Friday, February 13, 2015


Mr Jonas from Zambia started his testimony by challenging the world that they should know that satanism is real as he was fully into it before his deliverance at The SCOAN the previous week.
It started when he was in boarding school where he was surrounded by rich friends who were a popular group in the school. Curious and eager to join their ranks, he joined one of their meetings where they took blood from his left hand, dripped it into a cup and made him drink half of the contents in the cup while the other people shared the remaining half. After this physical initiation, that night, he saw himself leave his body to appear in a graveyard, where people were singing and dancing. In the graveyard, he was given a black gown and red scarf to wear like the rest of the group. After that he went back to his body. When he woke up the next morning, he saw the black gown and red scarf in his wardrobe. In his suitcase he found a brown envelope with a lot of money together with a letter which told him that he was not allowed to use all the money but had to distribute a larger fraction of it to people. Later he learned that anyone who received the gift of that money could be used in the kingdom of darkness at anytime – they would be able to use that person’s body or face.
After completing his secondary school, he was promoted to another rank in the satanic kingdom. He started to appear under the sea and saw many people there. There were many departments but he was taken to the destruction section. They gave him two marks – 666 on his chest and hand. He was given assignments to destroy many people and cause confusion. He and his three friends were instructed to initiate women through sexual intercourse. They were given luxury cars which they used to target hotels and nightclubs to pick up women. Because of the money at their disposal, they could buy drinks for the women in order to accomplish their assignments with them by planting in them demons that would destroy their lives and marriages.
He explained that those from the satanic kingdom used to know each other because of the third eye on the forehead. They would greet each other and pass. They would know true Christians by Someone at their back, guiding and protecting them. Mr Jonas said that in the satanic kingdom, nothing you would do would ever be appreciated. He was asked to sacrifice his own parents but it was too difficult for him. The ‘master’ told him that he was very stubborn and they wanted to discipline him. He and two of his friends decided to quit and he was told that they would suffer for that.
Soon after that, he was suspended from the university, for no reason. One of his friends died while the other one ended up in a wheelchair.  At that point, he started looking for deliverance. When pastors would pray for him, he would be the one to deliver them; the pastors would be beaten by something they could not see. He thought all hope was lost. He then remembered when he was still part of the satanic kingdom that there was a time when a presentation was made under the sea and one woman stood up to complain about a certain man, “T.B. Joshua” and at the mention of that name, everything under the sea shook. They told her not to mention that name there because he was very problematic to their satanic kingdom. He also heard people in Zambia talking about how God was using T.B. Joshua. That made him to decide to come to The SCOAN to receive his deliverance. At the prayer line, when Prophet T.B. Joshua looked at him, he saw a very bright light like the sun and fell down. From there, he did not know what happened. When he regained consciousness, he was feeling very light and the wickedness from his heart was removed. Before his deliverance, he used to hear voices and see strange things but since his deliverance, he is free and enjoying peace of mind. He brought the picture of his friend in the wheelchair. His friend touched the screen when Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for the viewers and rose up from the wheelchair and is now walking freely!  He advised people to believe and trust in God and be prayerful.

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