Tuesday, December 16, 2014


The atmosphere was electric as usual and the ambience created by the choir’s edifying renditions created a holy aroma in the entire congregation. The zest of expectation was vividly written on the faces of the congregants who joined the choir in delivering soul-lifting pieces to the glory of His name.
Amidst the charged atmosphere in The SCOAN cathedral, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua calmly walked to the altar and amplified the topic of the day: “You will never succeed in whatever you are doing unless you believe and you can never believe in any business or whatever you are doing unless it is your dream and your goal – your destiny, what you are destined to do. When you are doing what you are destined to do, even though you pass through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no one. But if you are not doing what you are destined to do, the shadow will quench you.”

According to the man of God, whose sermon centred on DESTINY, it is only our God-given dreams and talents that will stand the test of time. In other words, it is only when we are operating within our divine calling that we may be able to make progress because God had ordained it: “Hear what the Bible says, No trouble or tribulation can seize, stop, consume you except what is common to man. You will never succeed in any job, in anything you are doing unless you believe in that thing. How will you believe in a thing that is not your destiny? You are not destined to be an accountant and you doing the work of an accountant, you are not destined to be a pastor and you are doing the work of a pastor- that situation will crash you, you will be finished and your history will be gone”.

The man of God admonished the congregation about living fake and borrowed lives. According to him, people who try to do what others are doing will fail unless it is their destiny. His sermon laid bare the wrongness in many Christian lives which has become more of a competition rather than living out God’s divine purpose. He made particular reference to marriage, which he said has been misconceived by many people: “Marriage has become competition, running a race – this is why marriages crumble today. There are divorces everywhere, all over the world. Competition has come; crisis has come to the house. Today, marriage seems to be competition whereas it is supposed to be cooperation. In the same vein, Christianity too is co-operation, not competition”.
After nourishing the soul of the congregation with his spiritually wholesome message, the man of God proceeded to the Prayer Line where he laid hands on many who needed healing and deliverance and to the glory of God, there were great testimonies of healing and deliverance from age-long afflictions.
Citing the biblical example of Job and how he lost all his earthly possessions and yet remained faithful to God, Wise Man Harry observed that the death of a believer was not his end but a transition to a higher glory: “…Christians do not die, they are transmuted; they do not cease to be, but they are only removed from one world to another”.
He concluded by urging Christians to make Jesus Christ their source so that whether they die or live, they can say “I AM READY TO MEET HIM”.

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