Thursday, August 9, 2012

A message by Prophet Tb Joshua dedicated to the late Professor John Evans Atta Mills, President of Ghana.

The much awaited message from Prophet T.B. Joshua on 29th July 2012 was titled, The Highway To Heaven and was dedicated to the late Professor John Evans Atta Mills, President of Ghana.ImageThe prophet said, “To get to Heaven, you must follow the way of the Cross. The Highway to Heaven starts on this side of death and the entrance is very easy to find”. The Bible says, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). He said, “Paul the Apostle declared that the road to Heaven is not difficult to find or to access. Are you on the right road?” The road is right in your front; it is in the Word of God, he assured.
The prophet said, “The Lord speaks to us through His Word by His Spirit, and Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one cometh to the Father except through me’ ” (John 14:6).
He revealed that Jesus Christ died for our sins and broke the power of death by resurrection.
“You need not fear where you are going when you know Jesus is going with you”, the prophet insisted, noting that “Death is not a period, it is only a comma”. This is because of the death of Christ and the resurrection.
He stated that, “We who put our faith in Him, death is not a period but a comma”. “We need to be sure we are ready to depart” he said, stating that, “If you are prepared to die, you are prepared to live.
The prophet said that “Whether you are young or old, what matters is the grace to continue living hereafter. A man may die young, yet be satisfied with living; but a wicked man is not satisfied even with long life”, he revealed, stressing that “Continuing to trust Jesus is the only way to get the things you are not ready for”.
He mentioned that he was not mourning the late President Atta Mills but was celebrating his wonderful life, saying, “I thank God for a life well spent”.
He narrated his first visit to Ghana during a crusade where he met the late President Atta Mills who at the time was the vice president of former president Jerry Rawlings.
“We prayed together and then came the revelation and I told him, ‘You will be a president of this country one day.’ He said, ‘No I am going back to the classroom, I am a professor, a lecturer’. Truly, he went back to the classroom as a lecturer. After some years, I received a phone call from him telling me, ‘I was called to contest as a presidential candidate of a party’. I replied, ‘Remember what I told you’.
He came to The SCOAN and I told him, ‘Your journey – I see three contests, 1st lose, 2nd lose, then you can think of winning to become president’. He said, ‘A losing candidate, 1st time, 2nd time, will people believe such a candidate?’ I said, ‘Let the will of God be done’. With God, all things are possible; this is the voice of God. The relationship was purely based on revelation. When your relationship is based purely on revelation of God, nothing and nothing can break it.”
The Last Hurdle That Saw Him To The Throne
The man of God explained how Atta Mills accepted the revelation and began to believe that he could contest as a presidential candidate. When Atta Mills was running for the third time, the prophet received a phone call from him from South Africa in which he stated that he was booked for an operation.
The prophet prayed over it. After praying, he gave him a call. ‘You said operation. You had a dream some time ago; in that dream, someone was leading you, holding your hand as a guide to show you the way. Does that mean somebody will be holding your hand anywhere you go?’ He replied, ‘Yes, I had such a dream in Canada that I was blind and someone held my hand and was guiding me where to go.’ I said, ‘If you attempt the operation, this is what is going to happen. My brother, don’t try the operation’. He said, ‘Pastor, I would like to attempt one eye first. If it does not work, I will stop it.’ Our dear father went for an operation on one eye. On coming out of the operation, the eye could not work and had also affected the ear. So, he called me, ‘Man of God, I am coming straight to Nigeria.’ That was where the first news was carried that our dear father had died. While the news was everywhere in those days, our father was with me here. When our father arrived at the airport in Nigeria, the first words that came from him were, ‘I will no longer contest; I want to drop the ambition’. I replied, ‘The Lord says you will get there. You can’t change God’s Word’.
The relationship was not just an introduction but purely divine. The man of God spoke of how Atta Mills spent 10 days with him at The SCOAN. ‘We started praying together and the Lord restored the ears and the other eye that had not been operated on. Our father went back to Ghana and started campaigning. The ambition continued. If God used His servant at that period, what do you think that servant cannot do to carry on?
After the election results were out and Atta Mills was inaugurated as President of Ghana, T.B. Joshua explained how he had received another revelation about his journey. ‘The prophecy I received from God was the same prophecy I used that day as a prayer point. I asked God to give him the spirit of a finisher. The second prayer point God gave me was, ‘God, give us the grace to complete the job that we started’. At that moment of celebration, there was nothing that called for that kind of prayer point. I began to see an unchangeable event.
‘He was a promised child being led by revelation’, the prophet told the congregation and viewers. The prophet said that it was not sickness or disease that killed him but it was God’s time. He prayed for the family of the late President and the nation, Ghana and said, ‘Our father is a martyr – the legacy he left behind – an unexplainable unity among political class, that is what our father fought for and won’.
In remembrance of Atta Mills, T.B. Joshua said, ‘What a good man – very modest in his leadership. Africa, we are not mature enough for this kind of leadership. He was a good man but a good man cannot succeed alone.’

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