Thursday, July 23, 2015


The power and wisdom of our God are beyond human comprehension. Those who rely solely on God will never be put to shame. That was the mood at The SCOAN Sunday service on June 14, 2015. Aside the wonderful testimonies that reminded the congregation of God’s miraculous omnipresence, the inspiring songs of the choristers raised the momentum of praise and worship and kept every heart expectant of Heaven’s windfall of blessings and uncommon grace.
EVANGELIST EVELYN JOSHUAEvangelist Evelyn Joshua added spiritual substance and depth to the occasion with her admonition to Christians to remain steadfast in God and rely on His supremacy over everything rather than cling to their own human capacity which is limited: “People of God, believers, Christians, upon our strength, power and wisdom we cannot rely, all our sufficiency is of God. And in His wisdom, power and grace we must go on and go forth. Those who have many battles to fight on the way to Heaven, be strong in the Lord, be strong for service, be strong for fighting and, be strong for suffering. Apply yourself to your work and duties as Christian soldiers. Don’t change your position, rest in the place God has for you”.
She cautioned believers on the need to realise the huge task that awaits them in the long and tedious walk of faith. According to her, the more we advance as Christians, the more life becomes slippery. No matter how high we climb in the ladder of life, our ability to sustain our faith in God and the capacity to survive temptation matters most: “Mountain climbing is a picture of the life of faith. Throughout our lives we are to continue moving upward. Faith grows stronger as we climb higher, learning more about God, growing in our relationship with Him, becoming stronger in our battle with temptation and pushing ahead in telling the lost about Jesus Christ”.
Evangelist Evelyn Joshua added: “What God values in a man are beyond human discernment and are planted in the heart. What God requires of us is planted in our heart. It does not consist in costly sacrifices or waving of hands in worship without a thorough reformation of heart and life. The profession of faith with the mouth alone without the power of it in the heart is a mockery of the very fundamental article of the Christian faith”.
In her concluding counsel, she urged all to have faith in God. According to her, in the midst of tribulation, God is still saying something.

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