Thursday, July 23, 2015


Miss Yereke Motlogelwa is a student from Botswana who found it very hard to concentrate on her studies. Each time she tried to read her books, other distractive attractions popped their ugly heads into her mind. She would go on and on clubbing and drinking with friends to the detriment of her academic endeavours. For her, those distractions were more interesting and enjoyable because of the momentary pleasures that came with them. Her greatest problem was that she could not resist the urge for the nightlife whenever it arose.
Sometimes, her desire to study would be overtaken by the internet. She would chat endlessly with friends on Facebook and WhatsApp. Any moment her mind reminded her of the need to study, she would dose off into the stream of sleep. If she managed to read at all, it would be magazines and other soft-sell materials rather than her school books. All these culminated in her low performance rating in school. Bothered about the precarious path her life was towing, she made up her mind to visit The SCOAN in May, 2013.
At The SCOAN, she was privileged to meet the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua who prayed for her and gave her the Anointing Water. As she ministered the Anointing Water, she realised that her interest for those distractions waned while her desire and zeal for her studies increased. She became more and more attached to her studies rebuffing the invitations of friends who wanted her to hang out with them. Her life took a new and promising turn for the better. And having discovered the power of Jesus Christ in the Anointing Water and Anointing Sticker, she would minister the former on herself while pasting the latter on her books. The result soon came. She scored a distinction in her exams and was recognised as the best student.
Praising God for His wonderful intervention in her case, she advised youths, especially students, to remain focused in their studies and avoid friends who would want to lure them away from their illustrious endeavours with distractions such as clubbing, drinking and social media.

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