Wednesday, August 7, 2013


The Sunday service was not only spiritually inspiring but also turned out to be an historical event when Prophet T.B. Joshua was decorated with the prestigious award of Ambassador of Peace by the Arewa Youth Forum, an umbrella body for youth organizations in Northern Nigeria. It started with the Prayer Line where people of all walks of life from all over the world, were prayed for by the wise men. Healing and deliverance, in Jesus’ name took place and everyone felt the touch of the power of the Holy Spirit. Scores of people came with their faith-inspiring testimonies although not all had the chance to express their amazement at the works of God, due to time constraints. The testimonies demonstrated how the great power of God is working through the mediums of Anointing Water, Emmanuel TV, the Men of God and Anointing Stickers.
The man of God Prophet T.B. Joshua prophetically taught about love, saying there are two loves: The kind of love that sees beyond hatred, the love that sees beyond intimidation and the love that sees beyond rejection. “When you are rejected, you love. When you love, you will not want to see your neighbour on the street, dying for food. Love first because God is love. You cannot heal if you don’t love. If you don’t love, you will likely heal your friend and leave your enemy. When you don’t love, you cannot be given the grace to deliver people from trouble. You will likely deliver your friend and leave your enemy to die,” he preached. He ended by advising his listeners that, “Only love can take you to where you are going”.


Prior to his message, the Prophet accepted the award which was presented to him by the delegation of the Executive Members of the Arewa Youth Forum which was led by its president Alhaji Gambo I. Gujungu and included senior representatives from all states in the region. AREWA 2
National Director of Public Affairs, Arewa Youth Forum, Benue, Nigeria, Bello Abdulhamid, said they came to The SCOAN because of love which the man of God has always demonstrated irrespective of barriers of race, religion, creed or ethnicity. Speaking on behalf of the northern states of Nigeria, he said that Kaduna, Yobe, Plateau, Kano and Jigawa States are all beneficiaries of the trailers of rice that Prophet T.B. Joshua sends.
He said, “Prophet T.B. Joshua is a man with phenomenal vision. He shows a deep sense of compassion and unconditional love. Prophet T.B. Joshua is a blessing not only to us in Nigeria but also the international community. Prophet T.B. Joshua is the very first man of God that we are visiting and honouring. Our independent assessment has shown that The SCOAN has been committed to provide not only for the spiritual but also for the physical wellbeing of people”.
Addressing his nation, he said, “Fellow Nigerians, we are here because of the love we see in the life of Prophet T.B. Joshua. We need love to come together as a nation. Where there is love, there is no killing, stealing or destruction. Where there is love, there is no segregation. Love is the solution to our problems in Nigeria”.
The National President of the Arewa Youth Forum, Alhaji Ibrahim Gambo, said that they have picked Prophet T.B. Joshua as a leader to bring back the lost love in Nigeria.
Isa Kurgui, the National Vice President, North-Central, Arewa Youth Forum said that in a society where there is love, you can sleep without locking your door, you can go anywhere without fear. He concluded by saying that from that day henceforth, Prophet T.B. Joshua was the Grand Patron of Northern Nigerian Youths.
The congregation rose to their feet clapping as Prophet T.B. Joshua was presented with the award as Philanthropist Par Excellence Ambassador of Peace.
Standing side by side with them, the Prophet explained to the world his reason for accepting this award during the live service. He said, “I will receive this award in order to join them to bring peace to some troubled spots in our nation, Nigeria”.


Bill Subritzky, a renowned healing and deliverance evangelist in his eighties from Dove ministries, New Zealand came to acknowledge the goodness of God through the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua. Evangelist Subritzky told the congregation and viewers worldwide that he had travelled to many countries and had many crusades but when he saw what was happening at The SCOAN, he was astounded. EVANG 2 He testified that after Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him, he saw a radical transformation in his ministry and has since then being spreading the good news of the mighty power of God working through the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua.


Have you ever gone for an interview where the interviewer ended up answering questions for you? Well, it just happened to Mr Ukeme Essien, a well qualified technician in oil processing from Nigeria, thanks to the power of Jesus Christ through the medium of the Anointing Water.
Mr Essien had no permanent job and for six years after his training in the field, found himself moving around aimlessly and teaching in secondary schools, earning a meager salary of N8,000. The money was not even enough to cover his transport costs.
One day, he came to The SCOAN, received the Anointing Water and ministered it in prayer in Jesus’ name. The following morning, he received a call from an overseas oil company he had previously been courting but to no success, saying that they wanted to see him for an interview in the United Arab Emirates. About 35 people were invited from all over the world for this interview and he was one of only two Africans to have been invited.
“They covered all my expenses including air tickets and visa costs,” Mr Essien told the congregation.
At the interview, while waiting for his name to be called, he excused himself to the restroom where he prayed and ministered the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name. He prayed to God that he be asked no questions whose answer he did not know and that if any such questions came, they be answered for him.
When he entered the interview room, the whole panel started to smile at him and, behold, he knew all the answers. The only question he did not prepare for was when one of the directors asked why he wanted a job with the company, a question they answered for him as they hired him and made him a Field Services Foreman for the Abu Dhabi-based oil film earning millions and with an entitlement to a new car every two years.
Mr Essien concluded by saying, “Today, I have realized that Jesus is indeed alive and he has worked in my life through this medium of the Anointing Water.”


Mr Obi Patrick Chinedu from Nigeria was short of words to express his awe at the miraculous healing he received from God through the medium of the Anointing Water he received at The SCOAN three years previously.
A small-scale businessman in his home-town, Mr Chinedu had suddenly found himself under an affliction of a strange disease that came with general body pains, a swollen leg and hypertension. People started to speculate that he was actually suffering from HIV/AIDS and was hiding the truth. They started to avoid him but that was not his only nightmare; he started to dream about being chased by giant men, masquerades, lions and other frightful creatures.
It was after some years that a thorough diagnosis at a government hospital established that he had kidney stones. It was then that his friends and neighbors started to suggest that he travelled to The SCOAN, here in Lagos, to seek God’s healing touch. He was reluctant because, according to him, he had been one of the people in his area that used to spread negative and false rumours about The Synagogue and Prophet T.B. Joshua.
But the pain in him was too excruciating to ignore that he decided to swallow his pride and visit the very place he had castigated. He came to SCOAN in 2010 after over nine years of suffering and patronizing shrines in search of a miracle. He was one of the many visitors that were prayed for. He also had the privileged of receiving the Anointing Water. When he got home, he prayed with it and ministered some in his mouth, in Jesus’ name.
For the first time in ten years, he had a peaceful and nightmare-free night. He started to notice changes in his body. The pain disappeared; he was able to eat well and started to walk around without support.
“That morning I finished my breakfast and asked people to prepare for me something real to eat. They could not believe it,” he said.
A few weeks later, Mr Chinedu decided to go back to the same hospital for a test. To the doctor’s greatest surprise, the test showed that he no longer had any kidney stones. At last, free from his affliction, he was back to his feet – a healthy and strong man.
“My advice; do not attack what you do not understand. I am stupefied because I received God’s healings in the name Jesus Christ from the same servant of God I had ridiculed for many years. Good thing is that my healing has changed the perception of people in my area about the SCOAN. Thank you Jesus!” He said, with an encouraging word to people to get their own Anointing Water for use in Jesus’ name.


Imagine working for 22 years without a promotion! As unimaginable as it may sound, this was the case with Mr Muzenge Hachizibe from Copperbelt, Zambia.
Mr Hachizibe had worked for the Ministry of Home Affairs in his home country for all those years as a criminal investigator at the rank of a sergeant but with no recognition for all his contributions.
New recruits would join his department and he would train them, only to see them pass him by to higher ranks. Such stagnation, he said, was humiliating to him and his family.
“They would be given better salaries and bigger official houses. It brought shame on my family,” he said.
In desperation, he went to many places in search of solution, including witch doctors but there was no answer to his lack of promotion.
Finally, he came across Emmanuel TV where he saw God work through Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wise men, in Jesus’ name. He was so convinced that his solution was at The SCOAN that he secured a bank loan of US$2,000 to come to The SCOAN.
He arrived at the church, obtained the Anointing Water and returned home to pray and minister it in Jesus’ name. One month later, he received a promotion!
He is now a Detective Inspector with the Zambian Police. He brought his promotion letter to The SCOAN to share his testimony with the children of God.
“It does not work to look for solution in places other than Jesus Christ,” he said.


The Almighty God, indeed, has no limits to His goodness in people’s lives. The Bible is crystal clear as it states that all gold and silver belong to Him. Maria Teressa Mbani Modo, originally from Equatorial Guinea but now staying in Spain, had always been aware of this piece of Scripture but never at any point in her life did she ever imagine how far God would go to bless His people.MARIA
She visited The SCOAN a few years ago with the problem of poverty and lack of progress in life. She received the Anointing Water and went back to Spain where she prayed and ministered it in Jesus’ name. Immediately after that, she received a promotion at her work place to deputy manager of a Swiss-owned transit company and a salary increase!
She came back to The SCOAN to testify to the goodness of God in her life and during her stay, received a call from her bank that a loan she had applied for had finally been approved.
“I could not believe it,” she said, in tears of joy.
She came back to The SCOAN a third time to give her testimony as an acknowledgement of God for His faithfulness while nursing an ambition to buy a house in Spain.
Just after arriving at The SCOAN, her estate agent called her from Spain that there was a newly-built house with a swimming pool available and selling at a reduced price. She was overjoyed since she was not even looking for a new house but just a normal house.
That was how Miss Modo became an owner of a spacious apartment with a swimming pool to boot in the beautiful costal province of Valencia in Spain. And that was not it, with the money she was now earning in her new job, she was able to buy a bus for her mother as a substantial financial earner.
She exclaimed in front of the congregants: “God, this is too much!” At only 29 years old, God has blessed her so much through the medium of the Anointing Water that she is not only the owner of a new house now, but she has also opened her own company and has acquired a lot of land.


Last Sunday service was another awe-inspiring experience for those that congregated at The SCOAN and viewers of Emmanuel TV worldwide. The service started with the prayer line where, again, God used His Ministers – the Wise men – to free people from various evil afflictions that tormented their lives. They were declared healed from sicknesses and delivered from demons, in Jesus’ name. Again, the Holy Spirit moved among the congregants as Prophet T.B. Joshua delivered a remarkable unequivocal prophetical message. It was also amazing to see a family that had been torn apart for 34 years, finally come together in a reconciliatory effort by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, who has always emphasized on rebuilding broken homes. The couple, Mr and Mrs Emmanuel Nwoye Okonkwo had separated under very hostile circumstances that had also strained relationships among his seven children.  Read about this and many more testimonies of lives changed through the power of Jesus Christ. Speaking on the subject of testimony, Prophet T.B. Joshua said “The first reason why God allows miracles is to motivate us to faith. A miracle is to teach you how to fish. Let others turn to God through your testimony.”


The ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua will leave no stone unturned towards mending broken homes to the glory of God. Many families have stepped into The SCOAN divided and gone home smiling and holding hands for a new chapter under the light of the Holy Spirit.
The family of Mr and Mrs Emmanuel Nwoye Okonkwo was the centre of attention on Sunday as they appeared before the court of God to seek His face. For 34 years, Mr Okonkwo had separated from his wife and lived a lonely life in England with nothing to show for it. No one, including his children, ever imagined such a reunion was possible. But God had His way for a miracle and the whole home, met for the first time since the separation in The SCOAN.
Mr Okonkwo had, during the previous Sunday received prophecy from Prophet T.B. Joshua about his four marriages that had never transpired into anything solid. Every woman he married would eventually run away. This recurrent dejection made him feel as if he was the ugliest man in the world. He admitted that he never truly loved his first wife as she was imposed on him through a hush-hush arrangement by his mother. He had consented to marrying her just to make his mother happy.
Given the chance to address the church, he told a story of a marriage that had gone wrong and one that could only be salvaged by the grace of God alone. Mr Okonkwo said the marriage was doing well until he started making money in his transport business. Then trouble started. As money came, his wife began to go to the hairdressing salon, a luxury in those days. Before he knew it, she started demanding for blank cheques so she could withdraw any amount she wanted. From that time, peace departed from the once peaceful home.
He said his wife would bar him from leaving the house to go to work unless and until he met her demands. Misunderstandings became commonplace and after one particular fight which resulted in the car windscreen being smashed, they decided enough was enough and they separated. Immediately thereafter, any business he started would not succeed and he had to consult every known spiritualist to find out what was wrong. All of them pointed accusing fingers at his ex-wife as the cause of his career failures.

Each family member went their separate ways. Some of his children were not talking to him and took sides with their mother but his second son took a neutral stance.
It was in the midst of his problems that he discovered The SCOAN Branch in London and began to fellowship there. From there, he saw the work of God through Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wise men at The SCOAN Headquarters in Lagos. He decided to return to Nigeria and to visit The SCOAN. Although his son was not keen about The SCOAN idea, he still helped him to buy an air ticket and fly to Lagos.

Right on his first visit, the man of God hit the nail on the head by prophesying to him concerning his marital problem and his health, the prostate problem he had been battling with. He was amazed at the exactness of the prophecy. When Mr Okonkwo returned home that day and shared his deliverance experience, his son decided to join him and come to the church to meet with Prophet T.B. Joshua in this rare opportunity.
The son invited other family members, including his mother, brothers and sisters who were not seeing eye-to-eye with their father. Everything worked out like a jigsaw puzzle. A family that could not speak with one voice was suddenly coming together.

For the first time, Mr Okonkwo saw his estranged wife. She walked up to him and greeted him. This was the woman many ‘men of God’ and ‘prophets’ had told him was a witch. His grandchild took the cue and greeted him, another climbed into his arms and slept soundly. He wept with joy he had not felt in a long time.
“I was told my wife was a witch. Look at my grand children, I never knew them,” he lamented.
Ifeanyi Kenneth Okonkwo the second son, who bought the air tickets, could not believe his family was finally together. He himself had never been a churchgoer. According to him, he only believed in the law of nature – do evil and evil will come to you; do good and good will come to you. But this reunion amazed him and for the first time he acknowledged the power of God.
“This whole thing amazes me. My father had always refused to come to Nigeria and yet, this time he called me and sounded very enthusiastic of wanting to come and his destination was this church, to meet Prophet T.B. Joshua. When my father came back rejoicing and told me about this place, I called the whole family. I was so surprised when my mother readily agreed to come because she had always refused to come to Lagos,” explained Mr Okonkwo’s son blaming himself for not believing in any man of God.
The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, revealing the mind of God said that the woman was not a witch; rather she was afflicted and had a stubborn spirit. The family is now reunited and reconciled after 34 years of separation.


Technology has become such an important aspect of life that it is almost impossible to identify anybody that is not using  it in one form or the other. However, such devices have become tools in the hands of satan, leading to man’s destruction.
Mr Benedict, a 27-year-old Cameroonian, who was possessed with an evil spirit which used him to destroy many people particularly the youth and women, told the congregation that as important as it is, technology can do more harm than good if not carefully and responsibly used.
Narrating to a stunned congregation, Mr Benedict traced his story line to the time he had joined the Catholic Seminary in his country when he was 12 years old. One day, while in the school’s library, one book caught his attention. It was a book on Ancient Egyptian Mysticism. He curiously grabbed it and started to study. He found it intriguing. Deeper into the book, he discovered it was all about how one can leave his body at home and wander about to distant places [in spirit].
He followed the instructions and, to his amazement, he was able to leave his body behind and visit places. During his astral-sojourns he would find himself in a strange world where everything seemed perfect; people driving strange cars, using advanced gadgets such as computers and cell phones and other gadgets. Such, he said, was the advancement in the outer space that the technology he saw, would take years before it was introduced in this world.
He realized that there were demons who were teaching him and acting through him. He discovered a lot about technology and computers without any formal education on the subjects. He would be invited to business conferences as guest speaker where he would mesmerize entrepreneurs with his inspirational presentations and yet, he had never done any formal studies in Business.
“I just happened to know everything. A voice would be telling me what to do and how to go about it. If I handled radio programmes, senior journalists would ask which university I had graduated from,” Mr Benedict said.
When travelling in the astral, he would see things that people could not ordinarily see. He was able to see the demonic powers of witches and wizards at work such as causing accidents.
One time in his journey, he witnessed demons set up a road block that could cause vehicular accident. He rushed to prevent the accident by attempting to remove the log they had used to block the highway but the demons attacked him by shoving his body violently out of the way. Unknown to him he had been possessed by the evil spirits which came to attack him.
Later, he realized that anyone who plotted anything against him would have their own lives destroyed. If anyone wanted to hurt him, they would themselves be hurt. Anything he said would happen, no matter how big the pronouncement was. He was thrown out of seminary when the authorities began to notice his unusual prowess and traced it to the book he had read.
He became a wizard in terms of computer literacy. There was no media he could not use and was even teaching fraudsters how to use the social media like Facebook to defraud people. He had over 3000 friends on facebook, the majority of whom were female among whom he developed intimate and immoral relationships with more than one and a third of them.
He had the power to talk them into love-making on the phone – something he called ‘phone-sex’. Any time he had sexual intercourse with his phone lovers, his business would prosper while his victims would record a downward trend in their business, marital or career lives. Many of his lady friends who became his victims broke up with their fiancés and marriages were broken as they would confess of being incapable of loving anyone else but him.
His victims and contacts were from all over the world but he met only a few of them in real life. He also had a profound music career. Anytime he involved himself in music to entice and initiate unsuspecting youth, he would have heavy turnover but if he tried to organize a concert for Gospel songs, the event would flop. He began to move around different nightclubs and strip clubs playing and performing worldly music.
One of the spirits operating in him was the demonic king of technology and knowledge which he named ‘Teigom’, which would supply him information, oftentimes teaching him in dreams about technology and other subjects.
He admitted that his wife, who was an ardent follower of Emmanuel TV, had no idea of what was happening between him and the many women whose lives he was destroying on a daily basis.
As soon as he stopped his activities on the internet, his business crumbled so swiftly. All the big people he worked with abandoned him. All his affluence froze into oblivion and instead, huge debts took over and creditors would disgrace him, sometimes in public places.
He and his wife decided to come to The SCOAN for deliverance and to allow God to bring breakthrough back into his career.

“I am telling you all this to shame the devil and to proclaim the supremacy of God,” he said.
Commenting on his deliverance that took place on the previous Sunday, Mr Benedict said that as he was being prayed for, he felt like he was walking on cold water and as if there were pins of ice on the floor where he was standing. Every time he tried to look at Wise man Daniel, he would see great energy of light that was more powerful and overwhelming than when the evil spirits used to overtake him to operate and destroy.
He surrendered and was delivered from the demonic forces. Since then, the chronic spirit of lust for women was gone.
He was not, however, without advice. He said, using fraud and technology for evil purposes does not pay what it promises. He advised the youth to abstain from Facebook as it should be only for business people who need to communicate with clients. It does more harm to youth than good, he said.
“Even the research done on the internet, most of it contains demonic pictures and images which are only going to bring further initiation and problems for you. If you spend 30 minutes researching, 10 minutes are going to be spent on something other than the intended purpose. Youth, watch out! The bed you make today is the bed you will lay on tomorrow,” said Mr. Benedict.


JOAOMr Joao Luis Ngimbi worked in the Ministry of Finance of Angola, yet was facing extreme delay in his career for over 14 years. He had faithfully served throughout his career but every time he was due for promotion, it would pass him by for no apparent reason.
His son advised him to watch Emmanuel TV and partake of the grace of God meant for all members of the church of today. After following Emmanuel TV and being greatly impressed by the work and Word he saw practised, he agreed to come to The SCOAN. At the church, he met with Prophet T.B. Joshua who prophesied that he was about to receive the promotion he had been dreaming of and a short time later, it happened.
His life has changed. He is now promoted as the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Angola. He now serves in his second tenure in this prestigious post. He has established two of his own private companies through his work, which are being managed by his wife very successfully. All this was accomplished after just an encounter and word from Prophet T.B. Joshua. He gave a simple encouragement to all listening across the world not to doubt what God can do.


Many barren couples are desperate to have their own children. However, due to the devil’s wickedness it is not always a straightforward matter. Mrs Judeth Commey of Ghana testified how 13 years of barrenness had caused heartache and strife between her, her husband and their relatives who became so anxious for the fruit of the womb with no option. The couple began to search for medical solution but could not find a lasting cure to the issue.
One of Judeth’s friends called her, seeing her distress and introduced her to Emmanuel TV. She fell in love with Emmanuel TV and installed it in her house. At home, a voice told her to go to her television and as she watched the program, when the man of God started praying for the viewers, she touched the screen in prayer. Immediately she felt goose bumps all over her skin and knew something had happened to her.
After a month, she tested herself with a pregnancy kit and discovered that she was pregnant. Triumphantly, she lifted her beautiful baby up on her lap as a proud trophy of the Gospel’s victory in her life over the problem of barrenness. She advised that we should believe, saying distance is not a barrier to God’s move and that He can move in their lives and situation if only they believe. Furthermore, she encouraged husbands that they should support their wives as her husband did so that the Lord would see them through their hard times.


Mr Desire Kebonyetshotlo from Botswana was tormented by diabolic attacks where he saw snakes both in his dreams and physically since the age of 17. His encounters with the serpents always led to disappointment in his business ventures even in an investment scheme in China. As a supplier of sand and building materials, he was forced to sell most of the assets in the company he worked for just to keep them from falling into debt. After coming to The SCOAN, he received the Anointing Water and his life turned around. To his amazement, he encountered several more snakes but killed all of them. That brought an end to being tormented by the spirit of snake. Now he has been promoted to the CEO of the company which has been re-stocked and supplied with new materials and four new vehicles. He advised people saying that with God, all things are possible.


Mr Enegi Joseph came to The SCOAN with the chronic problem of bedwetting which he had suffered from for 31 years. He used to wet the bed three times a week. After trying every proper means, he could not find any solution to the problem until one day when he discovered Emmanuel TV. After seeing and hearing testimonies of others healed from bedwetting on Emmanuel TV, his faith was strengthened and he became angry at how this affliction had robbed him of peace, pride and even his friends. He determined to come to The SCOAN where he received the Anointing Water. He prayed with the Anointing Water, ministered it to himself and asked for God’s mercy. That occurred in December 2012. Since that time, he has stopped bedwetting.


Speaking further on his project to create jobs for graduates and concerning the growing unemployment crisis facing people worldwide, Prophet T.B. Joshua said, “God has blessed Africa. Resources are here in Africa but we lack management. The environment is very friendly but management is lacking in Africa. We are not preparing for tomorrow.
We must carry our youth along. Let them see what we are doing. That way we are preparing them for tomorrow. The yoke must be broken, in the name of Jesus. The job is not the end but a means to an end. It is not just about working and gaining money but within that job is the link to their future.
You cannot stay where you started. When you give people a job, let them know it is meant to take them out of distress. The rest becomes history. But when our people are on the street, it means they haven’t started at all. Everything big starts little.”


To supernaturally crown the service, the man of God led the congregation in a fiery mass prayer during which time many received healing, deliverance and the salvation of their souls. Some of the more memorable prayer points were:
  • Whatever chain that satan might have used to connect you to sickness, poverty, yoke, setback, break it in the name of Jesus Christ!
  • This is the voice of God. This is a prophetic word: I rescue you in the name of Jesus! I rescue your finances, career, business, family, health, in the name of Jesus! Say, I am rescued, in the name of Jesus!
  • I have a testimony. Ask me what my testimony is. My testimony is your breakthrough. I can see you being rescued!
Now that your business, health, career, family and future have been rescued by the power of God, we leave you under the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit and pray to meet you there again. Emmanuel – God With Us!