Friday, November 17, 2017

God is Faithful by Pastor Benny Hinn

When you face financial problems, God does not want you to look to the right or the left. He does not want you to look to the arm of the flesh. He wants you to remember His faithfulness to you. He wants you to remember all the times he provided for you and met your needs. When problems arise, He wants you to stand on the Word, to act on His promises and not be moved by your circumstances.
To walk in the financial victory God planned for you, the Word must be so much a part of your life that regardless of how difficult or impossible your circumstances are, you will cling to the Word and keep believing and trusting God to fulfill His promises and supernaturally meet your needs.
God warned the children of Israel to take heed…not to forget, and then He told them to get the Word into their hearts until all that came out of their mouths was the Word!
Look at Deuteronomy 11:18-19 in the Amplified Version:

“Therefore you shall lay up these My words in your [mind and] heart and in your [entire] being, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, and as a forehead bands between your eyes. And you shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you rise up.”
Do you want to break the financial bondage from your life once and for all and live in the prosperity God planned for you?
Do not forget God! Do not forget his supernatural provision! Do not forget His Word! Get the Word into your heart and refuse to let go of His promises!
You may face the greatest financial difficulties and problems you have ever faced. Do not give up. Do not forget God by withholding your tithes and offerings. When you stop giving to God, you have forgotten that it is He who has blessed you and that it is not through your own efforts that you have prospered. Keep your mind fixed upon God and His Word.

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