Thursday, July 23, 2015


For ten painful years, Mr and Mrs Japheth Uzochukwu (Nigerian couple based in Uganda) cried their lives out in search fruit of the womb. Before their marriage, all medical tests had shown that they all had clean bills of health. The whole joy that accompanied their marriage soon gave way to the reign of sorrow. Suddenly, the wife was diagnosed with fibroids while her husband was discovered to have low sperm count. The scenario was not funny as it affected the couple psychologically. Not even the endless visits to different hospitals and herbal homes could solve the problem.
The more medication he took, the worse his condition became. Mr Uzochukwu became seriously frustrated and dejected; he became paranoid and harboured suicidal thoughts. Death to him would be the best solution to his problems. The societal stigma attached to childlessness in Africa and the demeaning feeling associated with the inability to be man enough were issues he battled with even as people around made jest of their situation. Their marriage was on the brink of total collapse. At a time, Mr Uzochukwu dug a grave in his apartment asking to be buried there in the event of his death.
Realising that there was no other place to run to for solution and having been building their faith by keying into the manifestation of God’s power on the Emmanuel TV channel, Mr. Uzochukwu contacted his brother based in Nigeria and requested for the Morning Water. His brother in Nigeria wasted no time in sending the Morning Water to them through courier service. On getting the Morning Water, husband and wife ministered bit prayerfully and kept faith with God. Sooner than later, Mrs Uzochukwu fell ill. Her husband took her to the hospital only to be confronted with an incredible and miraculous reality. She was pregnant according to the doctor. While Mr. Uzochukwu was lost in joy and bewilderment, his wife took the news with a pinch of salt thinking it was a ploy between her husband and the doctor to make her happy. It was in the fifth month of the pregnancy that she accepted the reality that God had granted her fruit of the womb.
At last, a bouncing baby boy was born to the Uzochukwus to the glory of God’s name. In the midst of that miracle, God also blessed the couple with their own house. Thanking God before a moved congregation, the couple were urged to hold on to God in order to experience more of his grace upon their lives.

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