Thursday, July 23, 2015


For Mrs. Irakoze Nweta, a Tanzanian national, it took an unshakeable faith in God for her to put the devil to shame. Having been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy in 2013, the only option left for her was to undergo an operation that would see the pregnancy terminated in order to save her life. Her father, a staunch Christian had encouraged her to minister the Anointing Water and Anointing Sticker as soon as she conveyed to him the result of the ultra-sound scan carried out by her doctor. 
After ministering the anointing materials as directed by her father, she was encouraged to go and face her doctor in faith. On the scheduled day of the operation, a sister came to remind her that with God, all things are possible! She told her that pregnancy is God’s gift to her and she should not tamper with what God had given her. As she continued to minister the Anointing Water and Anointing Sticker, she defiantly refused to undergo an operation and left to another hospital. Within just one hour, the second hospital tested her and confirmed that the baby in her womb was completely normal and there was no trace of the ectopic pregnancy! Returning to the other hospital to request the discontinuation of the planed operation, the doctor was not happy with her. He therefore asked her to sign a document exonerating himself from whatever happens to her since she refused to go on with the operation. Several hours later, she delivered a bouncing baby boy without an operation and no complication! Everyone at the hospital was so shocked, the doctor in charge even personally calling the her into his office and telling her to ‘keep serving God’.
Testifying at The SCOAN in company of her mother and her baby boy, Mrs. Bukoro urged people all over the world to have trust and faith in God.

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