Thursday, July 23, 2015


Mrs. Nancy Okwengu was very optimistic about securing a good job after she had graduated from university in 2006 and had even obtained a post-graduate diploma to add to her credentials but all she could get was a contract job that was as uncertain as the future. Her initial term at the contract job was two weeks. From two weeks, it was renewed for one month. Even though she loved the job,
she could not come to terms with the frustrating feeling of uncertainty that pervaded the whole arrangement. The uncertainty continued until she mustered the courage to move on to another job. Though it was a hard decision to take, when the time came, she left the job and looked forward to a better one.
While she waited for a new job, she visited The SCOAN in December 2014 and attended the New Year Candlelight Service where she keyed into the prophetic declarations of career renewal by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. On getting to her native Kenya, she browsed the internet and discovered a job vacancy that greatly appealed to her. Coincidentally, it was the same organisation where she had worked years back. Against all doubts about her capability in the face of competition, she applied for the job and looked up to God for a miracle. By this time, her faith had been immensely boosted with the recent visit to The SCOAN.
Equipped with unbeatable faith, she would minister the Anointing Water on her credentials, placing the Anointing Sticker in-between them while waiting on God to show His power. Within her, she had the strong conviction that she would be called for the interview and would emerge the best candidate. Three weeks later, according to her faith, she was invited to attend an interview for the exalted position of Regional Communications Director with an international NGO.
On the day of the interview, the devil tried to punctuate her joy with sorrow. But God was on the throne. Her son who was usually very boisterous and full of health became the target. He was emitting puss from his ears much to the disorientation of his parents. Because of the level of puss from her child’s ear, she had to appeal to her husband to drive her down to the interview venue with the intention of taking him to the hospital after the interview. While ironing the dress she was to put on later for the interview, she ministered the Anointing Water on it and asked God to take control of everything she was going to do and say. When they hit the road, the traffic situation was terrible. Through prayer with the Anointing Water, she was able to get to the interview venue in time.
At the interview, she also counted her Faith Bracelet in meditation believing that God would favour her. To her greatest surprise, all the people on the interview panel favoured her. Five days after the interview, she was offered employment as Regional Communications Director with the international NGO. After the interview that day, she discovered that her ailing son’s condition improved dramatically to the glory of God.
Displaying her employment letter with benefits to the congregation, she advised them to aim for greater heights and never be comfortable wherever they are.

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