Thursday, July 23, 2015


The congregation exuded so much faith and confidence in the way they accompanied the Emmanuel Singers who reeled out soul-lifting tunes in praise and worship of The Great King. Every song that emanated from the choristers shaped the expectation of congregants with messages of hope, love, redemption and salvation. That Sunday service of June 28, 2015, witnessed an out-pouring of God’s grace through His word.
Evangelist Angela hit the hammer of   word on the anvil of the congregation’s understanding. Her message captured the universal reality of life as a battle field even from time immemorial. Titled THIS BATTLE IS NECESSARY, her message is both an admonition and exhortation to Christians all over the world to understand the imperative essence of maintaining our relationships with God in the face of all the trials and tribulations that are part of our existence in this troubled world: In this world, there would be tribulation. Your tribulation could be any situation. Jesus knows better... Are you feeling the challenge to our Christian faith with the announcement of rights in the international news?”
Evangelist Angela however observed that no matter what we go through as Christians, all we need is the morning dew – a mixture of God’s Word and His Spirit: “Whatever might have happened to you in the night, in the afternoon, you just need the morning dew. You need dew, in your health, in your family, in your future. This is dew for you – God’s Word mixed with His Spirit. May you receive dew for your soul today, in Jesus’ name”. She further added that the world in its characteristic nature is full of events and issues that antagonise our faith and belief in God but cautioned that we as Christians must realise that life is not a bed of roses: “As long as we live we will continue to be confronted with issues that violate our conscience. We will continue to be exposed to things that are contrary to God’s standard. This is not Heaven. It is the highway of life and it is covered not in a bed of red roses but of snakes, thorns and scorpions. Tensions arise, not necessarily because we have done wrong but because we live in a complex and contradictory world”.
Citing Revelation 2:9-10 as proof text, Evangelist Angela said that those who are facing tribulation are not rejected by God neither would their trials cut them away from God. According to her, trials and temptations are important ingredients that cement a true Christian’s relationship with God: “That you face challenges does not mean you are not a friend of God. David never questioned why a giant challenged his future. He simply ran to represent God on the battlefield. That you find yourself between a rock and a hard place does not mean you are not a candidate of Heaven. Stephen never questioned why stones were being hurled. He stood – and resembled God in all He stands for. That you face an enemy as close as your mouth does not mean you are not a favourite of Heaven”.
Evangelist Angela concluded with an admonition for Christians on the need to remain focused on God’s ability to help them rather than dwell on the doubts and distractive tendencies usually used by the devil to deceive them: “One of satan’s tactics is to get you to doubt God’s goodness, to forget all God has given you and to focus on what you do not have. Like Peter, who began to look for a bridge to walk upon, if you are spending much time thinking about what you do not have, you may be slipping into unhealthy doubt – as Peter began to slip into the water. Never doubt God’s desire or ability to help you”.

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