Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Mrs Nweke and her husband came to testify to the transforming goodness of God in their lives. Mrs Nweke was into business for many years. She travelled to the four corners of the earth buying and selling, importing and exporting. Her business focus shifted from African clothing to executive suits and bags to textiles and even fish. Despite her extensive travels, all efforts to maintain her resources proved useless. The money she received would go as fast as it came in and she found herself unable to give account of what she had. The frustration and setback reached a point where she decided to return to Nigeria and seek for a divine solution. When she first visited The SCOAN, to say she was broke was a gross understatement. She had reached wits end.
Privileged to receive the Anointing Water, she decided to pray with it in faith, believing for a total transformation of her life. She returned to Delta state and soon heard that there was a vacancy for the federal position of President of Market Men and Women Association, Delta State Chapter. To her utmost shock and joy, she was selected to fill this position. Last week, a splendid inauguration ceremony was held for her with invitation cards and customized bags to honour the occasion. Displaying her medal, rosette and letter of appointment, Mrs Nweke could not find words to express her happiness. After her appointment, she has started receiving calls from people she had not heard from in years from all over the world. She has a vision and plan for a modern well-equipped warehouse as an encouragement to support the grassroots in society to buy privately and sell in their respective markets. Her advice was: “In this life, there will be grievous thorns poking you and provoking you but do not be disturbed. Keep running the straight race with God and He will surely reward you, in Jesus’ name.”

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