Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Prophet T.B JoshuaThe Sunday Service of November 16, 2014 was symbolic in many dimensions. The radiation of divine inspiration was so intense that the joyous congregation could not but key into the flowing presence of the hosts of Heaven. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua reiterated the church’s affectionate stance regarding the martyrs of faith who ascended in the tragic incident of September 12, 2014. In an emotion-laden tribute, composed by Prophet T.B. Joshua and featuring Kimmy Skota, the man of God celebrated the martyrs of faith for their transition to eternal glory. Wearing a white scarf with the inscription “IN HONOUR OF THE MARTYRS OF FAITH”, the man of God urged the congregation to remain steadfast in their display of love and concern for the victims and their families: TRIBUTERemember your duty to the martyrs of faith’s relations and victim’s relations; it will go a long way to bless our future. It is a revelation. Caring and loving the martyr’s of faith and victims’ relations is caring for ourselves. So, it is a blessing. Our caring and love towards the martyrs of faith and victims’ relations will go a long way to care for our future. The love and care towards them will reshape our destiny”.
Exhorting the congregation to be wary of satan’s tricky antics, the man of God also admonished them to maintain an unmovable faith in God as that is the only guarantee to their intimacy with God. According to him, the more they think less of themselves, the more their lives are controlled by God: It is not about me, it is just about Jesus. If more of Jesus takes over your life, you will have no control of yourself – He will take control of you. Take more of me give me more of You. More of Him will help you to keep your purity. When you keep your purity, your faith increases. When you are able to keep your purity, your faith increases”. He highlighted the importance of the Faith Bracelet and the urgency as well as the enormity of the Christian’s dire need for Jesus: “What makes us Christian? We are Christian because we live, do and act the word. That is what makes us Christians. When you know how much you need Him indeed, your relationship will be strengthened”.
WM HARRYEarlier in a message titled, “Do Something New”, Wise Man Harry had taken the congregation on an intellectual as well as spiritual excursion into the Word. His teaching was multi-dimensionally edifying as it urged Christians to rethink their conservative and monotonous approach to living. According to him, only those who do things differently are guaranteed of different and great results. If you want to experience something that no one has ever experienced before, you need to do something that no one has ever done before. There is no way we can do something new in our lives without an independent mind. Ezekiel 36:26-27 – “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws”. Many of us today, are mere photocopies. For instance, when you want to dance, you look for the best dancer so that you can copy him. When you want to do business, you move around the market to know the products that are selling most. When you want to pray, you look for the best prayer book, so that you can read the prayer that fits you”. Wise Man Harry observed that most of the mess the world is faced with came as a result of a stereotypical lifestyle in which people just prefer to copy others rather than do things independently. He urged Christians to keep an independent mind if they want to achieve different results and make impact on their generation: “Everyone copies his neighbour. Anyone can be a president but it is God that chooses a president with a difference; I mean, one that becomes a torch bearer. There are many kings and queens today, but only God can raise a king or a queen with a difference. To make a difference in your world, you need an independent mind. An independent mind is a mind that thinks for itself, a mind that is determined to find out the truth from God”. Wise Man Harry concluded by encouraging Christians to rise up to the occasion by thinking independently and position themselves for unprecedented results.

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