Thursday, July 23, 2015


The Sunday service of April 12, 2015 was loaded with spiritual food for thought. The richness of the Word and its everlasting impact on the lives of Christians were echoed all through the service period. The excellent praise and worship songs that emanated from the choristers prepared the atmosphere for the congregants to absorb the spiritual nutrients dished out by the man of God for their edification.
Citing the injunction of Jesus to Christians in John 16:33 (“I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace, in this world you will have tribulations, But take heart, I have overcome the world.”), the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua admonished Christians on the need to realise the significance of their relationship with God. According to the man of God, troubles will always come but must not be allowed to separate us from our God. Hence, our reverence to God must be at all times not only in moments when we are blessed: “The Bible says, when everything seems not alright, bless Him, honour Him. He promises to honour those who honour Him. When certain things seem not alright with you, when you bless Him, He will bless you greatly… When you are sick, when the business is not going well or bad news comes and at that moment you bless Him, He promises to bless you greatly. If you are waiting to bless God when your trouble is over, you are not proving your son-ship. This is the challenge we are having. Some will say, “When I get the contract, I will give testimony”, meaning you are waiting for the contract before coming to give testimony.
DADDYSpeaking further, Prophet T.B. Joshua reminded Christians that the essence of trials and tribulations is to strengthen their faith and not to destroy or punish them. “Your tribulation cannot stop you but rather improve you. Your sickness cannot impair you but improve you. Sometimes, our situation does not improve us financially but spiritually. What you derive from that situation is that your Christian life becomes stronger. When your business collapses, you are expecting the business to turn around, not knowing that it is your spiritual life that the Lord wants to strengthen”.
The man of God stated that in God’s communication with His children, He often uses foolish things to communicate. If God does not want you to go to work because of what will happen there, you may see snakes, pythons on the road. You will say, “I cannot go to work”. Snake is a foolish thing.
In conclusion, Prophet T.B. Joshua observed that a true Christian is known only by the dominance of God’s Word in his/her heart and not by the words he/she speaks: “We can know you are a Christian when the Word of God dominates your heart. No amount of Word that dominates our mouth can make us a Christian. It is when it is dominating our heart that it influences our conduct and character”.

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