Friday, February 13, 2015


Prophet T.B. Joshua The SCOAN Sunday service of February 1, 2015 was power-packed with inspiring messages, teachings and divine visitation. The SCOAN choir, with their passionate and energetic renditions, lit up the entire atmosphere and created the spirit-filled environment for God’s power to work at its peak.
With his message titled

WHAT YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER IN PRAYER, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua x-rayed the workings of the heart of man in relation to the spiritual act of praying. He put the message in perspective using a scriptural reference

(Psalm 34:12-14): “Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”  The man of God enumerated the basic things we need to consider in prayer as follows: “The thoughts that are in the mind, the desires that are in the heart and the feelings that are in the spirit”. It means that Christians must understand the right concepts of praying before their prayers can attract the attention of Heaven. No wonder many people pray and yet things remain the same. The major import of the message is that we must understand how to pray aright as true Christians.
Because prayer is a serious communion between man and his Creator, the man of God observed that it requires careful thinking before we jump into it. In other words, we need to think deeply about what we want to pray for before embarking on the act: “The heart should be strong, alert and active to know the feelings that are in the spirit; that is emotions. To come to this, one has to think more before praying. Meditate until God gives you a clear light to pray. When an airplane comes to a country before it can land at any airport it must be given clearance. In the same way, you must meditate until God gives you a clear light. Can you see that we are wasting our time? What we call prayer is not prayer – we are saying words”.
Prophet T.B. Joshua expatiated on the importance of meditation, its relevance to the act of prayer and the power it carries to bring about true communion with God. He counselled Christians on how and when to use this great medium: “When you get up in the morning, meditate, “Take more of me, give me more of You”. These are words that have been anointed for you. This will help you to think more before you start prayer because it will make your heart active, alert and strong. With this, you are meditating to the level where God will give you a clear light and say, “Go ahead and pray”.
During Mass Prayer, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed along with the congregation consisting of visitors from many countries of the world. He took authority in the name of Jesus to bind demons and all spirits that are holding the people of God captive. He prayed for the nations of the world and asked God to intervene and stop the bloodshed that has become a global affair. He prayed against the spirits from the past and ministered healing and deliverance in Jesus’ name.
Earlier on, Evangelist Cindy had engaged the minds of the congregation with a message titled YOU CAN STILL TURN IT AROUND.
The message which revolved around the impermanence of circumstances urged Christians never to give up in the face of disappointing circumstances stressing that with God, every bad and ugly situation can be turned around for good.
She admonished Christians to learn from the experiences of great biblical figures whose situations later proved to be stepping stones to their eventual glory and triumph in life. According to her, only God knows what the future holds. Hence, our realization of this fact should endear us more to Him: “Have you ever wondered how someone who passed through the valley of the shadow of death, I mean, moved from hatred to a dry pit, from a dry pit to slavery, from slavery to false accusation and from false accusation to imprisonment could become a man of honour? Have you ever wondered how this young man Joseph, who was not even an Egyptian, could become the Prime Minister of Egypt? No man knows by the present signs or situation what the future holds. What does the future hold? In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, “For I know the plans I have for you … to give you hope and a future”. What a beautiful picture He has given us but know one thing that if gold must be gold, it has to pass through fire”. Evangelist Cindy enumerated certain steps that we as Christians must take to enable us overcome the world and all the negative situations it brings about. She talked about Mind Management and encouraged Christians to mature mentally by handing everything to the Holy Spirit. This is a level where situations around them would not be able to break them down. She talked about Dreams and advised Christians to realise that there are times when our expectations fail, yet we can turn such situations around when we allow the Holy Spirit to take total control and possession of our hearts. She spoke about Readiness insisting that unless we as Christians are ready to fight the good fight of faith, it will be difficult for us to achieve God’s plan for our lives. The fight of faith involves a lot of pain and sacrifice and only those who really desire God passionately can withstand the pains it brings. She also encouraged Christians to TALK FAITH and ACT FAITH by exercising the immense power at their disposal; the power which their son-ship automatically bestows upon them. Concluding, evangelist Cindy admonished Christians to understand that things will always turn around when we make God the centre of our existence: “No condition is permanent because there is nothing that God created that He cannot change. With Jesus, all things are possible. With Jesus, you can still turn it around”.

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