Thursday, July 23, 2015


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
The glory of God was well felt as it lit up the entire atmosphere with worshippers beaming with joyous smiles – a reflection that their prayers have surely received generous answers from Heaven. The choristers in their usual vibrancy dished out musical menus aimed at opening up the heart of God’s children to the reality of His presence in their midst. At The SCOAN Sunday service of May 17, 2015, the prophetic as well as the creative power of the Word came to the fore.
WISEMAN CHRISTOPHERWise Man Christopher, reminiscing the essence of the Word in creation called on Christians to make haste in returning to their source – God, their Creator and the Holy Bible. According to him, it is only when we fully realise that all we have come from Him that our supplies will continue: When you consider deeply the events that took place at the creation of the world, you would find out that your life, your possessions and everything you can see, feel or touch, came from God who is unseen. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. God’s Word, a Spirit creates the material things… Ask the Provider of your possessions, the things you can see, feel or touch and he will tell you that for you to enjoy a steady supply of your these things, you need to get back to the Source”.
According to Wise Man Christopher’s illustration, getting back to our Source is a process that requires our very commitment because without commitment, there cannot be trust. Therefore, we must strive to build a relationship with our Source in order to be able to run back to Him when the need arises as exemplified by the prodigal son who, in spite of his shortcomings, returned to his compassionate father who received him with love and honour: “…you will agree with me that the prodigal son had a relationship and fellowship with his father before that fellowship was broken through his sins. When he lost a steady supply of everything he had received from his father, he saw the need to get back to his compassionate father. We all have a relationship with our Father in Heaven and that is why we are Christians. The main thing about Christianity is not the works we do but the relationship we maintain and the atmosphere produced by that relationship”.
In furtherance of our relationship with God, we need to create the enabling atmosphere in our hearts. According to Wise Man Christopher, when our hearts are filled with holy thoughts and godly meditations, we create the enabling atmosphere for God to thrive there. But when our hearts become a haven for evil thoughts and sinful considerations, we are building a barrier between God and us: “Remember that the kind of atmosphere produced in your heart matters because your heart is the dwelling place, the communication or the contact point for the Holy Spirit as well as for satan. Your heart is either Heaven or hell. A good atmosphere produces not only a good but also a great relationship. On the contrary, a bad atmosphere produces a dwelling place for satan. When you regard sin or have sympathy for sin in your heart, you are creating a conducive atmosphere for evil spirit to dwell in”.
However, no matter how terrible our sins are before God, He will always accept us back when we repent sincerely and decide to follow His ways with commitment. Wise Man Christopher observed that the reason God gave up His only begotten Son was to redeem us from sin and destruction. In other words, there is still a second chance for the repented soul who is ready to forsake his sinful ways: “If a sinner hears the Gospel of Jesus Christ and repents of his sins, Jesus Christ will save Him. For the design of the Gospel is to break the yoke of sin and satan, and thus remove the burden of guilt and corruption. God so loved the world that He planted His best Seed in the earth so that His peace might abide with men forever. The Seed gave Himself up as a living sacrifice for our sake – to heal the broken hearted, give the captives freedom, comfort those who mourn, release the prisoners and defeat their enemies as in John 10:15 and Isaiah 61:1-3 respectively”.
Concluding, Wise Man Christopher urged Christians to return to God and His Word as enshrined in the Holy Bible. He further said: “I want you to know that everything in the absolute of science and technology is falling apart – we simply must return to God and the Holy Bible. God is Spirit and those who will have an encounter with Him must do so in Spirit and in truth. If it is not in Spirit, it is not in truth and so it is all nothing. We are not made spiritual by theorem or philosophy about the Word; we are only made spiritual by living in the Word and by the Word living in us”.

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