Monday, June 17, 2013

Reinhard Bonnke Kenya Crusade Day 2

A Walking Testimony

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Tonight Evangelist Bonnke preached a powerful message about “The Prison of Sin.” He told the people that Jesus had not come to make the prison cell more comfortable for the prisoners – He has come to set them free. “The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a Gospel of renovation or decoration, but of liberation!”

After the message, I prayed for the sick and wonderful miracles took place. A young lady whose wrist had been operated on came to the meeting tonight with her fingers frozen and immobile. She showed me the scar on her wrist from the surgeon’s knife. But tonight, Jesus healed her hand and her fingers now move freely. But the healing of her hand is not the greatest miracle she received; she was also born again and is now a Child of God. This is the greatest miracle of all.

Another woman, deaf in her left ear for four years, was healed tonight and can hear perfectly.

A woman’s tumor vanished during the prayer for the sick and many people who had painful stomach ulcers, some who were suffering from constant pain for many years, were instantly healed!

We also heard an amazing testimony from a woman who came to a CfaN campaign in the nearby city of Kibera almost 20 years ago. At that time, she was paralyzed from the waist down and crawled on all fours everywhere she went. She told us how she had crawled for many miles to the campaign field on her hands and knees, through water and mud, believing she would receive her healing. When she came onto the campaign ground, she was covered in mud and filth, but the power of God hit her and all paralysis left her body. She was totally and completely healed and has been walking perfectly ever since. She came all the way from Mombasa tonight (over 300 miles) to give God the glory! She came as a “Walking Testimony” of God’s love and power. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow is already the final day of the Fire Conference. Please keep praying for us and for all of the pastors here that will come expecting to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda & Reinhard Bonnke
Together with the whole CfaN team

Pictures: O. Volyk

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