Thursday, July 23, 2015


The SCOAN Sunday service of April 26, 2015 witnessed as usual, the untamed expression of divine love, favour and power in the Word. Excited and spurred on by their faith, the congregants cherished every moment in profound praise and worship joining the choristers in their soul-lifting renditions that enjoyed instrumental harmony. P TBJThe lyrical content of every song delivered captured the depth and power in the Word of God upon which the entire congregation based their faith in expectation of a windfall of blessings.
Prepared to further boost their faith with the Word, its essence and dynamics, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua illuminated the concept of resurrection and how it elevates the true Christian to enviable heights in the salvation and redemption of his/her life: “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1).
The man of God spoke of the need to embrace the Word of God and act upon it. He stated: Faith is of man’s heart, man’s spirit. Your spirit can only be renewed by studying and acting upon the Word of Christ. You may read the Bible for so many years; if you do not act it, you are not a doer and the mind is not renewed. Many bible students are deceiving themselves saying that they are studying the Bible, because they are not acting, living and doing the Word. The Word is God speaking to you. God and His Word are one. The Word of God is always now”.
Our relationship with God, the man of God posited, has to be in the now at all times. Because your relationship with God is not now, that is why you are facing ups and downs in life. The Word is always now – I receive now, I confess now, I believe now, I act now. If Daniel’s relationship with God was not now, the lion would have consumed him. If Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s relationship with God was not now, they would have been consumed. If David’s relationship with God was not now, history would have taken over him. The Word of God I am talking about is not in the book, not in the written pages but on the lips of believers”.
Admonishing Christians to desist from the vain act of focusing their attention on transitory challenges, Prophet T.B Joshua urged them to focus on God. He also advised them to realise that there is no crown without a cross. In other words, there must be challenges to be faced before breakthrough: “People are always conscious of their problems not God. If you now begin to be conscious of God, you can never be conscious of your problem. Your problem and satan go together. They are synonymous. Indirectly you are confessing satan when you are conscious of your problem and this nullifies your confession of God. Achiever needs to pass through the valley of the shadow of death before he can be an achiever”.
Concluding, the man of God provided the roadmap through which Christians can attain victory through the Word in Christ Jesus: “The battle starts from your heart. If you don’t start that battle from your heart, when trouble comes and you begin to fight that battle, you can’t win that battle. If you can fight it from your heart, you will overcome”.

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