Tuesday, December 16, 2014


The church service of Sunday, November 9, 2014, witnessed the usual ambience of an overflow of members who came in high expectations to receive answers to their different prayers from the throne of grace. The choir lifted the spirits of the congregants with soul-edifying songs of worship; the melodic blend of the choristers’ acoustic voices with the symphony of accompanying instruments created a rich melody that preceded the message of the day as presented by Prophet T.B. Joshua.DADDY
The man of God focused on the mystery of faith and its power to transform a Christian’s life and uplift them to the realm of grace. According to him, “Faith is a spiritual force that grows and develops in the heart or spirit of man. Romans 10:17 says, ‘Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.’ This means, faith originates with God. Faith is not in ourselves. If faith is in ourselves, faith will be weak. Faith is not in apostles but faith originates with God. The more we look at God’s Word, look to God, the more we will have faith. What does this mean to you? This means, spontaneously, naturally, faith comes”.
While admonishing the congregation on the need to develop faith, he observed that it is only when their hearts are focused on the Word of God that faith would thrive and work wonders. He noted that the heart of man is often overtaken by other thoughts that ordinarily should not compete for space with God who owns everything including our hearts: “There is a conflict between light and darkness in our heart. For example, what many are saying, “When will church close today? This is six o clock; tomorrow is Monday, I am going to work”. You keep talking to yourself. All this is going on in your heart and at the same time, God wants to live in your heart. All that you are saying has nothing to do with God. God cannot be a tenant in your heart; He should take over your heart. In the same heart, faith needs to be developed but a lot of things are going on there”.
Referring to the Faith Bracelet as a tool to help in meditating on God’s Word, the man of God encouraged the congregation to count with their hands and talk to God with their hearts in order to checkmate the dubious activities of satan. “You need to be in an attitude of prayer all the time. A break in prayer is a break with God”.
Speaking further, the man of God enlightened the congregation on the dual-nature of life. According to him, life is all about falling and rising. He observed that in falling, there is always a lesson learnt that will be to the advantage of the person. He further maintained that a Christian’s faith in God is usually tested to see if he can handle the coming glory: “Life is all about falling and rising; it is not smooth. You fall and you rise again. If anybody tells you that life is all about rising, they are deceiving themselves. You rise and fall and learn a lesson from it. That is what makes you strong. If you don’t know what it takes to be condemned and you are being praised everywhere, how will you manage the blessing?”
The man of God concluded his message with a call to the congregation to increase their faith by meditating on the Word of God always as that can enhance their ability to win every battle as long as they fight from within their hearts: “To increase your faith, keep your purity. How do we keep our purity? By meditating on God’s Word day and night. Meditate on God’s Word day and night and whatever you do prospers. This (Faith Bracelet) will help you to meditate on God’s Word day and night. Any battle that is not fought in the heart but on the outside, you cannot win it. But the problem we are having today is that we don’t fight the battle in the heart but on the outside”.
Later in the service, there was mass prayer, in which Prophet Τ.Β. Joshua led the congregation in powerful prayer points:
All spirits operating through your mouth, eyes, nose, faculties – begin to command them out!
Begin to command out all religious spirits in your life – spirit of unbelief, heresy, error, in the name of Jesus Christ!
The congregation prayed along with the man of God with so much energy and are expectant of His wonder-working hand upon their situations and lives generally.
Earlier in the Sunday service Wise Man Daniel had spoken explicitly on the biblical concept of confession. In a message titled, YOU CANNOT RISE ABOVE YOUR CONFESSION, he delved into the power of Christian confession: “Christianity is the Great Confession. And the law of confession says, “I confess I have a thing before I consciously possess it.” This clearly shows that, what you speak with your mouth and then believe in your heart becomes a visible reality in this natural world as long as you constantly hold fast to your confession of faith”.
Citing the Book of Romans 10:9–10, Wise Man Daniel expatiated on the true definition of faith from a Christian perspective: “This scripture tells us that believing is a part of salvation just as confession is a part of salvation. Confession is saying what God has said in His Word; it is saying the same thing the Scripture has said; it is simply agreeing with God. With the heart, man believes unto salvation. That is, man’s heart acts on the Word and then drives the lips to confess. Remember, faith is of man’s heart, not of man’s mind or body”.
In his conclusion, the Wise Man urged Christians to endeavour to confess God’s Word so that He will bring it to pass in their lives. According to him, “If you confess that the Lord will not leave you or abandon you in whatever situation you find yourself, then you will possess the very presence of God in every step you take. Therefore, as a Christian, hold fast to your confession of faith. To hold fast to your confession of faith is to say what God has said over and over, until the thing desired in your heart and promised in His Word is fully manifested. With this, you will agree with me that your life will always go to the level of your confession. I mean, YOU CANNOT RISE ABOVE YOUR CONFESSION”.
In confirmation of God’s presence at The SCOAN and His wonderful works through His servant Prophet T.B. Joshua, more and more people have been sharing their testimonies to the glory of the Almighty God. The following are some of the testimonies that will inspire us to put all our faith in God and enjoy the goodness of His mercies. Emmanuel!

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