadgets such as computers and cell phones and other gadgets. Such, he said, was the advancement in the outer space that the technology he saw, would take years before it was introduced in this world.
He realized that there were demons who were teaching him and acting through him. He discovered a lot about technology and computers without any formal education on the subjects. He would be invited to business conferences as guest speaker where he would mesmerize entrepreneurs with his inspirational presentations and yet, he had never done any formal studies in Business.
“I just happened to know everything. A voice would be telling me what to do and how to go about it. If I handled radio programmes, senior journalists would ask which university I had graduated from,” Mr Benedict said.
When travelling in the astral, he would see things that people could not ordinarily see. He was able to see the demonic powers of witches and wizards at work such as causing accidents.
One time in his journey, he witnessed demons set up a road block that could cause vehicular accident. He rushed to prevent the accident by attempting to remove the log they had used to block the highway but the demons attacked him by shoving his body violently out of the way. Unknown to him he had been possessed by the evil spirits which came to attack him.
Later, he realized that anyone who plotted anything against him would have their own lives destroyed. If anyone wanted to hurt him, they would themselves be hurt. Anything he said would happen, no matter how big the pronouncement was. He was thrown out of seminary when the authorities began to notice his unusual prowess and traced it to the book he had read.
He became a wizard in terms of computer literacy. There was no media he could not use and was even teaching fraudsters how to use the social media like Facebook to defraud people. He had over 3000 friends on facebook, the majority of whom were female among whom he developed intimate and immoral relationships with more than one and a third of them.
He had the power to talk them into love-making on the phone – something he called ‘phone-sex’. Any time he had sexual intercourse with his phone lovers, his business would prosper while his victims would record a downward trend in their business, marital or career lives. Many of his lady friends who became his victims broke up with their fiancés and marriages were broken as they would confess of being incapable of loving anyone else but him.
His victims and contacts were from all over the world but he met only a few of them in real life. He also had a profound music career. Anytime he involved himself in music to entice and initiate unsuspecting youth, he would have heavy turnover but if he tried to organize a concert for Gospel songs, the event would flop. He began to move around different nightclubs and strip clubs playing and performing worldly music.
One of the spirits operating in him was the demonic king of technology and knowledge which he named ‘Teigom’, which would supply him information, oftentimes teaching him in dreams about technology and other subjects.
He admitted that his wife, who was an ardent follower of Emmanuel TV, had no idea of what was happening between him and the many women whose lives he was destroying on a daily basis.
As soon as he stopped his activities on the internet, his business crumbled so swiftly. All the big people he worked with abandoned him. All his affluence froze into oblivion and instead, huge debts took over and creditors would disgrace him, sometimes in public places.
He and his wife decided to come to The SCOAN for deliverance and to allow God to bring breakthrough back into his career.

“I am telling you all this to shame the devil and to proclaim the supremacy of God,” he said.
Commenting on his deliverance that took place on the previous Sunday, Mr Benedict said that as he was being prayed for, he felt like he was walking on cold water and as if there were pins of ice on the floor where he was standing. Every time he tried to look at Wise man Daniel, he would see great energy of light that was more powerful and overwhelming than when the evil spirits used to overtake him to operate and destroy.
He surrendered and was delivered from the demonic forces. Since then, the chronic spirit of lust for women was gone.
He was not, however, without advice. He said, using fraud and technology for evil purposes does not pay what it promises. He advised the youth to abstain from Facebook as it should be only for business people who need to communicate with clients. It does more harm to youth than good, he said.
“Even the research done on the internet, most of it contains demonic pictures and images which are only going to bring further initiation and problems for you. If you spend 30 minutes researching, 10 minutes are going to be spent on something other than the intended purpose. Youth, watch out! The bed you make today is the bed you will lay on tomorrow,” said Mr. Benedict.

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