Monday, December 15, 2014


Sunday November 23, 2014 was another great day to witness the manifestation of God’s power at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations. As usual the church auditorium was filled to the brim with all the overflows surging with a multitude of people who came to tap from the flowing glory of God. The choir, with their inspiring renditions created the right atmosphere for the power and presence of God to radiate all corners of the church and beyond.
The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua delivered a short but very deep and incisive message, emphasising that the Word of God is unquantifiable and useful for the spiritual growth of man. No matter how small or short, the Word of God can perform wonders. He said that when a ministry is led by the Holy Spirit, the apostolic gifts will be exercised. Indeed, there is no other source of connecting with God other than through the power of faith. And Prophet T.B. Joshua said, “When you have faith, you would see beyond the situation at hand”. He saluted the faith of the congregants, especially foreigners who left their various countries to visit The SCOAN.

Prophet T.B. Joshua in furtherance of exercising the apostolic gifts moved to the Prayer Line where he said he had to go to attend to the sick in fulfilment of the promises of God to His people – “I am the Lord that healeth thee…I sent my Word and healed your disease…”. At the Prayer Line, the man of God laid hands on many sick and afflicted and to the glory of God, they received their healing and deliverance instantly.
Wise Man Christopher had earlier on delved into the scripture to give a very thoughtful message titled God’s Response. Knowing that the entire universe is embroiled in one anarchy or the other, Christians themselves are not free from the unpleasantness of certain ugly and discouraging situations that require God’s intervention. But Wise Man Christopher admonishes Christians not to think that God isn’t there: God does not delay to take quick action when His children are passing through life threatening situations orchestrated by satan and his agents. This is because God knows that if He delays to take quick action when His children are passing through life threatening situations orchestrated by satan and his agents, then, Christianity in this world would be eradicated. And what use would Christ’s victory over satan on the Cross of Calvary be to us – God’s children”?
Citing the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, he urged the congregation to always hand over their challenges or situations unto God, explaining that, God responds when Christians see their challenges as His: “When Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego were facing hard times orchestrated by satan and his agents, they saw their situation as a mere challenge to God and that was why they did not instruct God which way to go. They simply left all to God and let Him glorify His name. That is, they simply left all to God and let Him respond to their situation. To them, responding to their situation themselves or asking God for specific needs would amount to limiting Him to certain answers. So, they said nothing in defense of themselves but simply left it to God to establish their integrity. God, in whom they trusted, rescued them and truly preserved their lives by a miracle.
Concluding, Wise Man Christopher implored the congregation to increase their faith by remaining holy and making the word of God their best companion through meditation: “How do you increase your faith? To increase your faith, please, keep your purity. To keep your purity, meditate on God’s Word day and night and do what the Word says. When you meditate on God’s Word day and night and do what the Word says, whatever you do will prosper”.

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