Thursday, July 23, 2015


Frustrated by her joblessness which had been a thorn in her flesh since 2007 when she graduated from College of Education, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria, Mrs. Egbaje Lynda Liberty concluded that meeting the man of God at The SCOAN to pray for her in Jesus’ name would be the only solution to her problem. In the company of her husband, she visited The SCOAN but was hugely disappointed when she could not meet the man of God due to the massive population of guests present.MR & MRS EGBAJE LYNDA LIBERTY Bent on encouraging his wife who had already started crying for not being able to meet the man of God, her husband, Mr. Liberty urged his wife to minister the Morning Water which he had got at The SCOAN that day. Shortly after ministering the Morning Water, her father who had also been making moves to get her a job informed her of a friend’s offer to assist her in a very good establishment. Again, her husband, on hearing about the job opportunity encouraged her to minister the Morning Water on the application letter she was going to submit for the job. Mrs. Liberty did as her husband had advised and the quick turn of events caught her fancy. As soon as she submitted the application, she was informed by her father that he had been called to come and pick her employment letter. At that moment, she knew that the power of God in the Morning Water was at work. She never even attended any interview for the job. Against all human expectations, she was employed by the Federal High Court of Nigeria as an Assistant Executive Officer with a very good pay which has greatly improved her standard of living. Almost simultaneously also came an admission offer for her to further her education at the university. And she was given the permission by her employers to combine her education with work. Thanking God for the seamless manifestation of his glory through the Morning Water medium, she urged people to have faith in God.

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