Sunday, September 30, 2012


Live and direct, the power of God was present at The SCOAN Prayer Line which kicked off the first service on Sunday 16th September 2012. Visitors from around the globe were evidently transformed by the power of God as they received prayer from the five wise men, in Jesus’ name. After the prayer line, it was testimony time where a number of varied testimonies were given reminding us that Jesus Christ is concerned about every department of our lives.
T.B. Joshua

A couple came forward in confirmation of a prophecy given the previous week to Mrs Oluchi Okpara who after receiving a threat to her life from her husband, had stolen all his money and left with their children. Mrs Okpara explained that each time she requested for money from her husband, he would refuse to give her even the smallest of amounts to buy the items she needed. One day she requested for N2,000 just to buy some things for her young baby but he did not permit her. Angry, she stole the N2,000 and defiantly went out to get what she wanted, contrary to her husband’s instructions. Furious upon finding out, Mr Okpara told his wife that if she did not give back the N2,000 by the time he had returned from where he was about to go, he would end her life. It was at this point that Mrs Okpara delved into her husband’s suit pockets, stealing close to N400,000 and ran away.
Mrs Okpara
For over one month, she had been using her husband’s money, buying the things he had earlier deprived from her, spending close to N200,000 of the total amount she had stolen. Realising that she had no other option as she didn’t have anyone to help their situation and didn’t want the marriage blessed with two children to end in divorce, she ran to The SCOAN for God’s intervention. Her case did not escape the anointing of God as Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied directly about the problem she was in. Prophet T.B. Joshua invited Mr Okpara to come to The SCOAN and reconciled the couple, stating that both of them needed prayer for deliverance.

Mr & Mrs Oluchi Okpara And Children
After stating their case and listening to words of counselling from T.B. Joshua the tense situation became calm and God’s restoring power was brought on the scene settling their case. Prophet T.B. Joshua proceeded to reimburse all the money his wife had used during the month of her absence. Glory be to God!
Another couple came out to confirm a prophecy given by Prophet T.B. Joshua during last week’s Monday Service. Mr Obiagbo, who initially came to The SCOAN alone, had been asked by Prophet T.B. Joshua what the cause was of the fights with his wife, to which he responded that it was due to infidelity. Prophet T.B. Joshua proceeded to prophesy that he should pray against a polygamous home.
Mr Obiagbo
Mr Obiagbo came forward, accompanied by his wife who had been invited by Prophet T.B. Joshua in response to the prophetic message. He stated that, unknown to his wife, he had actually been planning in his heart to walk out of the marriage, take his four children and look for another wife, even going to the length of asking his family members to find another wife for him. He explained that after he had accused his wife of infidelity, which she eventually confessed to, all affection and love in the home had disappeared. He expressed shock at Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesying the secret of his heart that even his wife did not know about.
Mr & Mrs Obiagbo
He then used the opportunity to explain how he was initially extremely sceptical about Emmanuel TV due to the misinformation and rumours he had heard about Prophet T.B. Joshua. However, after seeing his brother, who was a pastor, watching Emmanuel TV in his office, he decided to watch and gradually became addicted to watching it, surprised to see Prophet T.B. Joshua using the name of Jesus Christ and preaching the Word of God. He regretted his years of ignorance and after seeing the prophet in action he said that T.B. Joshua was a ‘Field Marshal’ in the work of God.
Prophet T.B. Joshua explained how God had allowed him to face persecution within Nigeria to allow other nations around the world to also come to The SCOAN and receive, testifying that it truly is a ‘Church Of All Nations’ and not one limited to a particular country. He said that he even prayed for more persecution as it was a tonic to his anointing!
Prophet T.B. Joshua declared the marriage as one blessed from Heaven and stated that Mrs Obiagbo would undergo deliverance for the spirit that had pushed her outside of her marital home and caused her to disrespect her husband.
A young lady, Miss Chidiebere, who was brought out the previous week through a prophetic message, shocked all who listened as she explained how she scattered marriages, destroyed homes, implicated many to jail and caused public disgrace, shame and embarrassment to people. She said that she was a sadist and did not want to see people happy. She derived joy in seeing others in pain. It all started when she was in school. Pushed by an evil spirit, Chidiebere began despising anyone who she saw happy and started devising devilish means to cripple their joy. She explained how she would steal items from one person and insert them into the bag of another, leading to students being wrongly expelled from school and faced with public humiliation.
Miss Chidiebere
She said a spirit would continually push her to steal other people’s items, not to keep for her but rather to give or sell to others in order to cause implication and, in some cases, wrongful imprisonment. Whenever she saw a young couple happily married, she would conspire to cause separation by concocting false stories and feeding them to both parties, leading to fighting and accusation. For example, she would take the phone of the husband and send implicating romantic text messages to females, before leaving the phone for the wife to see. Picking up on this point, Prophet T.B. Joshua said it was a lesson to couples around the world to always examine what they read or hear about their partners in the light of God’s Word and not take everything at face value.
Chidiebere said that her entire family had been affected by her actions and the reputation of her father, who was once respected and successful contractor, had been dragged in the mud. When demanding those who were indebted to him to pay, they would respond by telling him to ask his daughter who used to steal. Her mother developed high blood pressure due to her antics and the marital lives of all her brothers and sisters had been broken because of her lies and deception.
Chidiebere And Family
Her confession revealed many satanic tricks used to cause disarray in people’s lives, reminding us that we should love everyone but trust only God, in these perilous times. Now delivered, she spoke of her former deeds with regret, something she had never felt before reflecting the change that had occurred within her since Jesus Christ had stepped in, turning her life away from sin.
Esther Kabeye from Lesotho came to The SCOAN to testify of what God had done in her life through the medium of the Anointing Water. She explained how she was a teacher in French and Computing by profession but her career and health were threatened by glaucoma which she had been told by doctors would eventually result in blindness. Emotionally falling into tears as she testified, she explained, “It was very painful for me because I could not even see my children clearly”. She was advised to have an operation because the disease was advancing. Holding a scan of her eye, she showed the darkened areas on the scan which showed the terrible effects of the glaucoma on her vision, one that was irreversible medically.
Esther Kabeye
However, after watching Emmanuel TV with her husband, she believed that if only she could get to The SCOAN she would be healed. After visiting The SCOAN, she received the Anointing Water and ministered it to her eyes and mouth. Immediately, her eyesight began to become clearer and gradually her vision was fully restored. Rejoicing at the wondrous miracle, she went back to the doctor who confirmed that she was completely healed and that there was no damage to her eyes. Holding up a second scan of her eyes, all the areas that before had been blackened due to the glaucoma were clear! She gave glory to God and praised Him knowing first hand that to His power nothing is impossible.
Sheila Sekwati from Botswana was next up for testimony and she explained the problem she was facing before coming to The SCOAN was that she had been living in poverty, from hand to mouth. She said that her and her husband had struggled to get the means to come to The SCOAN and that they used their last money to come to the church where she was privileged to receive the Anointing Water.
Sheila Sekwati
Believing God for a Divine breakthrough, she administered the Anointing Water on the documents she wanted to submit for a contract. To her greatest surprise, just days after ministering the Anointing Water, she received a call from the government that she had been chosen to execute a contract worth 1.734 million Pula ($226,000), despite the fact that she was not the most experienced or externally qualified for it! She testified that from that point onwards, contracts began rolling in and today, she is a millionaire – after ministering the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name!
Cameroonian Mr & Mrs Valentine Nkwain testified to the goodness of God in their lives and the huge financial breakthrough received after ministering the Anointing Water. Mr Valentine narrated that he was facing relentless hardship and abject poverty, to the extent that his wife’s parents had not wanted to give their daughter to a poor man and had vigorously opposed their coming together. Mrs Valentine however had determined to stand by her husband through thick and thin. The couple had no place to stay and found themselves sleeping on the floor. This was the level that their poverty had reached. Mr Valentine was a photographer but he was unable to get any job, let alone make ends meet. In desperation, he then managed to gather enough for his wife to travel to The SCOAN, where she received the Anointing Water. Returning to Cameroon, the couple prayed together and ministered the Anointing Water.
Cameroonian Mr & Mrs Valentine Nkwain
After that, there was a drastic turnaround in their lives. Mr Valentine explained how jobs and finances started flying in from everywhere. “Now, I am a multi-millionaire!” he enthusiastically testified, boldly showing the pictures of his house (which had been built within a 6 month period) and fleet of cars, for all the world to see. T.B. Joshua responded to the testimony by asking the congregation to stand in honour of God, who provides, declaring “What a God we have to worship! What a Son we have to praise! What a future lies before us!”
Mr Again Pachaw, a Zimbabwean living in Botswana was the next to cause the congregation to jump up from their seats in exuberant joy. He explained his condition before as “absolute poverty”, saying that it had got to the point where he was forbidden from getting a loan from any bank as he was blacklisted. This had happened after his business had totally collapsed, leaving him depressed, without work and living literally hand to mouth. He said that he was just roaming about aimlessly doing nothing. That was before he started watching Emmanuel TV and the hope that was lost was rekindled. He began to believe that his situation could change and he was convinced that if he could just get to The SCOAN, he would get relief from his travails.
Mr Again Pachaw
He explained that his situation had affected his health, mentioning that he had ulcers, stress and severe headaches. Just as he had believed, God provided a way for him to come to The SCOAN and he was opportuned to receive the Anointing Water. He also had the opportunity to present his document showing that he was blacklisted to the man of God, who prayed with him concerning it. He returned to Botswana and ministered the Anointing Water on all his documents and prayed with them.
A few days later, he went to the bank and the credit bureau and to his amazement and shock, they declared that he was not blacklisted due to an earlier administrative error. After that, miracles started swiftly happening in his life. He submitted applications to 5 banks which they all accepted. He was also given contracts out of nowhere. Abundant blessing located him and stayed with him. With tears in his eyes, he explained that he is now a proud owner of a fleet of trucks! He showed the picture of the trucks, as evidence, also displaying photos of his beautiful house equipped with a swimming pool and set of cars.
T.B. Joshua spoke on the need to give, noting that it is the giving ministry that services the other ministries of deliverance, healing, reconciliation, etc. He emphasized that giving should be our way of life as Christians and that we should be willing to give, not only what we do not need, but what we cherish most.
Three cases which the ministry had offered financial assistance to in the previous week were then highlighted: The first was Pastor Ernest and his wife who had been living in abject poverty, sleeping on the church floor and given 16 days to leave the premises. The second was that of Mrs Josephine Iweke whose house had burnt down and who was left with nowhere to rest her head, resorting to sleeping in the same classroom that she would teach in, during the day as a teacher.
The third was Mr Amos Adegor, an old man who had spent his pension, desperately trying to fulfil his dream of completing a house, but due to a prolonged land dispute, was failing miserably in his attempts and living in deplorable conditions in the uncompleted building on the land.
A properly documented breakdown of donations from congregation members towards these individuals was presented to the congregation. The combined amount given to them was nearly N8,000,000. T.B. Joshua declared that the amount would be split between the three cases, as determined by their needs. Those who had contributed towards the needs were acknowledged as an inspiration to others, to build their own lives around their contribution to others.
Every term, hundreds of widows with their children come to The SCOAN to collect the school fees for that term, part of the immense humanitarian ministry given to T.B. Joshua. Scores of beneficiaries were able to attend the Sunday service and received their school fees and bags of rice with joy, while acknowledging that the greater part of the recipients were not present.
Widows With Their Children
The amount given to the children totalled at N7,789,000. A spokesperson for the children said that Prophet T.B. Joshua had been a father and an inspiration to them all and was passionate about creating a bright future for them. Each family also received three bags of rice.
The testimonies continued into Monday Service as many testified to the raw, authentic and forceful power of God in their lives. The expressions of charity also did not stop as three cases were highlighted and assistance was offered to them by the ministry. These included Miss Obi, who had been delivered the previous week. The demon within her had made her become so fat that she would deter any man coming to her and also rendered her useless, unable to do any job, leaving her with nothing, She was presented with N300,000 and three bags of rice. Mrs Ugochi Orisakwe called out by word of prophecy had two bodies of family members at the mortuary. She had no means or finances to bury them – that was until the ministry stepped in by giving her N300,000 and three bags of rice.
Perhaps the most poignant case though was that of Chinedu Nwosu and his wife. This couple had experienced failures in business, and other areas of their lives. The demons afflicting both of them had caused collapse in business and marriage. They had separated for more than a year and had vowed not to come together again. But the Lord who delivered them opened the eyes of their faith and after both received powerful deliverances, they began to see each other in a totally different light and they stepped forward as husband and wife, thanking God for making what was impossible, possible for them. The ministry blessed them with the whopping sum of N500,000 and three bags of rice. Mr Nwosu, a business man, owner of house and two cars before could now begin to dream again, eyeing the prospects of future success. The emptiness and bitterness that drove and dictated their direction before has been replaced with ease of heart and peace of conscience. Glory be to God!

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