Thursday, August 9, 2012

Possessed Pastor set free forever!

Another video was played showing Wise Man Racine praying for people. An evil spirit in a young man spoke that it was the oracle in the man’s village and that it entered him in order to destroy him. It called itself “Amadioha”, and had destroyed the man’s ministry and sent him women to dispossess him of God-given powers. Though the pastor had spent 21 days fasting and praying, he would fall into lust because he was weak, the spirit had said.
ImagePastor Christopher Ikeije of the Power of End Time Message Ministry, Abia State, narrated his story and testimony. At age 5 or 6 years, he had experienced strange things; he saw demons and a strange man following him, always. When he was 10 years old, upon realizing that his entire family was gripped by poverty and affliction, he decided to leave the village and fend for himself. When probing his father as to the cause of the family’s limitations, he was told of a deity which had been brought to the village by some people, but which was demanding blood.
Christopher eventually travelled out of Nigeria, where things were still rough with him. He was arrested overseas and returned to Nigeria. Upon his return, he visited a church and explained to the pastor about the strange spiritual attacks he was facing. The pastor explained that this was a sign of God’s calling in his life and advised him to start ministry work. He soon joined the ministry and trained as a pastor, conducting deliverance and ministering to people.
However, as he strove to advance in his anointing, the strange force that had plagued him from childhood suddenly revealed itself. In a dream, he saw himself in a large shrine at his village. A voice harshly spoke from a large tree planted there, warning Pastor Christopher that they were angry at his refusal to serve them. Suddenly, a black and red cloth flew from the tree and entered inside his body. Startled, Pastor Christopher woke up, realising he was up against demonic forces of darkness.
Immediately following this spiritual encounter, his life steadily spiraled downwards. His zeal to read the Bible and pray became almost non-existent. He was afflicted with a spirit of lust that overpowered him to the point of sleeping with any woman he prayed for. He recalled a particular encounter when, after he slept with one of such women, she told him that his anointing had disappeared. Knowing that he needed deliverance, Pastor Christopher began seeking the face of God for direction of where to go to. He entered a 21 day fast, determined that if he didn’t receive an answer from God in that timeframe, he would return fully to the world. During his fast, Prophet TB Joshua appeared in his dreams four times. In his last encounter with Prophet T.B. Joshua in the dream, he saw him confronting a large demonic force dressed in the same black and red material that had entered him earlier. After those satanic forces were subdued by the superior power of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua then instructed him to come for deliverance. The following week he came to The SCOAN and was miraculously delivered by Wise Man Racine.
Pastor Christopher said that since his deliverance, he said he had started to live a full and free life in Christ. His zeal to pray and read his Bible had returned in full force and the lust for women had gone. To God be the glory!

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