Sunday, September 30, 2012

Adopted by the Holy Ghost


Sunday 9th September 2012 proved to be a day that will long remain in the hearts of all those who were privileged to be among the congregation and the millions more viewing the service live on Emmanuel TV. Lives were changed in a dramatic way and people on the verge of committing suicide were given hope! The church service was, as usual, preceded by the prayer line, after which Prophet T.B. Joshua addressed the congregation about some questions he had received from viewers about fasting. Talking about the necessity of being led by the Holy Spirit in all actions, he explained that when you are not adopted by the Holy Ghost and you are fasting, you are only doing it for yourself.
Prophet T.B. Joshua 
Referring the people to 1 Corinthians 12, he said, “Jesus is Lord” can only be said with genuineness through truth and faith. He explained the difference between Christians and religious people, stating that Christians know Jesus came to restore the relationship and fellowship between God and man. He spoke of the importance of examining all things in the light of God’s Word. The Holy Ghost, he said, is the light in God’s Word.  God’s Word refreshes our mind; God’s Spirit renews our strength. It is God’s power working through His Word and His Spirit that brings about what we are in Christ Jesus. He said we can convince people but we cannot convert people. It is the Holy Spirit who converts. He said that true Christianity is all about adoption by the Holy Spirit.
During a previous Sunday Service, Wise Man John Chi was praying for the congregation when he encountered Mrs Lovelace Nyame, a Togolese based in Ghana. During the time of her deliverance, the evil spirit within Lovelace exposed her role as a fetish priestess and custodian of an assortment of charms in their village which had been neglected for many years. As she manifested during that service, the spirit spoke that she was born to serve it and it had tormented her for many years until she finally succumbed to take up the devilish role intended for her. The demon further announced that almost the entirety of the family, even those who were staying overseas, were afflicted with a mental problem because of their gross neglect of these charms and the house built for them in the village. To the glory of God, the demon was defeated and she pulled off her beads, which symbolised her status, and dropped them on the floor of the church before finally falling to the ground.
Mrs Lovelace Nyame
The following week, as shown in the video, Lovelace led the Emmanuel TV team to her ancestral home in Togo, where she showed them the shrine and the evil contents it contained. She had returned to the church with some of her family members to rejoice at her wonderful deliverance which had rippled through to the entire family. Mrs Nyame explained how she had refused to take up the role she knew was intended for her but continued to move from calamity to calamity to the point where she was actually dumb for three months until she finally accepted to become a priestess. She explained how she used to fetch sacred water in the midnight when nobody could see her and fill one of the ritual pots at the location of the shrine with its contents. Such water would be used to prepare charms for those who came to her with various problems and afflictions.  Another put was full of ‘cowries’, an ancient form of money that she also used to invoke riches for those who came seeking financial help. As a result of her activities, she said that many people had been initiated into darkness.
Mrs Lovelace Nyame & Family
Full of happiness at her total deliverance, she said, “I have a God bigger than smaller gods. I thank Prophet T.B. Joshua”. The family members rejoiced with her, testifying to the remarkable changes they had witnessed in her life since the deliverance. The prophet said the entire family would still receive prayer and congratulated them for the breakthrough.
Next came the story of Pastor Ernest Davis and his wife from Lesotho. Having been delivered the previous week, the pastor had taken the Emmanuel TV crew to his church, Salvation Covenant Gospel Church Worldwide. It was a pitiable sight. The pastor was living in abject poverty, sleeping with his wife on the floor of the church and given just fourteen days to leave as his rent had expired. He explained how the once vibrant ministry had become a laughing stock with sometimes as little as six people in attendance at a Sunday Service. Unable to feed himself and his family and faced with the prospects of being sent out onto the streets, Pastor Ernest had actually hung a rope in preparation to commit suicide. It was in this mess that his wife, a keen viewer of Emmanuel TV when in Lesotho, encouraged him to visit The SCOAN for deliverance.
Pastor Ernest Davis & wife
Narrating his story to the moved congregation, Pastor Ernest explained how he was a first class degree holder in Marine Mechanical Engineering and had studied in Poland for over a year before returning to the position of a manager in his company in Nigeria. Things were smooth and he was accorded every privilege entitled to him as a manager, including his own house and a courtesy car. However, one day in his office, he heard a ‘voice’ calling him to leave his work and serve him. Confused and in inner turmoil, Pastor Ernest thought it was God’s call for him to abandon the work he loved and enter the ministry. Despite the qualms and discouragement of his work colleagues, he resigned and headed to theological school for training.
After passing through Bible School, he worked with various ministries before establishing his own church. The first four years in his church had been progressive – miracles were happening and the church was filled to capacity every Sunday. However, he suddenly started encountering problems after getting married. His wife would publicly disrespect and embarrass him, eventually sending him out of their house with the relationship ending in divorce. In the midst of this, the church began to reduce and people’s interest continued to wane. With the crises deepening, Pastor Ernest met his current wife from Lesotho via the internet. Prophet T.B. Joshua described her as ‘a saviour’ to him, stating that if not for her intervention, Pastor Ernest would have prematurely ended his life in suicide.
Pastor Ernest Davis & wife
In her statement to the church, she said, “Love is not money. I love God and I knew that one day, He would make a day like this for us.” According to the prophet, the man needed to be rescued first and settled into a house with his wife and then God would be asked if the pastor should remain in His service or would return to his original work as an engineer. He used the opportunity to educate people, explaining that the pastors ‘call’ had actually come from the demon intent on destroying him. He explained, “It takes for the Holy Spirit to be sure of our dreams. Satan will keep asking, ‘By what authority are you doing things?’ ”
Prophet T.B. Joshua said he would join the family before announcing to the congregation that he was supporting the couple with the sum of N1m. Falling to the floor in disbelief, Pastor Earnest and his wife could scarcely believe what was unfolding before their eyes. Calling on the congregation, he said that there was need for the couple to be given a 2 bedroom flat. Visibly moved by the charitable actions, a female member of the congregation came forward and passionately called on people to join Prophet T.B. Joshua in his crusade to touch humanity at large, proceeding to give the couple a whopping N5m! As an atmosphere of compassion pervaded the auditorium, members of the congregation also came forward to pledge various financial gifts to aid the total restoration of the couple. Prophet T.B. Joshua said, “This is why we are here – changing lives, changing nations, changing the world. We should contribute to build human beings, not cathedrals.” Glory be to God!
A video was replayed on the dilemma of Rosemary Ijeoma, a Nigerian who had gone to Libya for prostitution and had five kids for different fathers. During her deliverance, the evil spirit had spoken through her previously that it had completely destroyed her life and did not allow her to stay with any man.
Rosemary Ijeoma & Children
Explaining her story to the church, she said had paid $1,500 to the man who took her to Libya, and had to stay with a man there so as not to flout the laws of the land. However, after getting pregnant for the men she was staying with, a violent quarrel would erupt resulting in their separation. After giving birth to her first son, while Rosemary was still involved in prostitution, she decided to give her child out to a friend who was about to return to Nigeria. That was eight years ago. Rosemary explained that it was only after her deliverance that she began to realise one of her children was actually missing and began making frantic efforts to try and trace the whereabouts of her abandoned son, whom she said she would not even be able to recognise.
Unknown to her, Divine providence was at work as the mother of her friend in Libya whom the child had been given to was watching Emmanuel TV when she gave her initial confession and realised that the child she had been taking care of the past eight years was the one in question! She decided to come to The SCOAN with the child to explain to Prophet T.B. Joshua and find out if he really was Ijeoma’s long lost son.
Uchenna & Adopted Mother
After listening to the experiences in The SCOAN, Prophet T.B. Joshua told the congregation to rise to their feet and thank the mother of Mrs Ijeoma’s friend for the selfless love she had showed to a child she didn’t biologically own.  The boy in question, Uchenna, had been sent to school and well looked after. The prophet then said the mind of God in this matter was for her to adopt the child, since “God made you to raise the child,” and would be fully supported by the church to do so. He said that the mother would also be given every support she needed from The SCOAN to take care of her remaining four children, including the provision of scholarships for their education.
During The SCOAN Monday Service, a video was replayed showing Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesying to Josephine Iweke, last week. He prophesied that he saw her homeless to which she responded that the house she had built was burnt down by local ruffians in the area. At the service, the Imo State-born teacher, who was working with the Gwagwalade Federal Capital Territory (FUT) Education Authority, had come to narrate her story.  Following Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophecy, she had gone with the Emmanuel TV crew to Bako (where she was initially teaching at the Junior Secondary School) to show them her burnt house by an unknown man who had scaled the walls to pour petrol into her house through the windows.
Since the house was burned, she had moved into a new school; she was transferred to the new school in Abuja by the Education Department of the Gwagwalade Area Council as it as felt her life was no longer safe in Bako. In the new school, she had the cooperation of the principal to sleep in one of the classrooms every day as she was homeless and had nowhere else to turn to. Isolated in a bushy environment, the lady had been staying in this helpless situation between January and August because of the problem of housing in her new place of assignment.
The lady, in abject poverty and insecurity, only relied on rice and garri for her meals. Her moving situation which was shown on video to the congregation, inspired the people. Prophet T.B. Joshua announced that the sum of one million naira and three bags of rice would be given to her, on behalf of the ministry and Emmanuel TV. Among the congregation were people who made generous donations to assist the woman to the glory of God.
Fonsah Richard, a Cameroonian, was travelling in a ship with over 700 other passengers on their way to Nigeria when the ship was waylaid by six armed pirate boats. The armed men’s intention was simple: to rob all the passengers on the large passenger ship. But Mr Richard, who was with a bottle of the Anointing Water, upon seeing the oncoming danger, began ministering the Anointing Water across the entire ship, petitioning God for Divine protection. Inexplicably, the sea pirates became blind to the loaded passenger ship they had targeted and turned in the other direction. The entire ship joined Mr Richard in thanksgiving to God, knowing that God had really sheltered them under the shadow of His protection through the ministering of the Anointing Water. Mr Richard said Jesus Christ is our Shelter in the face of storms and with Him, we have nothing to fear!
A video was replayed where a woman named Josephine Udoh had first come to The SCOAN with a terrible affliction: an addiction to eating hair all over her body for a shocking 23 years. The addiction had reduced her to a point where the hairs on her head had practically ceased from growing and she had to cover her head with a wrapper to curtail shame and embarrassment.  When the urge to eat her hair came, Mrs Udoh could not control herself, explaining that she would be hearing a voice propelling her to continue in such inhumane acts. However, after opening up about her problem and receiving prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua, everything changed! She proudly showed the congregation a full head of hair, evidencing her total freedom from the unnatural addiction. Mrs Udoh explained that since her deliverance several months ago, she had completely stopped eating hair and was now living a normal and happy life with her husband. She advised the congregation not to hide or be ashamed of their problems but to bring them to God as He is the answer to all fundamental issues of life.

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