Tuesday, December 16, 2014


 The deep sea sparkled as evening came. Plunging into its depths, Christopher basked in the beauty of the South African ocean. Growing up, he never conceived in his wildest dreams that diving would be the profession he would eventually come to champion.
His story to diving glory began with an admission letter to a prominent South African diving school. However, after securing a visa, finances to purchase a ticket were scarce and it appeared the opportunity was about to disappear as speedily as it arose. Mr Okon desperately called on close confidants, seeking to raise sufficient funds for the ticket but no-one was ready to help. Bidding his goodbyes to friends and family in Akwa-Ibom, Christopher made his way to Lagos for his flight, albeit without the finances for the ticket. Before going to the airport, having watched Emmanuel TV on a few occasions, he decided to visit The SCOAN. Standing outside The SCOAN building, he offered a silent, poignant prayer. “God of T.B. Joshua, as I have seen others testify here, grant me my own testimony!” Pulling forth his Anointing Water, he ministered it on his phone and tried calling one of his friends who had previously told him he could not help. This time, the story changed! Required finances were immediately released and several days later, Christopher touched down in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Arriving at the diving school, another challenge arose. The initial complications in travel meant that he arrived late for the course, missing out on some vital lessons. An exam was set for the next day and Mr Okon had zero knowledge on the subject matter before him. Bringing out his Anointing Water, he ministered it on the examination papers, praying for Divine inspiration. He began randomly ticking the multiple-choice questions, using the scarce knowledge he had and relying on divine intervention. The pass mark was 70%; Christopher got 76%! Several months later, he passed with the highest mark in his class and is now a bonafide, professional diver!

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