Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Prophecies fulfilled in JESUS CHRIST

Again, these are only a few of the prophecies fulfilled.  There are many others that I have not listed here in order to keep this book fairly small.  These should be enough to prove the point though.
The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed as predicted by Jesus
Matt 24:1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. 2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
In 70 AD, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.  During the destruction, fire was set to the Temple. The fire caused the gold inlay on the Temple ceiling and walls to melt. The melting gold flowed into crevices within the stones. The Romans pried apart the stones to remove the gold. This fulfilled Jesus' prophecy that not one stone would be left standing on another.
The destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple is prophesied in Daniel
Dan 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Daniel predicted that the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.  This means that before the Antichrist takes power in the end time, the people (his ancestors) will destroy Jerusalem and the temple.  This was predicted sometime around 500 BC and was fulfilled in 70 AD.  This prophecy is part of Daniels “70 weeks”, and the portion of the prophecy up to this event is 483 years.
I do have to comment here that the Romans hired many Arab Mercenaries in those days for their armies, and “the people of the prince that shall come” could be referring to a man of another nationality other than a Roman, and is very likely referring to an Arab as you will see in other areas of this book.
Israel would become a wasteland

Deut 29:23 And that the whole land thereof is brimstone, and salt, and burning, that it is not sown, nor beareth, nor any grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of Sodom, and Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, which the LORD overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath:
Since the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, the land of Israel has been described many times as having been a sparsely populated wasteland. In 1867, Mark Twain wrote this about the land of Israel, which at the time was called Palestine, "Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes… the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies… Palestine is desolate and unlovely… It is a hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land." - from Mark Twain's Innocents Abroad.

The exiled people of Israel would return to Israel

Ezek 38:8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
This passage is talking about the Battle of Armageddon when Russia and Iran come down against Israel into the land that is brought back from the sword and gathered out of many people.  In recent years, millions of Jews have returned to Israel.  After the holocaust at the end of World War 2, Jews clamored to return to Israel, even at the cost of many lives.  They flocked onto boats that would be attacked by the Palestinians when they reached shore and seemed driven by some unknown force to return home.  Today, the nation of Israel is recognized as a sovereign nation!
If you’re skeptical and don’t really know if you believe this prophecy mumbo jumbo, I have to ask if you really understand the importance and magnitude of this prophecy.  Israel was scattered to the wind for 1900 years.  Their land was a wasteland for that time.  They didn’t die off or become assimilated into the other nations and peoples in almost 2000 years!  It wasn’t until the middle of the last century that they returned to Israel and today they are once again a Jewish nation!  How is that possible?  Never in the history of the world has anything like that happened.
The rise of Alexander the Great was predicted 200 years before he overran the Medes and the Persians in 331 BC
In Daniel chapter 8 we see the rise of the Media/Persian empire, the conquering of them by Alexander the Great, the fall of the Grecian Empire into it's four parts and then a leap to the end time and the rise of the Antichrist and his subsequent defeat by Jesus.
Dan 8:20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. 21 And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. 22 Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power. 23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. 24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. 25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
Daniel 11 goes on to explain a lot more about the historical past leading up to the antichrist as well.  If it were possible to trace the lines we could know exactly where the antichrist will rise from, but the four kingdoms following Alexander's reign went through too much chaos for us to be able to figure it out without speculation.  Maybe the information is out there somewhere and someone will unearth it for us.
Do you think the bible is truth?  God gave us prophecy so we could know He is real and believe in Him.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Delivered From Satanic Powers And Cultism!

Delivered From Satanic Powers And Cultism

A video was replayed in which Mr Jonathan was delivered by Wise Man Christopher the previous week. During the deliverance, the evil spirit manifested saying that he was the “King of Umuedu” who operated with 7 demons. After his deliverance, he confessed his experiences as an occultic man who had been used by satan to destroy countless lives. He had discovered at a young age that he was reincarnated as an old woman who had unusual evil powers and taught him many things in his dreams about the spiritual world.
Now free and ready to denounce the world of darkness, he had returned to church with his bag of seven charms which he used to summon the demons. One by one, he explained the name and function of each charm used for destruction. Telling how the demonic powers had taken hold of him, he explained how at the age of 12, he had killed and eaten a monitor lizard after which he became spiritually fortified. He would work without suspicion, using the faces of other people to attack his victims such that they would never suspect him. He explained that he would cause confusion within families by using the face of one of the family members to attack, implicating that person and bringing accusations of witchcraft. He also explained that he had the demonic power to manipulate people to do things against their will, such as stealing and stabbing people with a knife. All these powers came through the sacrifices he made to the seven demons, and each sacrifice involved some form of blood.
Mr Jonathan testified that immediately after his deliverance, he experienced rest and peace of mind for the first time in his entire life. He said he was now going to burn all of the demonic idols and give his life completely to Christ. He advised everyone to put their total trust in God, stressing that the spiritual world is real and not to be taken lightly.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Possessed Pastor set free forever!

Another video was played showing Wise Man Racine praying for people. An evil spirit in a young man spoke that it was the oracle in the man’s village and that it entered him in order to destroy him. It called itself “Amadioha”, and had destroyed the man’s ministry and sent him women to dispossess him of God-given powers. Though the pastor had spent 21 days fasting and praying, he would fall into lust because he was weak, the spirit had said.
ImagePastor Christopher Ikeije of the Power of End Time Message Ministry, Abia State, narrated his story and testimony. At age 5 or 6 years, he had experienced strange things; he saw demons and a strange man following him, always. When he was 10 years old, upon realizing that his entire family was gripped by poverty and affliction, he decided to leave the village and fend for himself. When probing his father as to the cause of the family’s limitations, he was told of a deity which had been brought to the village by some people, but which was demanding blood.
Christopher eventually travelled out of Nigeria, where things were still rough with him. He was arrested overseas and returned to Nigeria. Upon his return, he visited a church and explained to the pastor about the strange spiritual attacks he was facing. The pastor explained that this was a sign of God’s calling in his life and advised him to start ministry work. He soon joined the ministry and trained as a pastor, conducting deliverance and ministering to people.
However, as he strove to advance in his anointing, the strange force that had plagued him from childhood suddenly revealed itself. In a dream, he saw himself in a large shrine at his village. A voice harshly spoke from a large tree planted there, warning Pastor Christopher that they were angry at his refusal to serve them. Suddenly, a black and red cloth flew from the tree and entered inside his body. Startled, Pastor Christopher woke up, realising he was up against demonic forces of darkness.
Immediately following this spiritual encounter, his life steadily spiraled downwards. His zeal to read the Bible and pray became almost non-existent. He was afflicted with a spirit of lust that overpowered him to the point of sleeping with any woman he prayed for. He recalled a particular encounter when, after he slept with one of such women, she told him that his anointing had disappeared. Knowing that he needed deliverance, Pastor Christopher began seeking the face of God for direction of where to go to. He entered a 21 day fast, determined that if he didn’t receive an answer from God in that timeframe, he would return fully to the world. During his fast, Prophet TB Joshua appeared in his dreams four times. In his last encounter with Prophet T.B. Joshua in the dream, he saw him confronting a large demonic force dressed in the same black and red material that had entered him earlier. After those satanic forces were subdued by the superior power of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua then instructed him to come for deliverance. The following week he came to The SCOAN and was miraculously delivered by Wise Man Racine.
Pastor Christopher said that since his deliverance, he said he had started to live a full and free life in Christ. His zeal to pray and read his Bible had returned in full force and the lust for women had gone. To God be the glory!

Nigerian Prisoners return from prison in Libya through Prayer!

One event which was very inspiring during the service was the appearance of a number of Nigerian illegal immigrants from Libya. These Nigerians who were imprisoned in Libya had called The SCOAN seeking for prayers from the man of God, Prophet TB Joshua for God to intervene in their desperate situation. They said that many of them were arrested for one reason or another when the war broke out in Libya and that the conditions in the prison there were deplorable. They had cried out for help because in the aftermath of the war, they had been in prison for up to 7 months without anyone coming to their aid.
On receiving the message, TB Joshua had assured them of his prayers and had even made a public appeal for them on Emmanuel TV during the live Sunday Service on May 6th, 2012.
While narrating their tale, they stated that a few weeks after the call for prayer and appeal, the ambassador of the Nigerian Embassy in Libya had come to their aid and they had been released and flown safely back to their country.
ImageUpon arrival, their first port of call was The SCOAN, seeking for an opportunity to show their sincere appreciation for what God had done in their lives. Little did they imagine or expect though that they would receive so much more than that.
Prophet TB Joshua and the Emmanuel TV partners proceeded to present each individual with N100,000 and 3 bags of rice for their upkeep and feeding. “This is on behalf of Libya, Nigeria and Africa” TB Joshua said, adding that this was an opportunity for them to start their lives again on a fresh foot. He encouraged them to return to their families and be honest about what had happened, stating that, “Everything big starts little”.Image
Three of their spokespersons (Ugbebor Wisdom, Kelly Ahmed and Ikechukwu) spoke of their experiences when war started in Libya – the deaths and imprisonments, hunger and starvation. The response from the ministry clearly overwhelmed them. After the service, each recipient gladly thanked God and TB Joshua for all the support, many of them candidly stating that if it had not been for the intervention of the church, their situation may have led them to further crime and a life on the streets, noting that they had returned from Libya completely empty handed.
The second service was administered by the wise men, as thousands came to receive a touch and many were delivered from their bondages. The service closed in a powerful time of mass prayer and they all left, knowing in their hearts that their case was settled and declaring that the way out for them had come!


Apostle Ekune Joseph sharing his testimony of complete deliverance
The video recording of the experiences of Apostle (Dr) Ekune Joseph was the first to be played. Before his deliverance last week, the evil spirit had spoken through him in the church, to the effect that it had destroyed his ministry after he had burnt the village idol and shrine which had been revealed to him in a dream as the cause of their limitation. The evil spirit further stated it’s dislike of the Bible, and was angered by the pastor’s passion for delivering people; it also caused people to protest in the church and fight within themselves when the Word of God was being preached. The evil spirit also explained that it was because the name, Jesus, was an enemy, which sent fire into their kingdom. The evil spirit also confessed to being behind his wife’s barrenness for 12 years. His church lost many members due to the attack from the infuriated idol. In the midst of his trouble, he had watched Emmanuel TV and decided to visit The SCOAN for deliverance.
In his testimony, Apostle Joseph explained that after destroying the idol in his village with a group of fellow pastors and prayer warriors, he had a strange attack in his dream whereby he saw squirrels chasing him away from the village. Following this experience, his zeal for prayer and reading the Bible suddenly began to diminish. He explained that any time he opened his Bible to read, dizziness would come upon him to such an extent that he would often sleep off without actually studying the Scriptures.
Upon his return to his church, strange incidents began occurring during his services. Firstly, anytime he mounted the pulpit to preach, some form of commotion or argument would break out within the members, distracting the people present from listening to the message. As a result of these distractions and contentions, many members left his ministry and the church he had worked so hard in to build up began to crumble.
The grateful minister of God explained that after praying along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV, he had a remarkable dream where he saw the Prophet calling on him to come to The SCOAN. Honouring the Divine invitation, he came and received his mighty deliverance. To God be the glory!

Minister of God deliverd from an evil spirit!

Another video was played, revealing Rev. Matthew Nwalie receiving deliverance through prayer from Wise Man John Chi. The evil spirit had spoken through him, saying it was a strong man in the body and that the reverend had been using prayers to disturb his kingdom. It said the pastor was capable of havoc because he was too strong but “I have seized your power”. It also stated that it had entered him while he was conducting deliverance.
After his deliverance, the reverend told the congregation that he headed the Glorious Blood of Christ Ministry as a deliverance minister. The beginning of his trouble came when he delivered a pregnant woman. As she later gave birth naturally, something entered him and his prayer life changed. Prophet T.B. Joshua advised viewers to exercise caution, stating that people now see prayer as a hobby, business and operation but “if we cannot bring Jesus on the scene, we are in trouble”.
Rev. Nwalie then prayed for Prophet Joshua, saying, “May Jesus bless the mother who gave birth to you” adding that he would follow the prophet’s instruction in righteousness to forgive those who stood up against him during the course of his trial recognising that we need to forgive because we also need to be forgiven.
Truly, conversion can come from no other source than the Word of God for God is in His Word. The first service closed in an atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving to God and hearts were prepared and open to His Word, His faith and His Spirit. As the Wise Men took the stage in the second service, Jesus was on the scene and multitudes received their deliverance and freedom – the kind of freedom that nothing and nothing could destroy!

How demons from Jupiter entered a pastor after his 40 days fast

HOW DEMONS FROM JUPITER ENTERED A PASTOR AFTER HIS 40 DAY FASTAnother video was also shown of Pastor Kenny Udeh’s deliverance in The SCOAN the previous week. He was invaded and possessed by seven spirits stating they were from the jungle on the planet, Jupiter after fasting for 40 days and 40 nights on a mountain in Enugu State. He had wanted to assist an old woman and her daughter to lift some wood after which they disappeared and he became confused. He later travelled to Dubai where he ran into an ugly situation which put him into prison. After release from prison, he returned to Nigeria to continue preaching through his ministry, Paraclete Ministries.
Pastor Kenny narrating his experience of demonic possession
After that, his wife was feeding him and his household was always under constant threat. The spirit spoke through him that over nine people in his family had been killed and that although the pastor was strong, he also was tempted to almost kill his wife with a bottle and knife.
Pastor Kenny came forward to share his experiences. He explained that, as a minister of God, he had read various books about how other men of God had gone into prolonged periods of fasting and prayer in their quest for more supernatural power. Yearning for the same power in his ministry, one day he decided to enter into a 40 day fast on a mountain. He was there alone and did not even inform his wife of his intentions before going to the mountain.
He explained that on the 39th day of the fast, with his body both weak and frail, he saw an old woman suddenly appear on the mountain attempting to carry firewood. Helping the old woman to carry the fire wood, he gave it to her and returned back to his place of prayer. To his greatest surprise, upon looking back to see where the woman was, she had totally disappeared. He had just encountered an evil spirit! After returning from the mountain, Pastor Kenny explained how strange beings attacked him in his house the following night. From that point onwards, his ministry began spiralling steadily downwards. Frustration and stagnation became the order of the day
It came to the point where one day, he picked up a knife intent on stabbing his wife to death and ending his ministry in disgrace. However, before carrying out the devilish act, his daughter discovered him grasping the knife and pleaded with him to release it. Realising what the spirit was pushing him to do, Pastor Kenny resolved to visit The SCOAN, knowing that his case required spiritual intervention.
After attending The SCOAN service on Sunday, Pastor Kenny had a remarkable encounter in his dream. He found himself in a strange reddish land where demonic beings began introducing themselves to him, stating that they were from the planet Jupiter and their mission was to destroy him. In the midst of the encounter, he saw Prophet T.B. Joshua suddenly appear in their midst in a ray of light and strike him on the chest, calling on him to come. Waking up from the dream, it was the following day on Monday that he received his deliverance through prayer from Wise Man John Chi.
When probed, Pastor Kenny explained that during the prayer from Wise Man John Chi, he could actually see Prophet T.B. Joshua praying on his knees behind the Wise Man. This explained why the demons within Pastor Kenny had said they knew T.B. Joshua’s secret was hidden in Matthew 6:6 – “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

A message by Prophet Tb Joshua dedicated to the late Professor John Evans Atta Mills, President of Ghana.

The much awaited message from Prophet T.B. Joshua on 29th July 2012 was titled, The Highway To Heaven and was dedicated to the late Professor John Evans Atta Mills, President of Ghana.ImageThe prophet said, “To get to Heaven, you must follow the way of the Cross. The Highway to Heaven starts on this side of death and the entrance is very easy to find”. The Bible says, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). He said, “Paul the Apostle declared that the road to Heaven is not difficult to find or to access. Are you on the right road?” The road is right in your front; it is in the Word of God, he assured.
The prophet said, “The Lord speaks to us through His Word by His Spirit, and Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one cometh to the Father except through me’ ” (John 14:6).
He revealed that Jesus Christ died for our sins and broke the power of death by resurrection.
“You need not fear where you are going when you know Jesus is going with you”, the prophet insisted, noting that “Death is not a period, it is only a comma”. This is because of the death of Christ and the resurrection.
He stated that, “We who put our faith in Him, death is not a period but a comma”. “We need to be sure we are ready to depart” he said, stating that, “If you are prepared to die, you are prepared to live.
The prophet said that “Whether you are young or old, what matters is the grace to continue living hereafter. A man may die young, yet be satisfied with living; but a wicked man is not satisfied even with long life”, he revealed, stressing that “Continuing to trust Jesus is the only way to get the things you are not ready for”.
He mentioned that he was not mourning the late President Atta Mills but was celebrating his wonderful life, saying, “I thank God for a life well spent”.
He narrated his first visit to Ghana during a crusade where he met the late President Atta Mills who at the time was the vice president of former president Jerry Rawlings.
“We prayed together and then came the revelation and I told him, ‘You will be a president of this country one day.’ He said, ‘No I am going back to the classroom, I am a professor, a lecturer’. Truly, he went back to the classroom as a lecturer. After some years, I received a phone call from him telling me, ‘I was called to contest as a presidential candidate of a party’. I replied, ‘Remember what I told you’.
He came to The SCOAN and I told him, ‘Your journey – I see three contests, 1st lose, 2nd lose, then you can think of winning to become president’. He said, ‘A losing candidate, 1st time, 2nd time, will people believe such a candidate?’ I said, ‘Let the will of God be done’. With God, all things are possible; this is the voice of God. The relationship was purely based on revelation. When your relationship is based purely on revelation of God, nothing and nothing can break it.”
The Last Hurdle That Saw Him To The Throne
The man of God explained how Atta Mills accepted the revelation and began to believe that he could contest as a presidential candidate. When Atta Mills was running for the third time, the prophet received a phone call from him from South Africa in which he stated that he was booked for an operation.
The prophet prayed over it. After praying, he gave him a call. ‘You said operation. You had a dream some time ago; in that dream, someone was leading you, holding your hand as a guide to show you the way. Does that mean somebody will be holding your hand anywhere you go?’ He replied, ‘Yes, I had such a dream in Canada that I was blind and someone held my hand and was guiding me where to go.’ I said, ‘If you attempt the operation, this is what is going to happen. My brother, don’t try the operation’. He said, ‘Pastor, I would like to attempt one eye first. If it does not work, I will stop it.’ Our dear father went for an operation on one eye. On coming out of the operation, the eye could not work and had also affected the ear. So, he called me, ‘Man of God, I am coming straight to Nigeria.’ That was where the first news was carried that our dear father had died. While the news was everywhere in those days, our father was with me here. When our father arrived at the airport in Nigeria, the first words that came from him were, ‘I will no longer contest; I want to drop the ambition’. I replied, ‘The Lord says you will get there. You can’t change God’s Word’.
The relationship was not just an introduction but purely divine. The man of God spoke of how Atta Mills spent 10 days with him at The SCOAN. ‘We started praying together and the Lord restored the ears and the other eye that had not been operated on. Our father went back to Ghana and started campaigning. The ambition continued. If God used His servant at that period, what do you think that servant cannot do to carry on?
After the election results were out and Atta Mills was inaugurated as President of Ghana, T.B. Joshua explained how he had received another revelation about his journey. ‘The prophecy I received from God was the same prophecy I used that day as a prayer point. I asked God to give him the spirit of a finisher. The second prayer point God gave me was, ‘God, give us the grace to complete the job that we started’. At that moment of celebration, there was nothing that called for that kind of prayer point. I began to see an unchangeable event.
‘He was a promised child being led by revelation’, the prophet told the congregation and viewers. The prophet said that it was not sickness or disease that killed him but it was God’s time. He prayed for the family of the late President and the nation, Ghana and said, ‘Our father is a martyr – the legacy he left behind – an unexplainable unity among political class, that is what our father fought for and won’.
In remembrance of Atta Mills, T.B. Joshua said, ‘What a good man – very modest in his leadership. Africa, we are not mature enough for this kind of leadership. He was a good man but a good man cannot succeed alone.’