Monday, June 17, 2013

Reinhard Bonnke Kenya Crusade Day 1

The epicenter

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Our Gospel Campaign began here in Nairobi, Kenya tonight. The last time our team was here was exactly 25 years ago to the month – in the very same venue. Now a whole new generation of Kenyans are hearing the Gospel and experiencing the power of God. We believe that the Holy Spirit will cause this capital city to become an epicenter for a move of God that will sweep through the rest of the nation and tonight was the down payment of what is to come - thousands responded to Gospel, many demoniacs were delivered and wonderful miracles took place – all in the wonderful name of Jesus!
Please keep our whole team in your prayers throughout the week and stay tuned as we bring you reports each night straight from the field.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelists Daniel Kolenda & Reinhard Bonnke
Together with the whole CfaN team

Pictures: O. Volyk

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